1.4 (Wide Beta) Some new stuff for you :) Bugs fixed: * You can now run this on nodes greater than 9. New limit? 999. * Unlimited gold cheat with the Innkeeper FIXED. Go ahead, I DARE you to try it now! * Various minor spelling/grammer changes. New Features: * RIP GRAPHICS!!!! * Times out if the player doesn't hit any keys for three minutes. 1.0d YES THIS IS A NEW UPDATE! :) RIP coming next version... BUGS fixed: * Spelling errors when you died. How come no one said anything to me? * No more TIME errors (go into VOTP with 30 minutes, spend 25 minutes in there, come out with 30 minutes). Sorry. :) * Now PCBoard compatible. (Why Seth changed all the spellings in DDPLUS I'll never know). * Names that are spaces now accepted (both first and last). New Features: * The Witch isn't quite so stingy with her gold anymore. * Items regenerate faster in the Wizard's hut now. (Up to five items can generate up to 10 each). * Items are now more expensive in the Wizard's hut now. :) Sorry. 1.0c Yet ANOTHER update! BUGS fixed: * Pressing ` by itself no longer locks up the IGM. * No more DIVISION BY ZERO error (RUNTIME ERROR 200 I think) in the Witch's hut. * The bank deposits actually work when you have a loan now. * If you leave a trailing backslash in your lord cfg at the end of the drop file path, the IGM no longer thinks the path is \\. * The random amount added to what Wizard can sell you in a random attribute is now really up to 5, and at least 1. New Features: * You now have a 1 in 5 chance of avoiding the TAXMAN in the unregistered version. :) * You now earn interest on your GOLD and GEMS in the bank if you have at least 10 of each one (Each one earns interest independant of the other). Before, you had to have MORE than 10. * You can now deposit or withdraw from the bank using 1 instead of having to type in the entire amount (Just like LORD). * Now, non DEATH KNIGHTS can enter the Arena and Listen to the warriors, they just can't CHALLENGE them. 1.0b FIX for fix for first release. WOW what a bug! It wouldn't accept dorinfo*.def drop files from LORD. Do you know how many people use dorinfo*.def? I do, they all wrote to me. :) BUGS fixed: * Fixed the INVALID PARAMETER Error (and also reduced the beeps from 4 to 1, in case something else goes wrong). * Did major work on both the Wizard's Hut and the Witch's Hut. The prices should be quite different now. * Fixed the "I tipped the Innkeeper a LOT of gold and he didn't say anything" bug. You can now tip him as much as you want. :) New Features: * The Gems and Gold in the bank now earn interest, 10% a day as long as the balance is greater than 10. * The Taxman now takes LESS than before in the unregistered version. Thought I'd cut you guys a break. :) * The first time each day that a user enters the door, a random amount up to 5 will be added to how much the Wizard can sell you in on random attribute. 1.0a FIX for first release. WOW what a bug! After seeing what was causing it, cannot for the life of me understand how it ran on the computers it DID run on. BUGS fixed: * The dreaded RUNTIME ERROR 006 and RUNTIME ERROR 100 which were both cause by my lack of forethought. Sorry. :) * Removed SETUP from PHOENIX.EXE and made it into it's own executable. * Changed the format of PLAYERS.PHE and added UPDATE.EXE to fix old files. * If you defeat the dragon and are reset, the gold and gems you have stored in the BANK aren't lost. This imbalances the game. * Buying and selling sometimes had negative values. * Fixed the "Can't enter [Y/N] when buying/selling" in the Wizard's and Witch's Huts. * You could deposit or withdraw negative values in the bank. * Corrected MANY spelling errors. New Features: * If you have MASTERED (and I don't mean part way) a skill than you can enter that skills special area even if you now belong to a different skill. Thanks to Joe DeRouen who suggested the idea. 1.0 First release. Works fine on my computer and my beta tester's computers. POSSIBLE FUTURE VERSIONS: 2.0 If I ever get the time to make an entire new version, this is what it'll look like. It will also be MUCH bigger (We're talking BIG overlay here). It will also probably cost more. (Come on, don't you think it's worth it?). The old reg codes will still work though. New Features: * RIP menus and graphics (definitely the menus, not sure about the graphics). {V1.5} * More things to do in the places that already exist (Giving horses away in the Stables, more things to do in the Tavern, etc). * Have multiple warriors for each level in the Arena, say 5 or 6, with different strength's and weaknesses. (That's about 60-72 warriors) * Add LOTS more things for Thieves to do. (More businesses to steal from, steal from other players, poison other players, things like that.) * Add AsaMaro the Wizard (Though this will probably be a new IGM by itself instead) * More ways to gamble away your gold in the gambling hall. Looking at Blackjack/Poker as possibilities, as well as a graphical game for RIP users. {Added ROCK/PAPER/SCISSORS in v1.5} * More places to go, more complex a map (I know, less EASE of play, but hey I'm the author here and I want a complex map!) with hidden areas. * CLEAN MODE OFF places to go, if you know what I mean. * More announcements in the daily news. * Advanced mail writing routines (Mass mail, mailing lists, mail to Death Knights Only, mail to people who have mastered Thieving, mail to people whose name starts with DK, multiples of these, etc). * More interaction with the non-playing characters. * Random events. * Add more options to the SETUP.EXE program, more variables to edit. (ie, how much certain things should cost etc; Which options during the game should NOT be allowed) * Add a PLAYERS.PHE editor.