------------------- The Arabic Tutor(TM) version 2.0 ----- ------------------- (c) 1994-95 Abed Khooli --------------- ------------------- alquds@oregon.uoregon.edu ----------- -------------- http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~alquds ------ -------------------- ReadMe.First ----------------------- The Arabic Tutor is a PC Windows software that teaches Arabic. It features a user-friendly interface and a 'point and click' sound. Version 2.0 allows you to record your own voice, and includes a powerful,standard Windows help system (searchable) among other features. It also has extra games. System requirements: a PC running Windows 3.1 or later, 4 MB RAM, 15 MB HD, VGA or better display, 3.5" drive, mouse and a sound card. To install the demo version of The Arabic Tutor, download the demo (.zip) file and PKUnzip it (use 2.04g or later) to a 1.44 MB floppy, then run the setup.exe program from Windows' Program Manager by choosing File|Run|a:\setup (or b:\setup). The file "vbrun300.dll" which usually resides in WINDOWS\SYSTEM was not included in the demo archive file - mainly to save download time. Also, it is almost on every PC. If you don't have it (it is required!), you may download it from any BBS or FTP archive. Of course, the file is included in the full version. This demo has sound in the summary part only. to record your voice, click on the letter/word you want to practice then press r (or R). The buttons are self explanatory and your practice will not be saved. The 'Try Again' button is useful - use it! If you can't record, go to your soundcard's software and try to record from there. The most common problems are: the mic. is off, it is plugged in the 'line' or 'headphone' port, mixer controls for recording at minimum and the wiring of your sound card requires a high impedance mic- rophone (the lowest I tested successfully was a 200 Ohm, some mic's need adapters for polarity). See Help for details. * For orders, please contact your software dealer (see Help|About) * Dealers/site licensing etc.: see Help| About. You may distribute this demo freely provided you include this file with it and do not change any other file. If distributed on disk, the label should indicate the copyright clearly. ------------------------- End ---------------------------