________________________________________________________________________ Visit Our Web Page! http://www.cris.com/~Xenozoid/ComicBkNet.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ / THE \ \C O M I C/ Issue #28 This publication is brought to you \B O O K/ by the active participants of \N E T/ Monday the international center for \ / September 25th comic book discussion, the Comic *E-Mag* 1995 Book Net. !!! Editors: Ryan Brewster Network Administration: Mike Imboden Mike Imboden Ed Dukeshire David Leblanc Bobb Waller Special thanks to our many contributors! Walter Tietjen ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The Bullpen ........................... Ryan Brewster [2] DC and Marvel Crossover!!! ............ DC Comics Press Releases [3] CSNsider #433.......................... W. Batty & C. Biggers [4] Pressing the Issue .................... Ronald-Thomas Fleming [5] Parting Shot .......................... Jacob Greenberg [6] Suspended Animation ................... Michael Vance [7] Recent Reads & Random Thoughts ........ William Hughes [8] Comic Comments ........................ John Keady [9] New Comics 9/25/95 .................... Bobb Waller [10] Splash Page ........................... Various [11] CBN Conference Totals ................. Net Admin Team [12] Join in the Fun! [13] BBSes Linked into CBN [14] E-Mag Info ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The Bullpen by Ryan Brewster Welcome to yet another issue of the Comic Book Net E-Mag! You will notice that this issue is slightly smaller than normal... this is because the latest issues have been so huge that they may be... TOO big? I don't know... One reason the recent issues of the E-Mag have been so huge is because I have added so many LISTS to it. Some lists, like the Late Comics Report, are EXTREMELY helpful (to me anyways), but don't change too often. In order to streamline the e-mag a bit, I will simply include the Late Comics Report once a _month_ instead of once a _week_. Another list we normally have in each issue is the CBN Growth Chart. Again, while I will continue to keep you updated in this area, I will just do so less often. In this way, the e-mag can become a bit more readable without you readers having to pg-down and pg-up and stuff just to find the stuff you _want_ to read. If anybody has _any_ complaints, no matter how small, let me know! If you don't like the direction the mag's taking, LET ME KNOW! This e-mag is here to show you a bit of what the Comic Book Net's like, so we want to show you what YOU want to see! Other than that, this issue really has a lot of neat content. Jacob Greenberg debuts his new column this week, Parting Shot. Check it out, it's great fun! Also, we continue with our other regular columns including new installments of William Hughes & John Keady's review columns! Best, --Ry Editor The Comic Book Net E-Mag Xenozoid@cris.com ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2] DC and Marvel Cross Over! DC COMICS AND MARVEL COMICS SUPER HEROES FACE-OFF IN ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN-- AND READERS GET TO PICK THE WINNERS. New York, NY, September 20, 1995 -- Is Batman stronger than Captain America? Could The Incredible Hulk defeat Superman? After more than thirty years of heated debate an unprecedented collision of the Marvel Comics and DC Comics universes will allow readers to decide which comic book heroes will emerge victorious in a head-to-head showdown. In a four issue series from the country's two largest comic book publishers entitled "DC Versus Marvel/Marvel versus DC," fans will finally get to witness -- and vote on -- the outcomes of the most earthshattering battles in the long and illustrious history of these American icons. Tho four-month heart-stopping action begins this December 1. Readers will decide the fate of five Super Hero matches. Batman versus Captain America, Superman versus The Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man versus Superboy, Wonder Woman versus Storm, and Wolverine versus Lobo. Ballots will be available to the public beginning in November in a free special preview issue and voting will continue in comic book stores and on-line systems nationwide. Fans will also be able to vote via ballots packaged in a set of "Marvel versus DC/DC versus Marvel" trading cards from Skybox International. "What I'm happiest about is that once and for all the world will get a chance to see that the DC characters are the coolest," claims Mike Carlin, Executive Editor, DC Comics "Not to mention that they can kick butt with the best of them!" "Every comic book reader knows that Marvel heroes can lick any three DC heroes with their hands tied behind their back," retorts Mark Gruenwald, Editor-in-Chief, Marvel Universe Group, Marvel Comics. "They also crack funnier jokes while they're doing it!" The first issue of the four-part series will pit the company's most visible characters against each other, setting the stage for an eagerly awaited showdown. One of the initial storylines will take flight when a mysterious phenomenon plucks Spider-Man out of his fair city and transports him face to face with Batman's arch enemy, The Joker. The confused Super Hero, then finds his way to Metropolis, where he lands a job at Lois Lane and Clark Kent's hometown newspaper, The Daily Planet. Marvel and DC each publish two installments of the four titles, which will be presented in 48-page issues. As the series unfolds throughout the months of January, February and March, six other battles will take place including. Flash versus Quicksilver, Shazam versus Thor, Sub-Mariner versus Aquaman, Silver Surfer versus Green Lantem, Robin versus Jubilee, and Catwoman versus Elektra. BATMAN, SUPERMAN, SUPERBOY, WONDER WOMAN, LOBO, FLASH, SHAZAM, AQUAMAN, GREEN LANTERN, ROBIN, CATWOMAN, THE JOKER, The Daily Planet, Lols Lane, Clark Kent and all related characters and indicia are trademarks of DC Comics, Copyright 1995. All rights reserved. SPIDER-MAN, CAPTAIN AMERICA, THE INCREDIBLE HULK, STORM, WOLVERINE, QUICKSILVER, THOR, SUB MARINER, SILVER SURFER, JUBILEE, ELEKTRA and all related characters and indicia are trademarks of Marvel Comics, Copyright 1995. Ail rights reserved. SUPER HERO Is a trademark co-owned by DC Comics and Marvel Comics. All rights reserved. Transmitted: 95-09-19 17:50:28 EDT (dcmprs) You thought it could never happen. We're gonna prove you wrong. DC VERSUS MARVEL They meet...at last! And YOU decide the outcome! The battle readers have asked for and dreamed about, wished for and speculated upon, demanded but never expected, finally happens as Marvel and DC rock the comics industry with possibly the biggest event in its history. DC VERSUS MARVEL (from DC Comics) and MARVEL VERSUS DC (from Marvel Comics) is the first all-out, full-scale, total blowout meeting of the DC and Marvel Universes - a cosmic tale of worlds colliding, realities intertwining, and heroes clashing across a dozen fronts! And because comics readers of all ages have for decades argued "Who would win?" Marvel and DC are making sure every reader can be part of the excitement, providing comic book specialty stores with the means for the general public to determine the outcome of this explosive rivalry. DC VERSUS MARVEL/MARVEL VERSUS DC is a 4-issue copublished miniseries in which two estranged entities conflict when the fragile wall separating their realities fractures. In the first two issues, as heroes and villains cross over from each dimension into the other, the celestial beings begin a strange and deadly cosmic chess game to determine whose universe is more powerful - and essential. Pitting their living pawns against each other in contests of wills and power, the entities bring about battles that readers always believed were impossible: FLASH VS. QUICKSILVER! THOR VS. SHAZAM! ROBIN VS. JUBILEE! SUB-MARINER VS. AQUAMAN! GREEN LANTERN VS. SILVER SURFER! ELEKTRA VS. CATWOMAN! Following a tense series of shattering preliminary bouts between these champions and others, the pivotal battles are fought in issue #3, where the major stars of each universe clash in the Main Event: BATMAN VS. CAPTAIN AMERICA! HULK VS. SUPERMAN! SUPERBOY VS. SPIDER-MAN! WOLVERINE VS. LOBO! WONDER WOMAN VS. STORM! But the outcome of these five fights is left for YOU to decide, as readers vote in advance of issue #3 for the winner of each of the five battles! Every comic book specialty store will become a polling place for the Main Event, using promotional tools supplied by DC and Marvel. These decisive showdowns - and the unbelievable, mind-blowing events that follow - are certain to be the talk of the comics industry for years to come. Each issue of DC VERSUS MARVEL/MARVEL VERSUS DC features at least thirty-two pages of story, plus backup features such as Marvel Universe/DC WHO'S WHO-style pages to bring newcomers up-to-date on all the important players. Artist Dan Jurgens (SUPERMAN, Spider-Man, ZERO HOUR), one of the pencillers on the miniseries, summed up the event this way: "This may be the coolest thing I've ever worked on! It's what my friends and I used to dream about when we were 14, but never believed would actually happen. I called Mike Carlin just to thank him for offering me this gig. It's an incredible amount of fun." The other creative powerhouses assembled to execute this incredible crossover miniseries are writer Ron Marz (GREEN LANTERN/SILVER SURFER) on issues #1 and #3, and writer Peter David (Incredible Hulk, AQUAMAN) on issues #2 and #4. The two art teams of Jurgens and inker Josef Rubinstein (SUPERMAN); and, penciller Claudio Castellini (cover artist of Fantastic Four Unlimited, Cosmic Powers Unlimited) and inker Paul Neary (Excalibur) share the art chores on all four issues. DC VERSUS MARVEL # 1 and #4 are offered by DC Comics. MARVEL VERSUS DC #2 and #3 will be offered by Marvel Comics. In addition, SkyBox and Fleer are producing two exciting trading card series that tie into DC VERSUS MARVEL/MARVEL VERSUS DC, spotlighting the key participants and events in the miniseries. The first trading card series ships December 13 to coincide with DC VERSUS MARVEL #1; the second is scheduled to ship on February 27. In the first card set, we get Clark Kent's thoughts on what's going on in the Marvel Universe, while Peter Parker brings his perspective to the DC Universe. Featuring exquisite painted art as well as spectacular line art, the full-color trading cards showcase the work of some of the most talented and popular artists in the business, including Julie Bell, John Byrne, Dave Dorman, Joe Jusko, Barry Kitson, Joe Quesada, Darick Robertson, Boris Vallejo, and many others. For more information, see the SkyBox solicitation. Plus, DC is offering the DC VERSUS MARVEL RETAIL POSTER, a special oversized, 27" x 40" 4-color poster that captures the essence of this extraordinary event. Illustrated by Jurgens and Rubinstein, the poster features some of the greatest heroes from each universe in the slugfest of the century. The poster ships December 19 and carries a suggested retail price of $7.95 U.S. Marvel will offer a MARVEL VERSUS DC RETAIL POSTER, scheduled to ship February 27. DC Universe Executive Editor Mike Carlin said, "This is it __ every reader's chance to show the world DC's heroes are the coolest, most powerful heroes who've ever walked the Earth!" Marvel Universe Editor-in-Chief Mark Gruenwald replied, "That Mike __ such a kidder! Everyone knows any one Marvel super-hero can beat any three DC super-heroes...and crack better jokes while doing it! Fans will bear me out on this!" DC VERSUS MARVEL/MARVEL VERSUS DC is a 4-issue intercompany crossover miniseries in the Miraweb Format, edited by Mark Gruenwald and Mike Carlin. Each issue is 48 pages. Issue #1 ships from DC Comics December 12 with a cover price of $3.95 U.S. HOW TO VOTE: Readers vote either at comic book specialty stores, by e-mail, or online, in each case using official ballots obtained at your local comics shop in: The DC VERSUS MARVEL/MARVEL VERSUS DC CONSUMER PREVIEW; DC VERSUS MARVEL #1; Every pack of the first set of Fleer/Skybox trading cards; Issues of selected comic book and gaming trade magazines. Transmitted: 95-09-19 17:39:00 EDT (dcmprdpc) DC VERSUS MARVEL /MARVEL VERSUS DC America Online Auditorium Event #1 Tuesday, December 14th at 9:00 PM ET. Join DAN JURGENS , one of the pencillers of DC VERSUS MARVEL #1 for the first in a series of special DC COMICS ONLINE auditorium appearances to discuss the crossover series. Dan will be joining us on Thursday, December 14th at 9:00 PM ET. Watch for many exciting DC VS MARVEL/MARVEL VS DC events in the coming months. Transmitted: 95-09-20 17:04:49 EDT (aaabpko2) ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3] CSNsider #433 by W. Batty & C. Biggers This is the CSNsider #433, which will be in shops on 10/5/95. Groo fans shed a tear: it appears that the long-running series by Sergio Aragones and Mark Evanier is coming to an end in the near future. Aragones isn't quitting comics, though; he has plans for a possible Rufferto miniseries and other series (including, perhaps, the return of Magnor?)... Entity Comics has met with such success with its game-disks polybagged with recent comic releases that the company is creating a software game divisioin; their first releases will include Doom: Knee Deep in the Dead, Heretic, City of the Damned, One Must Fall 2097, and Terminal Velocity, and will be sold at bargain prices. Initial releases will be in IBM format only, but Mac games are on the way... Veronica becomes Miss Vanity, the newest Riverdale superhero, in Archie's Superteens #4... The Phoenix Resurrection story that launches in November will pave the way for a new Marvel/Malibu crossover even in December; this series will guest-star the X-Men in conjunction the the Ultraverse's ultraheroes in a par of 48-page crossover titles... And speaking of crossovers, Rune tangles with Venom in a special one-shot slated for December release... The new Dark Horse GI Joe series will be written by Mike W. Barr and illustrated by Tatsuya Ishida, who first attracted fan attention for his work at Entity Comics and Dark Horse's Godzilla... And speaking of GI Joe, Kenner has said that they will advertise the new Dark Horse comics title on national television (remember what happened the last time they did this for the Marvel series?)... Licensing talks are underway to bring Fox's Space series to comics, but talks are proceeding slowly to give publishers a chance to see how the series clicks with viewers first... And it looks like reports of Babylon 5's comics demise may have been premature; there are reports that a new deal has been reached to continue the comic book series and tie it in more closely with events in the syndicated tv series... Response to the upcoming Aeon Flux trade paperback has been so strong that talks are underway concerning an Aeon Flux ongoing comic book series... And is it true that Walter Walter Mosley's detective hero of Devil In a Blue Dress and other novels, Easy Rawlins, may be coming to comics in 1996?... Warp Graphics reports that fan response to their impending October return to black and white has been so positive that they'll be taking the entire line to black and white on a regular basis beginning in November; two months later, every Elfquest title graduates to monthly status... Terry LaBan has written the initial story arc for The Dreaming, the new spinoff title slated to replace Sandman in the Vertigo line; LaBan will also be doing his own series, The Unseen Hand, for Vertigo; he describes it as "an action adventure conspiracy opera"... Verotik reports that Deathdealer #1 has sold out of an 80,000 copy print run; a second printing priced at $6.95 is slated for mid-October release... And Verotik also passes along the news that negotiations are underway for the production of a Satanika OAV in the very near future... CSN #433 features Cross from Dark Horse Comics on the cover as well as more news and October Hot Picks. We've added over 50 new shops that carry CSN starting in October so if your shop doesn't carry it, keep after them; it's working! The CSNsider is only a tiny part of each issue, so don't miss out, grab your copy today. The CSNsider is now available via e-mail! In order to subscribe to CSNsider, send a message to majordomo@redweb.com. with a single line message saying: SUBSCRIBE csnsider Visit our website: http://www.actwin.com/csn/ (c)1995 CSN, Inc. wardo@netdepot.com cliffbig@netdepot.com ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4] Pressing the Issue, by Ronald-Thomas Fleming The recent celebration of DARK HORSE PRESENTS #100 and the excitement surrounding that milestone show that the anthology format still has some life in it. In small press the same applies, but even more so. Small press anthologies are not only thriving, but this genre offers the chance to view some of the brightest stars in small press not seen elsewhere. Steve Keeter has been doing his zine SKEETS FAN FORUM for years, but he has come out with a massively huge comic called MANTRAZONE ($2.00, 513 N. Summerlin Avenue, Orlando, FL 32803). Mainstream comics may not have many bargains, but this is a prime example of the treasure trove of stuff you can still find in small press. A massive volume, MANTRAZONE features an army of small pressers like Larry Blake, Tim Stiles, Steve Shipley and Mark Thoburn. The price is a steal and the stories are really a deal. Sometimes a comic is so good, it only comes out once a year. Such is the case of Bob Corbys OH, COMICS #8 ($2.50, 2490 Royalwood Drive, Dublin OH 43017). Each year this zine contains a sampling of some of the most talented small pressers around. Looking through this issue, it practically reads like a whos who of small press. Max Ink, Pam Bliss, Tyim Courts, Andre M. Ford and J. Kevin Carrier are a few of the many contributors. Nicely priced this zine is loaded with stories that are all of high quality. This sampling of work also contains contact information and listing of most recent works, so if something catches your eye youll know where to go to get more. A different type of anthology, but fitting in with comics is Jim Kingmans COMIC EFFECT ($3.50, PO Box 2188, Pasadena, CA 91102-2188). Each issue is filled with reviews of mostly older comics, the kind you remember as a kid. There are some more current comics showcased, but it is not the norm. Instead Jim emphasizes the fun in reading comics filling each issue with some real gems covering all genres and years. A real labor of love, COMIC EFFECT is sure to be added to your most wanted list. Recently came across KEYHOLE COMICS (50 cents, 1049 N. Marshfield Avenue, #2R, Chicago, IL 606022) which is just getting going and doing some pretty worthwhile projects. Their goal is to make enjoyable comics through experimentation and exploration of the comic book format. Each issue is a showcase of numerous creators all endeavoring to push the creative envelope to the limit. Overall, I have enjoyed each issue and found the talent to be more than capable of really putting out their best work. Truly a small press showcase for the smaller, less seen, talents in comics. Small press anthologies are a viable way to expose yourself to a whole variety of small press talent. These zines can open doors to seeing the world of small press and perhaps get a glimpse of todays small press talent become tomorrows mainstream stars. (Ronald-Thomas Fleming runs the comics news and information service LEAD BALLOONS on CompuServe and the best way to reach him is at RTFleming@microsoft.com) ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5] A Parting Shot by Jacob Greenberg Hi All. If you haven't already seen my around the net I'm Jacob Greenberg. I've been collecting comics for around 2 1/2 years now. This column will basically be weekly-bi-weekly and will talk about my opinions about the current state of the comic book industry, current trends that I like/dislike and certain reviews that I thought would make nice additions to the column. I like reading Flash, Generation X, X-Man and have just started with Impulse, on the recommendations of some other co-participants of the Comic Book Network. This ends my introduction, if you want to talk comics or you want more per- sonal information about myself, you can find me on the DC and Marvel Chat sections of CBN. I've been a little unhappy with Marvel comics lately because of the constantly rising prices of there books. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an Anti-Marvel extremist or any- thing like that, just a dissatisfied customer. I looked in my box at the local comic store today and saw 2 new $0.99 comics for a couple of my favorite Marvel books: Fantastic 4 Unplugged and Professor Xavier and the X-Men. I think there's also Untold Tales of Spider-Man and I think there's an Avengers one in the works too. Both of these books I've bought, read and enjoyed. And the best part is, they didn't hurt my budget. The high point of these books are, in my opinion, the character development. In one story, we see in-depth character development in Ben Grimm and Susan Richards, the Invisible Woman. I think that the $0.99 price trend is very good for the industry. I've become more interested in both the Fantastic 4 and the X-Men because of these cheap beauties. I recommend anyone who has an extra $1 to spare, get these. Following is a review of the X-Men $0.99 book. Some weeks I may have more reviews. ----------------------------------------------------------- Professor Xavier and the X-Men Price $0.99. Vol. 1 No. 1 Reprinted partially from X-Men #1 This book is a partial reprint of the Uncanny X-Men in there 1st adventure, but from a young Jean Grey's point of view. We start out with her gut-wrenching decision whether going to a school, filled with people like her, is a good idea. Once she gets there we have some interesting comic relief on the part of the Beast and all the intro- ductions. After Jean is late for an early morning Danger Room exercise we find out from Professor Xavier that an evil mutant named Magneto is attacking a military base in Cape Citadel. The X-Men after a pitched battle, of course, defeat him, and all ends well with a happy Jean Grey think- ing that she has found a home. There is also a profile on Cyclops in the last two pages. For $0.99 this was a great deal. Excellent charact- er development for every one of the characters, honestly funny humor and very realistic situations that is more 90's than 60's but the book still retains the innocent app- eal of the early X-Men stories. If you have a buck to spare, don't spend it on pizza, go to your local comic book store and get this book. Story: A- Character Development: A Speed: B- (A little to fast) Art: B Overall Grade: B+ I welcome critiques on this review and this column. You can contact me all over Comic Book Net or at 23:410/1 or at jgreenberg@magsystems.com. See ya next week, Jacob ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [6] Suspended Animation by Michael Vance The great ones are always difficult. Granted, the difficulty in EL GAUCHO doesn't lie in it's art. From anatomy to zoology, this graphic novel is a visual feast beyond criticism. It's muted coloring, common in European comics, is a particular delight. Nor is there much fault in plot, dialog or characterization. There are a few graphic novels that have come this close to approaching the richness in detail associated with prose novels as has EL GAUCHO. This is almost a perfect marriage of word and art. Then, wherein lies this difficulty? EL GAUCHO is a graphic novel by two of Italy's most famous comics artists set at the birth of independence in early nineteenth century Argentina. Revolutionaries seek alliance with the English or French smelling an opportunity to snatch a piece of Spanish territory. The motivations of these two countries are tainted with greed, hypocrisy, and a lust for power. Oho! It's full of plot holes. Nope. The willing and unwilling players in this sweeping political and social drama are a beautiful Irish prostitute, Molly Malone, Tom, an English drummer boy, Matthew the hunchback and an Argentinian girl, Aureliana. So, it's cliched and trite! Easily one of the best comics published in America in this or any other year, EL GAUCHO is highly recommended for adults. Wait! For God's sake man, the difficulty, the difficulty!! It contains brief but graphic nudity, violence and sexual situations. Some will and some won't find these exploitive. EL GAUCHO/142 pages., $28.95 hardcover from NBM Publishing/ written by Hugo Pratt, drawn by Milo Manara. MINIVIEW: Rebel Sword [Dark Horse Comics]. In a Bosnia where everyone is Japanese is either fifteen or eighty-five, battles wage in this fairly well-drawn, barely written war "manga" (Japanese for "it takes three minutes to read"). Brief nudity; violence. Questions? Comments? Have you published a comic you'd like reviewed, or can't find a comic reviewed? Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to 1427 S. Delaware Ave., Tulsa, OK, 74104 (or send your message to mike.imboden@f748.n109.z1.fidonet.org and it will be forwarded for you). (Mr. Vance is a professional writer having written for numerous magazines like CBG, Starlog and Comics Interview. His work has appeared in over 500 newspapers and he's had work published by Comico, Renegade, Innovation and Rip Off Press. SUSPENDED ANIMATION appears in 14 publications reaching 214,000 readers in the U.S., Ireland and Portugal.) ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [7] Recent Reads & Random Thoughts by Bill Hughes This column has taken me so long I kicked around the idea of naming it SORTA RECENTLY READ instead. Windows 95 has been grabbing most of my free time as I wrestle with the new way of doing things... not to mention moving all my files from one machine to another. Anyway, here is the list: STARMAN #12 PREACHER #7 AZRAEL ANNUAL #1 STATIC #28 LEGIONNAIRES #30 BLOOD SYNDICATE #31 SHAZAM #8 SOVEREIGN SEVEN #4 EGYPT #3 OF 6 SUPERMAN: MAN OF TOMORROW #2 SUPERMAN #105 GREEN LANTERN #67 NIGHTWING #2 OF 4 AVENGERS/ULTRAFORCE #1 X-MEN #45 X-FORCE #47 WOLVERINE #94 EXCALIBUR #90 X-MAN #8 FATHER & SON #1 THE JAM #9 MAGNUS ROBOT FIGHTER #59 X-O MANOWAR #53 SOLAR #53 SOLAR #54 SIMPSONS #11 DARK HORSE PRESENTS #100 (4 OF 5) DARK HORSE PRESENTS #100 (5 OF 5) WEAPON ZERO #T-2 GEN 13 #4 MAXX #18 SMALL PRESS: Father & Son by Jeff Nicholson Kitchen Sink $2.75 (b/w) This is my first taste of Jeff Nicholson, and his work came to me highly recommended. The banner, "The Generation Gap ain't what it used to be!" sit atop the title on the cover, and sums up the overall tone of this book. An ultra-conservative father is constantly at wits end when dealing with his super-slacker son. I think both roles are so greatly exaggerated that any attempt to mirror our own times is lost. The satire is supposed to be in examining the differences between the two generations, unfortunately the campy situations that the father and son find themselves in rarely examine their relationship as much as show how little patience or love the father has for his son. The Sarge shows more compassion to Beetle Bailey in the newspaper strips. This is a four issue mini-series, perhaps to guage the audience response before initiating a regular periodical. After this initial taste, I don't think I'd vote for a continued run. The Jam: Urban Adventure by Bernie Mireault Caliber Comics $2.95 (b/w) This is the first issue of The Jam that I've picked up, and I'm not familiar with what the book is about, or who the characters are. Having no previous knowledge of the workings of this book, I'm unsure of what to make of it. Is this a one man anthology? Do these stories continue issue after issue, or are these one-shots for the most part? I was a bit confused by the opening story, called The Jam. It starts out as if it's going to be a reality-based soap opera type tale, and quickly leads into a bed-time story, only to end with Demons from Hell plotting against the main character. I have no idea what is going on!! Still, I really enjoyed the bedtime story, subtitled MAYHEM IN ALPHABET TOWN. It had alot of humour and held my interest thruout the six pages it took in the book. The rest of the tale however, felt a bit befuddled, although I'm willing to chalk that up to a lack of background on my part. The second tale, called ELI was a bit bizarre, and had a David Mazzuchelli quality to it. (It was actually done by Luc Giard) And YOUNG GORDON: THE DOG was funny, although certainly not original, we've seen the same gag before. All in all, THE JAM makes a mixed first impression. I would probably pick up a book that had the humour of MAYHEM again, but if that was the exception and the rest was the norm, I'll probably pass. In any case, I'll have to pick up at least one more issue to find out. INDEPENDENTS: Magnus: Robot Fighter #59 Giffen/Kobasic/DeCarlo $2.50 (color) I'm not sure where Giffen is taking this book, it's certainly better than it had been before he came on board, but I think I've had enough. This title doesn't seem as though it will ever recapture the magic it had in the first thirty issues or so. I'll probably hang on until the bitter end, since it's being cancelled soon and going into the mini-series format, but I won't be posting Random Thoughts on this title unless it's a drastic improvement. SIMPSONS COMICS #11 FALLEN FLANDERS Morrison/Glasberg/Gladden/Bavington $2.25 (color) I expected this issue to be alot funnier, with The Evil version of Flanders and all, but it felt rushed, they just breezed thru what promised to be the best part of the story, when Flanders is actually "bad." I haven't read the back up story yet, so maybe there is hope, but I think the Bongo line is losing the spark that made them so interesting at first. The Radioactive Man Special was a dud a few months ago, and now the Simpson books aren't what they used to be. I may have a few open spaces where this line used to reside on my pull list... SOLAR #53 & 54 THE HUMAN FACTOR (parts one and two) Jurgens/Grindberg/Giordano December `95 (both) $2.50 each (color) With Jurgens on the book this title has become mildly interesting again. I liked this storyline, except for the forced addition of The Marauder's sexuality every other page. Hey Jurgens, I get the point, he's gay! No need to mention it every time the character is on the page. I mean, it be just as annoying to have "Y'know, he's heterosexual!" appear every other page as well. What's the relevence, other than the fact that he apparently felt attracted to Solar, a point that was skated around and never actually dealt with? And if it's not being dealt with, why bring it up so many times? Other than that complaint, it was a decent read, although nothing to get excited about. X-O MANOWAR #53 COLLISION COURSE Bailey/Sears/Kryssing December `95 $2.50 (color) Stick a fork in this one, it's done. I had hoped that BIRTHQUAKE would add some new excitement to this title, and for a short few issues it did. But since about the 50th issue (both of them) this title has been a waste of my time. I like Bart Sears on the pencils, but the art alone does not a comic make. MARVEL CHAT: AVENGERS/ULTRAFORCE #1 Herdling/Medina/Wyman October `95 $3.95 (color) I remember stories similar to this one from when I was a kid... usually the alternate universe in question would be the home of the Squadron Supreme, or some other Marvel-based creation. I always liked it when the Gamesmaster would make an appearance, because it usually meant matches that resembled wrestling matches would follow. This book is obviously patterned after some of those old tales, that appeared in Avengers and Defenders and other Marvel books in the past. That's okay, I liked it then, I like it now. It's fun to see Prototype go up against Iron Man, Hardcase against Captain America, etc. The premise for setting up these "matches" may be weak, but it still makes for a fun-filled comic. The price may seem a bit high, but it's 48 pages, no ads, and a cardboard stock cover. All in all, it's a pretty reasonable book. EXCALIBUR #90 DREAM NAILS TRILOGY part three Ellis/lotsopencilers/lotsoinkers October `95 $2.95 (color) The cover says "Double-sized" issue, but since when is 36 pages of story considered double sized? Sure, it's more pages than usual, but I wouldn't say it's twice the normal size, that's an X-aggeration. These days a typical buck ninety-five comic has twenty-two pages of story. Personally, I think that's incredibly light content, but that's the way things are at the moment. In any case, that would mean that for this book to be double sized, it would need to have another six pages of story. And since I think standard comics should have thirty-two pages, I'd still be upset. I like Kitty and Peter Wisdom doing the "X-Files" thing. They make an interesting team. Rahne finally shows up on Muir Island this issue, and we see signs that Rory may be closer to becoming Ahab than anyone would have expected. All in all it was good issue, one of the better X-offerings this month. WOLVERINE #94 THE LURKER IN THE MACHINE Hama/Alexander/Sellers & Milgrom October `95 $1.95 (color) This issue guest-stars Generation X, and has Logan travelling to the new school to give the kids a lecture on honing battle skills. This one felt like a "filler" issue all the way, and I get the feeling it was probably on file somewhere in case GEN X or Wolvie ever got behind. The art isn't up to snuff. Has Kubert left the book? I don't see the word "guest" in front of pencils in the credits listing Chris Alexander as penciler. It would be quite a blow to lose Kubert now, so close to the long-awaited 100th issue... X-FORCE #47 BREAKOUT Loeb/Pollina/Pennington October `95 $1.95 (color) I've decided that I don't care for this book very much. I haven't liked the way Warpath's character has changed over the last year or so, and I don't care for additions like Caliban to the team. I've never really cared for Cable on this team, although I have appreciated him on occasion in his own book. Now that Cannonball is gone and Boom-Boom is acting (and looking) like a completely new character, there isn't much reason for me to continue reading this title. The one positive front of this issue is the inclusion of Deadpool. He's absolutely hilarious as he attempts to break Siryn out of a mental institution. I wouldn't make him a regular member of the team, but he makes a great guest-star. Question: Has the Reignfire/Sunspot storyline ever been concluded and I missed it, or are they dragging this out forever??? What happened to Dani? Is Illyanna ever coming back??? If this book tried to answer these questions, I'd be alot happier. X-Man #8 HITTING BOTTOM Loeb/Rozum/Skroce & McDaniel October `95 $1.95 (color) I'm getting tired of the power fluctuations that this character is constantly experiencing. One minute he's incredibly powerful, the next minute nada. Reminds me of the early days of the original Phoenix, when Claremont realized he had written himself into a corner making Jean so incredibly powerful. This issue was kind of weak, but with the appearance of the Dark Beast on the last page, the next issue promises to be an improvement. X-MEN #45 THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY... Nicieza/Kubert/Smith October `95 $3.95 (color) Where the Avengers/UltraForce book offered you no ads and 48 pages for $3.95, this book has only 37 pages mixed in with ads, and a gatefold cover that helped inflate the price on the book. I don't know about the rest of you, but I would certainly trade in the fancy cover for another eleven pages of story... The confrontation between Gambit and Rogue has been building up since the Age Of Apocolypse ended, and now we finally get to see them face to face. After all the build-up, I expected for Rogue to know something devastating about Remy's past, but apparently she hasn't remembered anything yet. I'm disappointed that what should have been a mostly emotional confrontation was handled on a physical level instead. Had the issue ended after Rogue left Gambit alone, I would have been very upset. Luckily, there is a juicy little bit at the end to whet every X-Fans appetite for future issues. I won't spoil it for anyone, but I will say, the ending is a doozy, and sure to have the message base buzzing for months to come... DC CHAT: AZRAEL ANNUAL #1 YEAR ONE: REQUIEM Denis O'Neil (writer) Ammerman/Kitson/Pascoe/Morais/Eklund/Leigh/Branch (pencils) 1995 $3.95 (color) Following the Year One theme is difficult in a book that's only been around for less than a year, and whose main character has been carefully documented since his creatiion. O'Neil's solution is to give us a tale of Jean Paul's predecessor and father. You know, the guy who gets gunned down in the beginning of the original Azrael mini-series? Well, while the story is interesting enough, I don't think I could recommend it to any but the staunchest Azrael fans. I don't think this story is too terribly important to the history of the character who now calls himself Azrael, anything pertinent to him was covered well enough in the first mini. BLOOD SYNDICATE #31 BREAKING POINT Chichester/Mak/Quijano October `95 $2.50 (color) This is another cool book from the Milestone group. It took me a while to discover that fact, and unfortunately word on the grapevine is that this one won't be with us much longer. Unlike other team books, this one has a more realistic reason for the super-powered members to be hanging out together- perhaps a more honest look at _all_ super-powered teams... they are a gang. A very powerful, very dangerous gang. The characters aren't represented as being necessarily bad because they are a gang, or necessarily good because it's their book. It's a completely gray area, where each character has realistic good and bad sides, as well as realistic faults and complexities. Blood Syndicate has been a very interesting spin on the usual super-hero motif, and it's a shame that it won't continue for much longer. Ivan Velez didn't write this issue, D.G. Chichester did instead, and this issue has a different feel to it as a result. Personally, I like the Velez take on the characters much better, and if he's left the book, perhaps there is no need to follow this title to the bitter end any longer. EGYPT #3 (of six) THE BOOK OF THE DOUBLE Milligan/Corona/Gascoine October `95 $2.50 (color) This has been a cool series so far, but then Peter Milligan rarely disappoints me. It's a fascinating story about a guy named Vincent Me who is murdered and reawakens in ancient Egypt. He discovers that this is one of his past lives, and he is being thrust thru time until his spirit is reborn. The book earns a Mature Readers label, but if you can sit thru a Garth Ennis book, this one is a walk in the park. GREEN LANTERN #67 FAST FRIENDS? Part Two Marz/Pelletier/Tanghal October `95 $1.75 (color) The team-up of the Flash and Green Lantern has been a staple in DC Comics for some time... of course that was with previous characters in both roles. This issue offers part two of the first partnership of Kyle Raynor and Wally West, the current incarnations of said heroes. Wally and Kyle don't take to each other as quickly as Hal and Barry, but they eventually figure out the best way to do things is by working together, as much as they dislike the concept. This issue earns the mark of: Average. LEGIONNAIRES #30 STRUCK BY LIGHTNING! Peyer/McCraw/Carani October `95 $2.25 (color) I'm attempting to get into this latest version of The Legion history, but it's difficult to see characters that are both familiar and new at the same time. Getting used to names like Triad, Livewire and Spark are difficult enough, but when the new timeline resembles the old in some respects, while adding in all-new elements, it can get quite confusing. Still, it's a good read, although I'm still not sure if it'll grab a permanent spot on my pull list. I'm anxiously awaiting the Superboy crossover however, and that could be the deciding factor. Nightwing #2 (of four) BEHIND ENEMY LINES/RENEWAL O'Neil/Land/Sellers October `95 $2.25 (color) When I first saw the cover, I thought Dick Grayson had gotten a hair cut, and was sporting the Chris McDonald hairdo from the movie. Nope, Grayson is just wearing it in a tighter ponytail than usual, in fact his hair is longer than ever on the interior pages. Y'know, I think the crew cut look fits the costume better... PREACHER #7 NAKED CITY (part three of three) Garth Ennis/Steve Dillon October `95 $2.50 (color) Hey, be warned- this book is as hard core as they come from the DC line, and I'm sure at least half the population could find something to be insulted by in this book. To say it's in questionable taste is putting it mildly. But if you aren't easily offended by mutilated bodies, S&M, homosexual sex, serial killers, Irish Vampires, alot of bad language, and a very different way of looking at God and creation- then hey, this book is for you. Personally, while the book pushes the boundaries of good taste, it hasn't crossed the line with me yet. I've enjoyed what I've seen so far in this series, but it appears that one of my favorite characters- the vampire- is being written out of the storyline for the time being. I'll pick up the next few issues to see how it goes with out him, but he's always been the best part of the book as far as I'm concerned. I hope his absence is a short one. SHAZAM #8 AFTER THE FALL Ordway/Krause/Swan/Manley October `95 $1.75 (color) Curt Swan does a great seven page intro to this issue, detailing the exploits of Spy Smasher, Bulletman and Minute-Man. In the story, the retired heroes are giving an interview to WHIZ radio about their last confrontation with Captain Nazi. You don't have to remember the age of comics that this book represents to get the nostalgic feeling for an era of comics that has passed us by. It's really great to have a fun-filled, action-packed super hero story that doesn't have the grim and gritty stamp of the nineties. This book is good fun and recommended to all ages. SOVEREIGN SEVEN #4 SKIN DANCE Claremont/Turner/Ivy October `95 $1.95 (color) I've been seeing alot of posts from people voicing their disappointment in this book. I'd like to offer another outlook, but I can't. After four issues, I have no vested interest in the characters or any storylines currently going on. Alot of people looked to Chris Claremont to repeat his legendary success with the X-Men with this title, and this book falls way short. Dwayne Turner is the brightest part of the book, his art is the saving grace. Still, it isn't enough to keep me reading. Someone drop me a note if this gets interesting, okay? STARMAN #12 SINS OF THE CHILD (part one of five) by Robinson/Harris/Von Grawbadger October `95 $2.25 (color) James Robinson is consistantly pleasing me with this book, issue after issue. His storylines are carefully crafted and you never feel that any scene is pointless or "filler" as some series are apt to do. Tony Harris does a wonderful job setting the mood of the series, and helps make this book the "Vertigo Lite" of the DC line. Actually, that's a bit misleading- I think this is better than everything I read in the Vertigo line. SINS OF THE CHILD begins a new story arc in which the daughter of one of the original Starman's foes seeks revenge on Jack for the death of her brother at his hands. It's a perfect jumping on point for new readers, and I encourage anyone who has tried this title out to pick up this book. You won't be disappointed. STATIC #28 LAST LICKS Velez, JR/Wilfred/Stanisci October `95 $2.50 (color) This is a good solid book that follows in the tradition of the high school aged Spidey. Teen angst at it's best. This issue, Static discovers a secret about one of his best friends that is sure to cause problems for Virgil and his friends. This is a fun book, if you enjoy super-hero comics, you should check this one out. SUPERMAN #105 MISPERCEPTIONS Jurgens/Garcia-Lopez/Rubinstein October `95 $1.95 (color) Guest starring Green Lantern. Average team-up story, with two-bit villians. The most interesting parts of this story involve Cat Grant and Jimmy Olsen, as other employees speculate on how Jimmy got the job. SUPERMAN:MOT #2 PAWNS Stern/Grummett/Breeding Fall `95 $1.95 (color) Another Byrne rewrite is put to rest, as the bald, healthy Lex Luthor makes his way to the post-Crisis, post-Zero Hour universe. Overall, the Superman family of books seems to be hitting a rut again, and nothing overly exciting is going on. In fact, I'm ordering based on the solicitation these days, instead of having the whole line on my pull-list. This book wasn't a terrible read, just not good enough to earn a recommendation. DARK HORSE: DH PRESENTS #100 (3 of 5) CONCRETE: THE ARTISTIC IMPULSE, is the first Concrete story I've read. I know it's critically acclaimed and all that, it's just one of those titles that I've always meant to pick up but never actually did. I liked this story, and this will help encourage me to pick up that Concrete collection I'm always seeing. BREAKFAST AT BILLY'S by Harvey Pekar and Joe Sacco is just plain odd.. THE FUNNIES by Ivan Brunetti wasn't all that funny, aside from the panel entitled SEX. FAGGOT STORY by Dan Savage, penciled by Jason Waskey was educational. It's a narrative on what it's like to experience bigotry first hand. This story alone makes the whole book worthwhile. WHISTLE AND QUEENIE by Megan Kelso had a point in there somewhere, but it blew right past me. It's about a shop owner's dealings with a homeless person. DH PRESENTS #100 (4 of 5) ATTACK OF THE FLESH-EATING MONSTERS by Frank Miller and Dave Gibbons is a short about Martha Washington, it's pretty cool. THE NIGHT TOM WAITS POURED ME A BOURBON...by Ellen Forney was very entertaining. A woman recounts her brush with a celebrity. THE SYMPHONY OF DAILY NOURISHMENT by Rick Geary and OH MY GOODNESS by Harvey Pekar and Joe Sacco took up space in my opinion. BLACK CROSS by Chris Warner was enjoyable, as was BIRD DOG by Ed Brubaker and Pat McEown. MEAN MR APPLEHEAD by Brian Sendelbach was twisted, but funny in a strange kind of way. IMAGE COMICS: GEN 13 #4 TOURIST TRAP Choi/Campbell/Garner August `95 $2.50 (color) It's hard to believe that this series is only on it's fourth issue. It's already become a favorite of mine, and has easily surpassed the mini-series that introduced them. What I like most about this team is that it isn't the typical "let's get into costumes and train to fight the bad-guys for no particular reason" type of team. These kids may have been thrown together in an odd circumstance, but they have a reason for sticking together beyond the need for companionship (although that plays an important part as well). They have a quest to find out more about their collective history, and about their parents. I especially like this Indiana Jones adventure that they are currently on. This book is great fun, and highly recommended to the two people who aren't reading it already. MAXX #18 BEWARE THE HOOLY by Sam Kieth, dialogue by Bill Messner-Loebs August `95 $1.95 More answers, and still more questions this issue, as we inch ever closer to discovering the secrets of Julie and the Jungle Queen, and what Maxx's relationship with them truly is. This is a weird book, and not something you can just jump into at any point. If you want to get into the Maxx, you've got to go out and track down the first eighteen issues in order to do so. And I don't think this book is for everyone, so if you're a newbie, consider your options very well. Personally, if I was just jumping on, I'd wait for Kieth to put things in a tpb... or at least on MTV. WEAPON ZERO #T-2 PROLOGUE THREE Simonson/Benitez/Sowd September `95 $2.50 (color) The art on this book is great, and Walt Simonson is introducing a very interesting cast of characters and villians. With books like this on the stands, it's no wonder that Image is quickly losing the "just pretty pictures" stigmatism that had been haunting them for so long. Now they've got the pretty pictures, and some exciting, adventorous storylines by top-name authors as well. Image is starting to enter a whole new level in this industry, if they keep putting out books like this and GEN 13 they'll steal an even bigger chunk of the market away from the big boys. This book borrows elements from all sorts of places, from ALIENS and STAR WARS, and even THE GUYVER. (Don't tell me that armor didn't seem kinda familiar to you too?) I look forward to the next issue, as the central characters learn more about each other and what they are up against. Bill Hughes!! EMail Address: william.hughes@f748.n109.z1.fidonet.org ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [8] Comic Comments, by John Keady Well here is UNDERWORLD UNLEASHED tie ins!! Superboy #21- Part 1 of the Future Tense storyline begins with a lot of fluff and humor but not particularly exciting. I was more intrigued by the character development in Knockout and the results on the last page. I expect the remainder of this storyline will get better in the Legion books B- Flash #107- Captain Marvel guests as a Neron enhanced Shadow Thief attacks Solar city in a bid for revenge. I liked the interaction between the two heroes especially when they talked of their respective powers! The artwork was also very good as this issue scored well with me B Superman Man of Steel #50- I actually enjoyed the story in this one much more than the herky jerky artwork. I am usually tolerant of the art in this book but this time it took away from the rest of the story. At least this storyarc shows more promise than the recent bombs that these books have mired themselves in C+ Primal Force #13- The second to last issue of this fun series set up what promises to be a real blowout! I really liked this issue as many loose ends are tied up and three Neron enhanced baddies wreak havok on the team! The art was not fantastic but it fits the mood of the book B Manhunter #12- The final issue in this series puts what I had guessed to be a good series when I picked up the #0 issue, out of it's misery! F Damage #18- Another series with potential has pretty much been squandered. The fun part of this was the battle with a supercharged Copperhead but the rest of this book is regretfully forgetable! C- Aquaman #14- Master Disaster had been given what I think is a really cool Neron supercharge as he's given the job of eliminating Aquaman. While I am not a big fan of Peter David's, this story was rather fun to read. B- Azreal #10- Egad........Azbats is back! But not as we remember him. I wasn't as thrilled with this issue as the past few but maybe because of what was missing in this issue......I'll not give that out. C+ Catwoman #26- Part 2 of the Secret of the Universe was pretty fun to read but for some reason, I am just tired the same scenario that Catwoman seems to play out issue after issue. C Extreme Justice- My knowledge of Star Sapphire is limited so I probably didn't get the same excitement out of this book as anyone who has been reading comics longer than I have. I still had fun though and hope that this book can overcome the troubles in the creative staff that have plagued this book. B- Spectre #35- One of the better issues this week as Neron tries to make a deal with the Spectre with unexpected results! Seeing the results makes this issue well worth reading. B+ New Titans #127- Meltdown continues as Damage has a tantrum and some figures from the past return. Once again, being a relative newcomer to comics leaves this blast from the past a bit more like a firecracker as I don't know the history of the Titans when in their heyday! B- Green Arrow #102- The introduction of the new villan Tezcat made this issue memorable as is the first adventure if Connor Hawke as Green Arrow. This book shows me some promise! B ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [9] New Comics Shipping 9/25/95, by Bobb Waller Well here is the list for next week, the week of 9/25/95. Sorry there is no Marvel List, we didn't get our "Love Notes" from Heroes World. Onto the list! ============================================================================= Abstract Studios: Strangers in Paradise #7 Acclaim Comics: Eternal Warrior #48 Samuree #3 Solar Man of The Atom #56 Archie Comics: Archie #442 Archies Double Digest #82 Jetsons #4 Bongo Comics: Simpsons Comics #12 Chaos! Comics: Lady Death 1996 Calender Lady Death Julie Bell Poster Lady Death in Lingerie #1 (For the 100th time!) Claypool Comics: Elvira #28 Comic Shop News: Comic Shop News #432 Dark Horse Comics: Dark Horse Presents #101 Doc Savage: Curse of the Fire God #1 Godzilla #4 Legend of Mother Sarah #6 Motorhead #2 Oh My Goddess Part 2 #8 Star Wars Droids #5 Star Wars River of Chaos #3 DC Comics: Action Comics Annual #7 Adventures of Superman #529 Animal Man #89-Final Issue Batman & Robin Adventures #1 Batman: LODK #79 Batman: Man-Bat #2 Chiaroscuro:Private Lives/DaVinci #4 Detective Comics #691 Egypt #4 Fate #13 Flash: Terminal Velocity TP Impulse #8 Judge Dredd: Legends of the Law #12 Justice League Task Force #29 Legionaires #31 Looney Tunes #20 Mad Super Special #108 Nightwing #3 Outsiders #24-Final Issue Preacher #8 Ray #18 R.E.B.E.L.S. 95 #13 Star Trek:TNG #77 Star Trek TNG Special #3 Static #29 Steel #21 Tank Girl: Apocalypse #1 Vertigo Voices: The Eaters #1 Event Comics: Ash #5 Fantagraphics Books: Hate #20 Love & Rockets Book 5: H.O.R.-2nd edt. Love & Rockets Book 6 Duck Feet- 2nd Edt. Young Hoods in Love Image Comics: Bloodstrike Assassin #3 Cyberforce: Codename Strykeforce OPP... Deadly Duo #3 Glory #5 Grifter #4 Knightmare #8 Prophet Annual #1 Ripclaw #1 Riptide #1 Savage Dragon #22 Super Patriot Liberty & Justice #3 Team 1 Wildcats #2 Team Youngblood #28 Violater/Badrock #4 Weapon Zero #T-Minus-1 Wetworks #10 Wildcats #23 King Ink: I Had A Dream #2 Kitchen Sink Press: Button Man: The Killing Game Crow Black on Black T-shirt From Hell Vol. 8 Lightning Comics: Creed #1 Maximum Comic Press: Warchild #0 Slave Labor Graphics: Milk & Cheese #1-6Th Printing Tekno Comix: John Jakess Mullkon Empire #5 Neil Gaimans Lady Justice #5 Topps Comics: Lady Rawhide #2 Return to Jurrasic Park #6 X-Files TP (Finally!?) Viz Communications: Animerica Vol. 3 #9 Battle Angel Alita Part V #3 Mermaids Mask #3 Viz-In Magazine Vol. 7 #18 Wells & Clark: Arcana #5 ========================================================================== No One has started any exclusivity rumors lately so here is a tongue-in- cheek one. "Didja hear, Capital just signed these companies to an exclusive contract; Pacific, Eclipse, Innovation, Atlas, and the biggie Dell!!!!" Seriously, see ya at the spinners! bbwaller@iadfw.net is Bobb Waller Sysop of FIAWOL-BBS Dedicated to both Fandom and empowering the disABLED ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [10] NEW COMICS SITE: I would like to announce a new site dedicated to an european comic book. SARAJEVO-TANGO A comic strip account of indignation on the drama in Sarajevo Based on the tragic experiences of a family living through the daily horror of war, "Sarajevo-Tango" is, above all, a cry of angry and indignation - with all the force which can be recreated in a comic strip - faced with the hypocrisy and indifference of the Western states. A bilingual site (English/French), with many pictures, videos, audios and the twelve first pages of the comic book to download. URL: http://www.best.be/sarajevo NEW COMICS COMPANY: In March, 1996, REMIX Comix will debut with their first title, "HotWire" . It will be available where ever fine software and comics are sold. Price: $2.50 for a 48 page digital comic on 1.44 HD floppy. Features: Full color graphics, sound and music. Stay tuned. Leave replies for your FREE teaser copy soon to be distributed ONLINE. TEd REMIX Comix ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [11] CBN Conference Totals >> CBN Conference Traffic week of 09/16/95 - 09/22/95 Conference Tot Conference Tot ---------------------------- --- ---------------------------- --- CBN: Image Comics 84 CBN: Cards 13 CBN: Bullpen 63 CBN: Back Issue Bin 11 CBN: Small Press 53 CBN: Independents 10 CBN: Editors Office 45 CBN: Fanboy 7 CBN: Writers/Artists 42 CBN: Electronic Mag 6 CBN: DC Comics 40 CBN: Video Games 6 CBN: Movies/TV 38 CBN: Dark Horse Comics 4 CBN: Marvel Comics 37 CBN: SciFi 4 CBN: Comic Issues 30 CBN: Splash Page 4 CBN: Fan Fiction 22 CBN: Toys/Collectibles 3 CBN: Animation 16 CBN: Manga 2 CBN: Acclaim Comics 13 CBN: Role Playing 2 >> Total Combined: 555 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [13] Join in the fun! You too can enjoy the intelligent conversations and informative threads that occupy the conferences of the Comic Book Net every day! However, many people who read this e-mag aren't familiar with the Local BBS echo-mail system.... Bulletin Board Systems are scattered everywhere across the USofA, and many of them are free! Chances are, if you have a modem you have the accompanying communications software. Using the Terminal Emulation software that came with your modem, you can dial up one of the many systems linked into CBN (see the listings down a few paragraphs). Most of the boards offer all the message echoes in the Comic Book Network... there are message bases devoted to all the bigger comics publishers, as well as big Small Press and Independent message bases, not to mention sections for general (doesn't even have to be about comics!) conversation. If you are worried about long distance charges, worry no longer! Most if not all the BBS's offer a mail service from which you can download a .QWK packet of recent e-mail to read offline with a program called an offline mail reader. You can read & write messages at your leisure, and then upload your own messages & replies the next time you call your local BBS. There are many .QWK packet readers out there, for every type of computer system. They all give you a better explaination in their documentation than I can. These programs are available all over the Internet and are downloadable from most BBS's. These "mail runs" (dialing up, downloading the mail packet and uploading replies) generally take less than 5 minutes to accomplish, and at the average after-5pm/weekends/holidays long distance phone rates, that is LESS THAN 75›! See? Even less expensive than many of the commercial information services available! :) So what else can you find on free BBS systems? Theres plenty of files for specific types of computers. Some systems also offer other types of message networks ranging from general topics to specific themes like sci-fi, role playing, games, music, etc. And, let's not forget online games. Join into the many different multiplayer games, each system sports different challenges. There's nothing like becoming the most powerful being in a online adventure! And when you _do_ log on, leave a message in The Bullpen conference to ALL, and introduce yourself to us! You're guaranteed to get plenty of replies and all the help you need to join in the fun! Best, --Ry, the editor, with assists from Ed Dukeshire. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [14] BBSes Linked into CBN +----------------------------+ | The ComicBook Network !! | A message network devoted to Comic +----------------------------+ Fans, Collectors, and Professionals! ---- ---------- ------------- - Over 20 message echoes for your reading enjoyment! - Marvel Comics - DC Comics - Image Comics - Acclaim Comics - Dark Horse Comics - Small Press - Independents - Manga Comics - Comic Issues - Writers/Artists - Toys and Collectables - Cards - Back Issue Bin - Video Games - Bullpen - Fanboy - Animation - TV/Movies - Role Playing Games - Splash Page - SciFi - News, info, reviews, and general conversation with other comic book fans and professionals. - Log onto the systems, check it out and participate. We'd love to have you aboard! - Here's a quick rundown of free access BBSes already linked in! Most offer a QWK/Bluewave door to pack mail and read offline. * = New systems linked in. City St BBS Number City St BBS Number ------------- -- ------------ ------------- -- ------------ Russelville AR 501-968-3910 Hector AR 501-284-5503 Lakeside CA 619-561-2961 Victorville CA 619-955-6445 Destin FL 904-654-9385 Ft. Walton FL 904-244-7434 Jacksonville FL 904-363-6347 Melbourne FL 407-253-0782 Melbourne FL 407-253-8754 Tavares FL 904-343-7272 Davenport IA 319-381-2906 Palatine IL 708-776-2395 Indianapolis IN 317-856-9020 La Porte IN 219-325-3655 Acushnet MA 508-995-0085 Agawam MA 413-789-6533 Freetown MA 508-763-2027 Haverhill MA 508-372-2258 New Bedford MA 508-984-1212 New Bedford MA 508-984-5321 New Bedford MA 508-994-4687 Rochester MA 508-763-5579 Shrewsbury MA 508-753-3767 S. Dartmouth MA 508-979-8930 Worcester MA 508-791-1281 Worcester MA 508-798-5647 Bishopville MD 410-352-5754 Frederick MD 301-831-8057 Frederick MD 301-698-5194 Gaithersburg MD 301-601-9731 Gaithersburg MD 301-977-0791 Mount Rainier MD 301-779-9381 Walkersville MD 301-898-4088 * Silver Spring MD 301- Dearborn Hgts MI 313-565-8464 Kalamazoo MI 616-349-9438 Durham NC 919-286-4542 Durham NC 919-286-7738 Raliegh NC 919-833-3412 Raliegh NC 919-790-3599 Newton NH 603-382-0338 Hillsdale NJ 201-722-1495 * Little Ferry NJ 201-440-5499 Park Ridge NJ 201-307-9225 Saddle Brook NJ 201-368-1866 Astoria NY 718-204-0159 Poughkeepsie NY 914-485-5463 Saugerties NY 914-247-9601 Spring Valley NY 914-426-3029 West Islip NY 516-422-4225 Collinsville OK 918-371-0980 Oklahoma City OK 405-672-0615 Oklahoma City OK 405-728-7960 Cottage Grove OR 503-942-4561 Brookhaven PA 610-872-0916 Eddystone PA 610-872-2830 Philadelphia PA 215-535-3055 * Philadelphia PA 215-342-5384 * Philadelphia PA 215-487-7315 Old San Juan PR 809-721-6512 Union City TN 901-885-9647 Dallas TX 214-680-2755 Garland TX 214-494-3702 Grand Prairie TX 214-641-1136 Houston TX 713-568-0825 Irving TX 214-790-6472 Killeen TX 817-699-2254 Missouri City TX 713-835-0965 Odessa TX 915-530-2712 Waxahachie TX 214-938-7115 Arlington VA 703-415-0134 Longview WA 206-577-7358 Gananoque ONT 613-382-1788 Niagara Fall ONT 905-371-0736 St.Catharine ONT 905-938-1670 St.Catharine ONT 905-988-9698 Tecumseh ONT 519-979-4251 Mexico City MEX 52-5-264-2994 - If you have access to internet mail, you can receive a complete listing of bbs systems linked in. Address your message to ComicBkNet@AOL.COM - Weekly "Comic Book Electronic Magazine" available on all above systems. Also available on AOL - GOTO: SCIENCE FICTION and select Science Fiction Libraries from the main menu. The files are in: ANIME, COMICS, OTHER. If you don't have an account on AOL, check the CompuServe and GEnie libraries, they're uploaded there as well. - Sysops: FREQ the latest information packet using the Magic Filename COMICS from these Fidonet systems; 1:19/37 in AR, 1:324/134 in MA, 1:109/748 in MD, 1:2201/66 in MI ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [15] E-Mag Info The Comic Book Net E-Mag is published weekly by the many participants of The Comic Book Network. This is a compilation of articles and columns which were originally posted in the network's conferences or written specifically for this electronic magazine. All text contained within are copyrighted to the originating author(s). Freely distributable for noncommerical purposes only. THE CBN WEB PAGE ---------------- If you have access to the World Wide Web, please stop by and visit our web page! On our web page, you can find the latest issue of our E-Mag, as well as an annotated index of back issues. You'll also find important information on how to join the conversation in the Comic Book Net, an archive of Comic Book Net fanfic, and other neat features! The URL address is: http://www.cris.com/~Xenozoid/ComicBkNet.html LOCATING THE ISSUES ------------------- The latest issue is always available from all the systems linked into The Comic Book Network. Issues may be obtained through several online pay services as well (ie; AOL, CompuServe, GEnie). All back issues should be available at the above sites, as well as our World Wide Web page. SUBMISSIONS ----------- To submit an article, review, column, etc to our e-mag, simply post it in any Comic Book Net conference and leave me a message in the CBN: E-Mag conference giving me permission to use the article. If you cannot access the Comic Book Net, submit your news articles (no reviews accepted at this time...) to the editor: Xenozoid@cris.com. SUBSCRIPTIONS ------------- If you wish to receive these issues automatically through your internet account, please address a message to Xenozoid@cris.com to be placed on the subscription list. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - End of Issue #28.. see ya next week!