2062 T.A.C. Main Menu Help The Command button uses are summarized... < Turn Editor > Accesses the turn editor program. After making this selection, a list of game directories will be displayed. Highlight the desired game directory. The next box displays all player positions involved in the game. Gray boxes indicate that the player position files are available. Use the controls to locate the desired position and select it. This will commence the turn editor for the selected position. Note: This command is not available if no game directories exist. < Delete Game > Use with caution! This button will destroy the selected game directory and all its contents. After making the selection, select the game directory to delete. Note: This command is not available if no game directories exist. < Get Results > This button will automatically retrieve all result files from the download directory set by the environment variable 'ACDN'. Any result files found will be automatically routed to the correct game directories, and create new directories for any new games. Files that are retrieved, are also deleted from the download directory. It is the users option to make a backup copy of the file before initiating this command. < Route Turns > After making the selection, select the game directory which contains the turn files that are to be uploaded for hosting. The turns will be put into the upload directory specified by the environment variable 'ACUP'. < Help > Displays this file. < Exit > Terminates the program. *** The remaining unnamed buttons are reserved for future use.***