________________________________________________________________________ Visit Our Web Page! http://www.cris.com/~Xenozoid/ComicBkNet.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ / THE \ \C O M I C/ Issue #31 This publication is brought to you \B O O K/ by the active participants of \N E T/ Sunday the international center for \ / October 15th, comic book discussion, the Comic *E-Mag* 1995 Book Net. !!! - Editor: Ryan Brewster [Xenozoid@cris.com] - CBN Network Administration Team: - Ed Dukeshire - - Mike Imboden - - William Hughes - - Ryan Brewster - - Jacob Greenberg - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Comic Book Net Founding Fathers: Ed Dukeshire and Mike Imboden ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ________________________________________________________________________ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The Bullpen ........................... Ryan Brewster [2] CSNsider #436.......................... W. Batty & C. Biggers [3] Recent Reads & Random Thoughts ........ William Hughes [4] Comic Comments ........................ John Keady [5] Comic Reviews ......................... David Drew [6] Sez Me ................................ Vern Kriske [7] APA Information ....................... Ed Dukeshire [8] New Comics 10/15/95 ................... Bobb Waller [9] Splash Page ........................... Various [10] Letters to the Net .................... Various [11] CBN Conference Totals ................. Net Admin Team [12] Join in the Fun! [13] BBSes Linked into CBN [14] E-Mag Info ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The Bullpen by Ryan Brewster Thirty-one issues already? Wow. Time goes by fast when you're having fun.. Incidentally, some may notice that Comicunications is again missing from this issue. Being the author of that newsletter, I accept full blame for its absence. However, school, this e-mag, WWW page research (we are working on bringing CBN to the Internet as I type!) and other commitments are keeping me from fun stuff like that newsletter. I _am_ looking into possibilities that could make the newsletter easier to put out on a steady basis. Until then, it will be as sporadic as it has been. :( On a more positive note, I think it's important to mention the dawn of an old age!! :) That's right, the old CBN Acclaim conference (who wants to talk about _Acclaim_ these days??!!) has been replaced with a new conference dedicated to Gold & Silver Age comics! Should be some interesting discussions in there. And that's the news from Lake Wobegone, where all the women are strong, the men are good looking and the children are above average. >;) (if you didn't get that, you are a deprived person..) Best, --Ry Editor The Comic Book Net E-Mag Xenozoid@cris.com ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2] CSNsider #436 by W. Batty and C. Biggers This is the CSNsider #436, which will be in shops on 10/26/95. It is reproduced in its entirety with the expressed permission of COMIC SHOP NEWS! If you're one of the many fans who've enjoyed the current Nightwing miniseries, you'll be very happy to hear that Nightwing will star in his own ongoing series beginning in early '96... Topps has nabbed the comic book rights for Space: Above & Beyond, the Fox television series; look for an initial miniseries to begin in early '96... Correction: a couple of issues back, we reported that when Scott McCloud's Zot! returned to comics, it'd be coming back in full color; since then, we've learned that only the issues originally printed in color will be reprinted in color, while the remainder of the run will be reprinted in black and white (obviously we gave in to a moment of wishful thinking)... The distribution side-choosing continues: Diamond has announced that London Night, publisher of Razor and other comics, will go exclusive with Diamond beginning with January releases, while 1000 Editions (a publisher of fine art prints) and Tohan (a manga-anime-based publisher that controls the rights to Dragon Ball, among other properties) have both signed exclusive distribution arrangements with Capital beginning in January. These distribution arrangements should have no effect on the availability of these publications to comic fans, of course... Graffiti, a new company created by former execs from SkyBox and Topps, is entering the card biz with a bang with the release of their first card series, James Bond: Goldeneye; their cards will be exclusively distributed by Diamond... And speaking of James Bond, Topps intends to launch an ongoing James Bond comic book series following the publication of their Goldeneye movie adaptation... Richard Hatch, the actor who played Apollo in Battlestar Galactica, has signed on to write a Galactica miniseries for Maximum Press... The five-issue Dawn miniseries from Sirius has expanded to six issues, but the release dates on the fourth and fifth issues have been pushed back a month... When Dale Keown begins publishing Pitt under his own Full Bleed Studios imprint, he'll also call on some pretty high-profile help: Steve Gerber will write the series, while Dan Panosian will ink Keown's pencils; this should enable Pitt to stick to a bimonthly schedule... Donruss cards is entering the nonsports market with Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls Trading Cards in November... CSN #436 features Legends of Shadowhawk from Image on the cover as well as more news and the complete November Checklist. You'd have to buy three different catalogs to get all the comics listed in our complete November checklist! The CSNsider is now available via e-mail! In order to subscribe to CSNsider, send a message to majordomo@redweb.com, with a single line message saying: SUBSCRIBE csnsider Visit our WWW site! http://www.actwin.com/csn We post the new CSNsider there each Monday and it will go out via e-mail each Wednesday or Thursday. The WWW site is still the first place it will appear each week, but we wanted to offer it via e-mail as well. The only way to get Comic Shop News is to visit a shop that carries CSN. The publication costs the shops just a dime each and is generally free to customers. If your shop doesn't carry CSN, nag 'em until they do. After all, isn't your business and satisfaction worth a dime a week? Ward Batty wardo@netdepot.com Cliff Biggers cliffbig@netdepot.com (c)1995 CSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Transmitted by . . . úúúúÄÄÄÄÍÍÍÍ*David LeBlanc> ComicBkNet@AOL.COM david.leblanc@mailtrain.com RIME->15 FIDO 1:322/743.1 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3] Recent Reads & Random Thoughts, by William Hughes I'm going to open up this weeks column with a rumour from INDY #12. We've discussed the rumour that Jon Bon Jovi was slated to star in the sequel to THE CROW, but word on the street is this was a publicity ploy by Bon Jovi's publicist, and he was never a serious contender for the film that is slated to begin filming in November. If Jovi is out, then who _is_ being considered? On to the books: STRANGERS IN PARADISE #7 STRAY BULLETS #6 WANDERING STAR #9 NEW EXILES #infinity ULTRAFORCE #infinity BLACK SEPTEMBER #infinity X-FORCE #48 X-FACTOR #116 GENERATION X #9 EXCALIBUR #91 WOLVERINE #95 X-MAN #9 X-MEN #46 VENGEANCE OF BANE II STARMAN #13 GREEN LANTERN #68 BATMAN & ROBIN ADVENTURES #1 POWER OF SHAZAM #9 PREACHER #8 ICON #31 STATIC #29 LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES #74 SUPERMAN: EARTH'S END WEAPON ZERO #t-1 SMALL PRESS: Strangers in Paradise #7 Terry Moore $2.75 (b/w) What is usually one of my favorite books was somewhat of a disappointment with this issue. First, I really don't like it when a comic shifts from sequential art to prose midstream. I want to see Moore tell his story in the comics medium, not in text. Perhaps he felt the need to go into a degree of detail for a scene that he didn't think he could convey with pictures. Whatever the case, I hope we don't see it happen again. Secondly, I'm afraid I don't care for this issues plot-twisting ending a whit. While I do like the way the series moves easily from light-hearted comedy to deadly serious drama, I don't want to see it get TOO dark, or see characters thrown away for the purpose of a storyline. I don't want to give too much away, but it seems that one of the main characters in the book is not what they have seemed. I admit I find this twist interesting, but I'm dismayed by it just the same. STRAY BULLETS #6 David Lapham $2.95 (b/w) An interesting turn from the norm in this issue, as this story takes place not in the recent past, but in the distant future. A young girl has a chat with God, (who looks just like Lapham by the way) and learns some startling truths about the universe. These truths are unbearable to the girl, who completely shuts the world out. A determined group of doctors use a "truth machine" on the girl to find out why she's traumatized, and learn of her talk with God and the universal truths are revealed. Then in true Lapham style, the girl promptly wakes up and goes on a murderous spree- apparently just for kicks. This issue is like some sort of fairy tale gone awry, and it's a nice change of pace from previous issues, although it doesn't make a statement about violence and it's effects on people as much as the others. I liked it, but I hope to see a return to the BULLETS in previous books. WANDERING STAR #9 Teri S. Wood $2.50 (b/w) WANDERING STAR is a sci-fi story told by Cassie, the narrator who is recounting her exploits during war with a reporter. I'm a bit behind on the story, as I have only read the first trade paperback and this is my first regular issue. Still, some of the revelations in this issue about Cassie's father and the previous war with the Bono Kirian Empire are real shockers. So far I've really enjoyed both Wood's imaginative tale and artwork. This one has found a home on my pull-list. UNFORTUNATELY, it seems Teri is coming out of a rough neck of woods financially, and needs help to make printing costs _on the very next issue_! So, in an attempt to help this title stay afloat, the following offer is reprinted from the comic: HELP KEEP PEN & INK COMICS AFLOAT! Anything you buy goes toward printing the next issue... Hand-Drawn & Colored WS button- any character..........$6.00 Pencil Drawing- any WS character......................$10.00 Original Art Page!....................................$75.00 OR: Get a MEGA-SUPPORT PACKAGE! Includes 2 original art pages and your name in book eleven!..............$125.00 Pages Available: Bk1: 6,8,11-18 Bk2: 3-7,9-11,13,14 Bk3: 2-7, 9,14,16 Bk4: 1-3,6,8,10,11,14-19 Bk5: 7-11,14,17,20 Bk6: 3-6,8-17 Bk7: 3-7,16-18,20 Bk8: 2-6,8-11,13-22 Bk9: ALL PAGES Please include your phone number and at least two alternatives with order and SEND TO: PEN & INK COMICS c/o order department Box 817 Banning, CA 92220-0817 ======================================================================== Not only will you be helping to keep a quality title on the shelves, but you'd be adding some great original artwork to your collection at great prices! Imagine, a personalized drawing of any Wandering Star character, FOR ONLY TEN BUCKS! Also, HIKEEBA COMICS is offering a SMALL PRESS SUPPORT subscription to WANDERING STAR, subscribe now and get 40% off cover price! For more details, drop E-Mail to: william.hughes@f748.n109.z1.fidonet.org DC COMICS: BATMAN/ROBIN ADV #1 TWO TIMER Dini/Templeton/Burchett $1.75 (color) BATMAN ADVENTURES was one of the best monthly comics on the stands up until it ended last month, and BATMAN & ROBIN ADVENTURES has taken it's place without missing a beat. This is a well written book from the animated series continuity, where Robin is still a college-going young man by the name of Dick Grayson. This book is every bit as exciting as any of the other Bat-books put out in normal continuity, without all the baggage that a character with four or five monthly books brings with him. This Batman easily brings with him all the best and most fundamental aspects of the character. This Bruce Wayne is just as deeply disturbed as his regular counterpart, he's just as fixated with stopping crime, and he's just as deadly. And yet, somehow it's played off in a much lighter fashion, without losing his edge. It's also nice to go back to a simpler time when only one young man had ever been called Robin, and no one has ever died while calling himself by that name. And probably the best thing about this book is that it's suitable for all ages, without being a complete bore to adults. In fact, this is one of the few books that IS suitable for all ages, meaning that adults will enjoy it just as much as the kids. This is the first installment of a two parter involving a jealous Harvey Dent, who thanks to the Joker's meddling believes his fiancee is having an affair with Bruce Wayne. How do you think Two-Face will handle a Two-Timer? If you only read one Batman book a month, this is the one it should be. Check it out. GREEN LANTERN #68 HELLFIRE & ICE Marz/Pelletier/Tanghal $1.75 (color) An UnderWorld Unleashed tie-in, this issue has Darkstar Donna Troy and Green Lantern going against a souped up Mr. Freeze, and a new villian called Purgatory. Purgatory is the handicapped gentleman who Kyle imbedded with some of his energy to give him new legs. After he discovered how important his concentration was to keeping Kyle's gift, he decided to take up Neron's offer to have even more power in order to make his legs more permanent. I found it peculiar that someone as experienced as Donna would look to Kyle for advice on how to handle these second-string villians, even though they were souped up. Also, since both Donna and Lantern are capable of stellar activity, it's very hard to swallow that Freeze could have much effect on them at all. I mean, it's pretty cold in outter space, right? This issue had alot of plot holes, but I still enjoyed the book nonetheless. I like the characters, so I'm willing to forgive poorly executed tales once in a while- I just hope Marz doesn't make a habit out of them. ICON #31 SPACE IS THE PLACE McDuffie/Bright/Tanghal This month's 99cent Readers Choice is ICON. Rachel convinces Icon to allow her to travel with him to the planet where Earth stands trial so that she may defend her home. She discovers the beauty of her planet from space, as well as the technology of another world. Meanwhile, an alien armada is on it's way to destroy Earth, making the trial a bit moot. This is a good solid read, and a great series. Recommended. LEGION/SUPERHEROES #74 FUTURE TENSE part 2 of 3 Peyer/McCraw/Moder/Boyd $2.25 (color) I had really looked forward to the crossover of the Legion and Superboy for purely nostalgic reasons, hoping that it would remind me of the old days, pre-Crisis. Unfortunately, both Superboy and the modern Legion have changed too much for that to happen I'm afraid. It also seems that Moder can't get a handle on how to draw Superboy, the constantly changing hair and jawline were a distraction. Overall, I think this was a pretty weak issue, I hope the final installment is a drastic improvement. POWER OF SHAZAM #9 POWER STRUGGLE Ordway/Krause/Manley $1.75 (color) Black Adam returns, Shazam is kidnapped, and the Marvels learn how dangerous it is to split up the power amongst themselves. This is a fun book, and I really enjoy it, but I wish they'd take these characters out of normal DC continuity where they aren't overshadowed by the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman. Captain Marvel just pales in comparison, as do his villians. I'd like to see a book set in the forties for these characters. I think that would be a real page turner. Anyone else reading this book? Your thoughts? PREACHER #8 ALL IN THE FAMILY Ennis/Dillon $2.50 (color) Jesse has a family reunion, of sorts. He's kidnapped by his grandmother, and other kinfolk, who somehow can ignore "the word." Grandma claims it's because she has the Lord on her side, and since she knows all about Genesis, it may be true. Jesse's family looks like something out of TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, these are some sick puppies, and who knows what they plan for Jesse. In a sequence of flashbacks we see that they are responsible for Jesse's father's death. Interesting beginning to the next story arc. If you have a strong stomach for gore and language, check this book out. STARMAN #13 TED'S DAY: SINS OF THE CHILD pt 2 of 5 Robinson/Harris/Von Grawbadger $2.25 (color) Ahhhhh. What was that for? Well, this is the thirteenth issue of STARMAN. The book has been on the shelves for over a year now, with no guest artists, the same writer every issue, and not one bad issue in the bunch! AMAZING! This is not only one of the most consistant titles on the stands, but it's also one of the best published month in and month out. This is quality stuff. Robinson gives us a recap of the days events from last issue, this time from Ted Knight's perspective, leading up to his confrontation with Doctor Phsphorus, who has been souped up by Neron, and the UnderWorld Unleashed storyline. It's nice to see that Ted Knight isn't going to play the victim to his son's enemies just because he's retired as Starman. This guy has been a hero for years, and he's still a hero, and fully capable of taking care of himself. This was one of the most enjoyable books I've read this week. STATIC #29 RED HANDED Velez, Jr./Wilfred/Stanisci $2.50 (color) After breaking up a drug ring last issue, Static discovered that one of the dealers was in fact his friend Larry. Stunned by this revelation, Static let's Larry escape. After agonizing over his discovery, he starts searching for Larry who is now on the run from the law. Dusk finds him just as Static does, and attempts to bring him in, just as a hit is going down on him. Velez had posted a synopsis of what was supposed to happen in the next issue, that was apparently rejected. Man, it was some really heavy stuff. I won't go into detail here because I don't want to give this issue's ending away, but look for this discussion to continue next month! Meanwhile, go read this comic! SUPERMAN: AT EARTH'S END Veitch/Gomez/Mckie $4.95 (color) This is an Elseworld's tale, and apparently it's continued from a previous tale. Unfortunately for me, I didn't know that before I bought it, otherwise I probably would have passed on this one. I haven't read the first story arc, so it's like walking into a play during the final act. Some aspects of the book I wouldn't have liked even had I read the first story arc, such as clones of both Hitler and Bruce Wayne as the major villains. I typically like the Elseworld tales because the familiar characters in new settings often reach an ending to the myth, unlike modern day heroes who never die and are constantly revised. But this one was a real dud. Save your money on this one. VENGEANCE OF BANE II THE REDEMPTION Dixon/Nolan/Barreto $3.95 (color) First, a minor bone I have to pick with comic book publishers. It's not just DC that does this, folks! The cover claims that this comic is 64 pages. And, that's true, if you count the ads, WHICH I DON'T. I don't mind the ads being there, but I DO mind them being included in the page count. Those ads are in there for the publishers benefit, not mine. By my count, this book only has 56 pages, plus ads. So, Bane is off the venom, and has to work really hard for six months to become fully pumped again. Hmpph. What, no side effects from pumping this chemical directly into his head for so long? He can simply get on a health kick, and everything is all better? I liked the prison sequence where KGBeast kicks the crap out of Bane for the rep it'll get him to beat the guy who broke the Bat. Personally though, I think it would have been more realistic if the Beast had killed him. But then this book when have been over quick, eh? Overall, I didn't care for this one very much. I don't think Bane is much of a character as a villian, and it looks like they are planning on taking this redemption rather seriously. So we have another two-bit quasi-hero on our hands, ala Venom and Punisher. I could have done without this, myself. MARVEL COMICS: EXCALIBUR #91 MUTANTS NIGHT OUT or "BABY I LOVE YOU" Ellis writes, Williams/Wieringo/Moy & Miller draw $1.95 (color) The European X-Men decide it's time to have a little down time, and head to a local pub to let there hair down. The musical artists on the book distracted me heavily thru the entire read. Some panels were fine, while others were absolutely horrid. I had hoped the edition of Rahne would be another familiar character to help me feel more attached to the team, but unfortunately she's going thru a revision it seems as well. I don't think there is a character on this team that's true to my conceptions other than perhaps Kitty and Kurt. The most interesting characters on this team are now Kitty Pryde and Pete Wisdom. The rest of the team could go on permanent vacation for all I care. Thankfully, a new edition makes his first appearance on the final page of this book, and it's bound to make the Wisdom/Pryde story all the more interesting. GENERATION X #9 SOMEPLACE OTHER THAN HERE Lobdell/Grummett/Buckingham & Milgrom $1.95 (color) The Gen Xers continue their adventure in the magical world within the walls of Cassidy Keep. Lot's of trolls. elves and dragons. This story should have been condensed into one issue. It wasn't so bad last month, but this issue seems overly-silly and dragged out, and the entire tale seems rather pointless. ULTRAVERSE INFINITY BLACK SEPTEMBER #infinity Ulm/De Victoria/Crain/Danko/Mann (concept & writers) Wyman/Konroy/Butler/Geeko (artists) $1.50 (color) The rebirth of the ultraverse is being played out as a cheap version of AGE OF APOCOLYPSE. After the infinity gems were seperated by The Black Knight, the universe has been altered into something it was never meant to be, and it's on a one-way road to total destruction, unless someone finds a way to fix things. We see characters from the Ultraverse taken out of their normal roles and put into a completely new reality, where Warstrike has teamed up with Necromantra to form a dictatorship of the last vestige of mankind. Even if we hadn't seen this concept played out recently with the X-Men, this would be a poor tale. The book lacks the introduction or detail to make the reader interested in what's going on. Half the time I wasn't even aware of who the characters had been in the previous version of reality. ULTRAFORCE #infinity Edginton/Royle/Whiting $1.50 (color) The UltraForce chapter is even more confusing, as members of the Avengers are also thrown into the altered reality, and two different teams seem to co-exist in two different worlds. Some events seem unaltered, while others are blended. For instance, Alec Swan is a super-soldier who received a serum to make him so, and Janet Van Dyne is the vengeful Black Widow. This book is hard to follow, and doesn't offer much of a jumping on point for new readers, much less people who are mildly familiar with the characters. ALL-NEW EXILES #infinity Kavanagh/Wyman/LaRosa & Baskerville $1.50 (color) In another meshing of the two universes, Marvel characters such as Juggernaut, Reaper (from the M.L.F) and Sienna Blaze find themselves on a desolate world with UV characters Shuriken, Warstrike and Amber Hunt. Even though these are some of the last characters you'd ever believe would team up for _any_ reason, they find themselves working together, albeit loosely, to find a way out of their strange predicament. This one wasn't so bad, even though I find the concept of these particular characters forming a team a little hard to swallow. Still, of them all this was the easiest to follow, therefore more enjoyable. The one saving grace of ALL these infinity books is the fact that the $1.50 price for each book. I had thought this was due to a smart business move on Marvel's part to get the readers back into the Ultraverse, but now I see it's because the product just isn't all that great. Even so, at this price I'll give these titles a few issues to find their ground. I've enjoyed alot of UV books in the past, so I'm hoping once the universe stabilizes things will get more interesting. I'll keep you posted! WOLVERINE #95 MANHATTAN RHAPSODY Hama/Kubert/Green & Ryan $1.95 (color) More members of Alpha Flight this month, as Vindicator and Guardian guest star. Afraid that his feral nature will get the best of him while in New York City, Vindicator insists on following Wolverine. Logan has a run-in with one of New York's millions of mutants, and Vindicator over-reacts. Interesting developments concerning Cyber, the group of mutants he's teamed up with seem to be more interested in him adamantium than any of his abilities...wonder why? Could it be that we're inching ever closer to the 100th issue where everyone expects Logan to get some adamantium? X-FACTOR #116 HOMECOMINGS Mackie/Epting/Milgrom $1.95 (color) This issue features Northstar, Aurora and Puck from Alpha Flight. Aurora seeks out WildChild to find out why he deserted her, Northstar and Puck follow because Aurora is having another breakdown. Interesting points: Bishops holographic sister, Shard is in Forge's hands, as he attempts to fix the holo-matrix for Bishop; and The Dark Beast sends Random on a mission to kill Alex Summers. This book has the potential to become my favorite X-title if these characters are used properly. The line-up is probably the most interesting of all the X-books, especially if Shard winds up on the team somehow. X-FORCE #48 INTERVENTION Loeb/Pollina/Pennington & Rubinstein The team attempts to convince Boomer that she is endangering herself and others with her secret visits to Sabretooth, to no avail. Even Professor Xavier fails to convince her of how dangerous are her actions. Interesting points in this issue: hints are given that another personality is responsible for Bobby's time as Reignfire; the return of Sebastion Shaw; and Sabretooth begins to show signs of his feral nature. The new personalities for characters like Boomer, Warpath and Caliban are still bugging me, but overall this was a decent read. X-MAN #9 A QUESTION OF POWER Ostrander/Skroce & Haynes $1.95 (color) Nate's first run-in with someone from his own reality, The Dark Beast. The Beast tries to convince Nate that they must work together in this reality, but Nate doesn't buy it, and instead mops the floor (actually, the deck, this story takes place out at sea) with The Beast. It's nice to see a confused hero fall for the villians manipulations. I was very suprised when Nate kept his head and took The Dark Beast down. Other than the sometimes shaky artwork, this was a pretty good read. Next month: Nate versus Professor Xavier! X-MEN #46 THE TOTALLY UNEXPECTED RETURN OF THE X-BABIES or THEY'RE BACK! Lobdell/Kubert/Smith $1.95 (color) Thank God that Marvel hasn't driven the Kubert's away, thanks to Andy I at least have ONE X-Men title a month that doesn't drive me nutso in the art department... This issue features the return of those loveable munchkins from the mojoverse, the X-Babies! It seems that the new power in the mojoverse has a few cancellations in mind, namely the mini-mutants. So, of course they come looking for help from the full-size versions. I've always liked the X-Babies appearances in the past, and I like this one as well. A little comedy every once in a while is definitely a good change of pace for a book like this. Also this issue: Bishop and Gambit have a talk about the X-Traitor; a Sentinal Research facility is destroyed by Onslaught; and we see Magneto has survived the fall to Earth. IMAGE COMICS: WEAPON ZERO #t-1 Simonson/Benitez/Cabrera $2.50 (color) I was really impressed with the first issue of this series because of all the different sci-fi & super hero elements it blended together in one tale. My interest has slowly waned over the course of the subsequent issues however, as the book seems to be skimming over details on the characters and rushing them into a super-team too quickly. I'd like to see them on the road of self discovery a bit longer, learning about themselves and their enemies. This issue has the cast being recaptured by Lorelei and once more in the hands of their enemies. The mini-series will be wrapping up next month, then followed by the regular series. I hope that some of the excitement I felt in the beginning wil return by then. Don't get me wrong, I like the series so far, but the first issue really raised my expectations that this book would be better than the norm, while so far it's been pretty standard. Bill Hughes!! EMail Address: william.hughes@f748.n109.z1.fidonet.org ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4] Comic Comments by John Keady Detective Comics #691 An UNDERWORLD UNLEASHED tiein. Not too often does an issue suprise me like this one did with what happened to the Spellbinder. I thought this issue to be one of the better UU titles I've read and recommend it heartily. The art work was good and the story itself was what made this one good! B Fate #13 Funny how this title has survived along with Starman as the only books to make it after Zero Hour. While this story had a better feel to it than the #0 issue I read so long ago, I still can't seem to get into it. Alan Scott's appearance was refreshing as he's the only former GL I don't really know that much about but all in all this book was a snoozer! C Impulse #8 I don't normally pick this one up but I've heard alot of good things about the book and it being an Underworld tiein gave me the opprotunity to check it out again! :) It did not dissapoint! Of all the charged up baddies, Blockbuster is one of the more interesting ones in my book! It also made me consider picking this book up more often! B JLA #105 THe one complaint that I have with this title is the excess of story in the time you have to tell it! I prefer a more focused storyline but we have at least 2 seperate stories trying to vie for the 23 or so pages and it seems a bit crammed! I'm not saying the story is bad but it could be better if focused on properly! C+ Legionnaires #31 The final part of Future Tense was one of the better books I've read in a while as is the whole story arc. The humor in this title had me chuckling the entire book and makes me hope that we have another cross between the 30th century and the kid of Steel! A New Gods #2 Orion Vs Darseid and one of em doesn't make it! :) a pretty good issue though I it's not one of those that generate much thought or conversation for something that should do so..... B- Power of Shazam #9 OK! I'm the first to admit that I am not a Shazam fan. However this story has made me a little less antigonistic toward the characters as you can't help but care for Billy & co. While the sugar level in this book could keep me up all night, I recommend this title for it's excellent storyline. B Shadow of the Bat #44 While I like this title normally, I am not a fan of Barry Kitson. I have the feeling that this story has a lead in to the upcoming Detective #700 so I'd get it only for the story value. C- The Ray #18 Once again this is one of those books that you need to read much of the series to understand what's going on! I have been trying to catch up here and the more I read, the more I begin to like this title! The only thing that bugs me is the fact that Ray is about the most dense individual I have ever seen! :) C+ UU: Apokolips Drk. Up. This one shot was pretty forgetable in my book. I am just now getting used to all the characters involved with New Gods and frankly I'll need to read some more before I even begin to care about anyone in this book. Yeah they're all baddies but even bad guys should be interesting! C ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5] Comic Reviews by David Drew Atomic City Tales Special No. 1 $2.95 Jay "Sin" Stephens Black Eye Productions The good news is that a new Atomic City Tales came out (about a month ago. I'm slow with the reviews, ok?) The bad news: it's the last one you'll see in the forseeable future. It won't be a Zongo book as was once reported, but Stephens is definitely shopping the series around some bigger publishers. And Black Eye Productions will publish a new Land of Nod series this spring. Hopefully Paul Pope's Buzz Buzz magazine will come out soon, Stephens will have an Atomic City / THB crossover in it. This is something I can see being as big as Mike Allred's Madman. But it has a quirkiness that even Madman has lost. This story concentrates on the villians of Atomic City. Between chapters, there's a strip where the cartoonist Jay Stephens explains why he's doing a strip about the villians instead of Big Bang (the so-called hero). Even with the threat that Big Bang would turn him into a swamp monster with a bad case of diahhrea, Doc Phantom (one of the baddies) follows Stephens everywhere (even to the comic racks, the horror!) until he gives in. What happens? The villians get bored and decide to go shopping. They face dangers, get tailed by their kitty cat, and pull a prank phone call on Big Bang. As Z-Girl says, "Hurray for evil!" OH THAT MONROE by Sam Henderson $6.95 published by Wow Cool A couple years back this almost crudely drawn story appeared in Cruel and Unusual Punishment (which was a sickly bizarre anthology editted by Dennis Worden). This guy Monroe brings in a pile of clothes to be laundered. The clerk pilfers through Monroe's clothes to find stained undies. He calls a magazine, which we learn is dedicated to embarassingly intimate secrets of Monroe Simmons. From this soiled underwear, people deduct secrets that even Howard Stern rarely asks of his guests. Apparently, this is a worldwide obsession that's unbeknownst to Monroe himself. And in this story, the two basic elements that are funniest about the Monroe Simmons strips are used. First, it seems as if everyone has it in for Monroe Simmons, but also the ironic thing is that he often brings these things upon himself. And the other being how utterly clueless Simmons is, and the author Sam Henderson plays off this well, especially when combined with the first element. After the Monroe Simmons magazine is distributed worldwide and literally everyone on the street is reading the magazine and gossiping about the dupe, he comes back into the laundrymat that betrayed his secret in the first place without a clue of what's going on. What sets Oh That Monroe (which collects some of Henderson's work from 1989 to 1993) from other strips with loser protagonists is that you don't get a first person sense of the author wallowing in self-pity. Simmons is doing this to share a laugh with his audience, and his instinct for comedy is great. This is a comic that doesn't have to rely on Tex Avery style reactions. Like Dan Clowes' parody of so-called autobiographical comics, Henderson's "Kids These Days Piss Me Off by Monroe Simmons" is a classic though he takes a different approach to it. Henderson pokes fun at the readers that think they can do better than autobio cartoonists. So he has Monroe show just how easy it can be. The finger ink smudges are a great touch to the amateur quality of Simmons' comic. The two stories that stand out most for me in this collection are Monroe Simmons Tries Again (the last few pages are priceless) and Night of 100 A - Holes. And yes, he gets 100 of them in a sixteen page story. Strangehaven #2 $2.95 Gary Spencer Millidge Abiogenesis Press Here's yet another person that's jumped onto the self-publishing bandwagon. While it has a good story and skillfully rendered art, I can't think of any publisher that would carry it. And of the ones that could pay him to do it, and whose audience it would appeal to, Gary Spencer Millidge just isn't well known enough to get published there. But Stangehaven is a fine story that deserves an audience. Comparisons have been made to David Lynch's Twin Peaks series, and while I wouldn't say it's as quirky as a Lynch directed episode and doesn't quite have a look that would go with an Angelo Badelimani (sp) score, there is a similar interest in mysticism. Like Lynch, Millidge story shows there are ancient elements of spiritual beings that dwell in the woods. And these forces seemingly influence events in Strangehaven. It is the woods that cause Alex Hunter to crash just outside the town of Strangehaven, and it is the powers in the forest that also keep him from leaving until certain events play themselves out. In the first issue, bits of a mysterious image appear in the middle of scenes. And more of this image is revealed this issue. More is revealed about one of the townspeople that was once a tribal shaman in the Amazon rainforest. And this ex-shaman reveals a little about how great power can be found in nature. And somehow this will tie in with what is happening in the woods. Millidge uses a very straightforward style of drawing. Like surrealists, he tries to base his images in reality so that breaking the rules of reality has much more impact. If the characters were drawn like they came from a Max Fleisher cartoon, these odd effects wouldn't have quite as powerful an impact. So the art isn't special in that it shows technical ability, but that it works well for effect. The art has improved since the first issue. Issue one relied on simpler line drawings since Millidge was hoping to shop this to a someone that could afford to publish it in color. But now that he's committed to self-publishing a black & white book, he's using line to create tone and texture more. Also there are painted pages (in gouache, according to the creator) used for the rainforest flashback scene. The charmingly painted covers will hopefully attract people browsing the racks. I was among those that thought the cover was painted in acrylic (it's really gouache), and I love the softer, warmer colors as opposed to all the cooler, heavier colored covers that were inspired by Olyoptics. I found the main characters to be very likable, and the more mysterious characters to be charmingly quirky. There's even a secret society to spice things up. Their garb really makes them stand out from this seemingly low-key village. And realizing that he's going to tell comics by installments, he tells enough about the characters and the town's secrets to keep the story moving, but also promises more to keep you coming back. If you can't find any issues, you can also find a Strangehaven short story in Negative Burn #24 (which all Paul Pope fans should possess). It really isn't part of the main Strangehaven story, but offers a taste of the town that might entice you look for more. Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror I nearly missed this new Bongo book: Bart Simpson's Treehouse of Horror. This one caught my eye because it featured stories by James Robinson, Jeff Smith and Mike Allred. It spoofs the old campy horror comics as the EC inspired title implies, but it draws on a variety of influence in true Simpson style. The first story features a Mike Allred written story (he also does the inking on this) which is a take-off on Little Shop of Horrors. Jeff Smith follows up with a story inspired by the novel he refers to most often in his comics: Moby Dick. Lisa looks into the history of the Simpson side of the family (who are gross underacheivers compared to the Bouviers) and learns that a Simpson once sailed with Captain Ahab on that fateful voyage for the white whale. Unfortunately, that Simpson was every bit as competent at his job as Homer. Jeff Smith also does the page layouts, and does a great job with it. James Robinson wraps it up with a story called the Bart People, where Simpson children suffer a curse that causes them to morph into panthers. Robinson outdoes even Smith with his understanding of the Simpson characters, their idiosyncracies, as well as the type of storytelling they use on the show. Matt Groening provides a cover painting with Bart as a Graham Ingels inspired Witch. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [6] Sez Me! by Vern Kriske Between Bill Hughes' and John Keady's reviews, a guy could feel a bit intimidated about offering his own comments. So, I'm going to try something different and focus on an single issue each week. We'll see if it works. First some background. I don't like muti-book crossovers. I really don't like 'em. Once in a while, and in a few books only, they can be okay. The recent run in The Titans, Darkstar and GL worked just fine. Underworld Unleashed, on the other hand, is everything I don't like about multi-book crossovers. It could have been done in a few issues. Get the baddies together and jazz 'em. Get the good guys together with the baddies and have a big bruhaha. The jazzed baddies escape and pop up here and there down the road. Instead we get issue after issue of Neron appearing before some character and offering the same thing. What's the price? Your soul! An exchange of evil glances and into the story. Yawn. This isn't a rant, honest! In Catwoman #27, Dixon took the premise, reduced the Neron exchange to a few panels, and used it to set up a first class story with Gorilla Grood and Catwoman. The characters rang true, the story was well paced, the action was great and the ending included a nice twist. Balent was a the top of his form also. We saw the best "evil glance" to date, action scenes that reminded me of the early Ditko Spiderman, and an eye for background detail that always seemed to advance the story. If you haven't tried Catwoman yet, pick up this issue and give it a look. Now, I'll head back to my stack of DC titles. What's next? WARRIOR? Geez, I thought I'd dropped that darn book. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [7] APA Information, by Ed Dukeshire CBN-APA : The APA for online artists and writers! CENTRAL MAILER: Ed Dukeshire WHAT IS AN APA? --------------- It's a amateur publishing group where each member creates their own section, makes copies, and sends them to the central mailer. The central mailer pieces it all together into a magazine to send out to all the other members. APA stands for Amateur Press Alliance. The CBN-APA has no specific theme, anything comics related can be submitted. The only requirement is that the contributor can be reached online via echo networks (such as Fidonet or ComicBook Net) and/or internet e-mail. Some folks are sending in pinups, pencil sketches, fully inked work, fan-fiction, while others are doing completed comics. Some of the members are under 18, so we need to keep it clean, no profanity, nudity, or offensive material please. HOW IS THE POSTAGE PAID FOR? ---------------------------- When you join, each member sends $5.00 to get their account started. As each issue gets released, the postage cost to mail you the completed APA is deducted from your account (guessing around $2.00 per mailing). Please make sure there is enough money in your account to receive the mailings, otherwise your copy will sit here waiting for your money to come in. HOW OFTEN DOES IT COME OUT? --------------------------- This APA is released on a bi-monthly schedule. Current deadlines: Issue #2: November 31st, but please send it in sooner! If everyone does, the APA will be shipped ahead of schedule. ;) Issue #3: January 31st Issue #4: March 31st HOW THICK DO THE SECTIONS HAVE TO BE? ------------------------------------- The MINAC (short for MINimum ACtivity) is a 4 page section (that's 2 sheets of paper xeroxed on both sides). Paper size is 8 1/2 x 11, this will be the size of the APA. If you want to produce more pages, please do so, the more pages the merrier! Several members find themselves submitting up to 10 pages. SOUNDS GREAT! HOW DO I JOIN? ---------------------------- Send $5.00 and 15 stapled and collated copies of your 'zine to the Central Mailer, along with your name, address and phone number. Please name your section, think up a wild crazy name if you want. By naming it, it'll give other members a quick way of recogizing who does what. It's always a good idea to have your name and address on your section somewhere (cover, first page, last page, whatever). Note: Please xerox on both sides of the paper. It'll help keep the postage down. Only staple your each section once in the upper left hand corner. Note: If you're interested in obtaining a copy of issue #1, then please submit at least a 10 page section. Otherwise, just make it a 4 page submission to receive the issue it appears in. FIRST SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT ---------------------------- Please write up something telling everyone about yourself, what your interests are, etc. (Toss this on any page in your zine, first page, last page, whatever). It'll help every member get familiar with each other. This doesn't need to be a book, just a couple paragraphs is fine. If you require more info, feel free to write me at e.dukeshire@genie.com or leave a message on the ComicBook Net in the "Writers and Artists" conference. Or -- I can be reached via Fidonet Netmail at 1:324/134.0 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [8] New Comics 10/15/95 by Bobb Waller Here is the list of books scheduled to ship next week (10/15/95!) ============================================================================ Acclaim Comics: Antiquities War:Magic/Gathering Bloodshot #44 Eternal Warrior #49 Fallen Empires:Magic/Gathering Punx #3 Samuree #3 Turok:Dinosaur Hunter #39 X-O Manowar #56 Archie Comics: Archie Digest #138 Jughead #76 Scooby Doo #4 Sonic the hedgehog #30 Veronica #49 Chaos! Comics: Evil Ernie Revenge TP Comic Shop News: Comic Shop News #435 Dark Horse Comics: American Splendor: Windfall #2 Cross #0 Madman Comics #9 Oktane #3 Star Wars:Tales of the Jedi-Sith War DC Comics: Animaniacs #8 Batman:SOTB #45 Batman: The Ultimate Evil #1 Black Lightning #11 Blood Syndicate #33 Chiaroscuro: Private Lives #5 Doomsday Annual #1 Green Lantern #69 Hawkman #27 Hellblazer #96 Justice League:America #106 Millenium Fever #3 New Gods #3 New Titans #128 Power of Shazam #10 Rebels 95 #14 Sandman #73 Sandman Mystery Theatre #33 Sovereign Seven #6 Star Trek #78 Star Trek Revisitations TP Star Trek:TNG Annual #6 Starman #14 Superman #107 Swamp Thing #161 Underworld Unleashed:Abyss Hells Sentinel Vigilante: City Lights Prairie Justice #2 Fantagraphics Books: Sake Jock Harris Comics: Rook #3 Vengeance of Vampirella #19 Image: Backlash #12 Berzerkers #2 Bloodpool #2 Brigade #22 Chapel Vol. 2 #2 Crypt #2 Cyberforce #16 Cyberforce Origins #3-Impact Deathblow #20 Glory & Friends Bikini Fest #1 Grifter #5 Grifter/Badrock #1 Prophet Vol. 2 #2 Ripclaw #1 Riptide #1 Shamans Tears #12 Spartan Warrior Spirit #3 Spawn #36 Star #4 Supreme #30 Team Youngblood #21 Velocity #1 Wildstorm #2 Witchblade #1 Zealot #2 Kitchen Sink Press: From Hell Vol 4 Maximum Comic Press: Battlestar Galactica #3 Law & Order #2 Planet Lucy Press: Ragmop #3 Pocket Change Comics: Assassinette #7 Assassinette Hardcore #2 Shadow Slasher #6 Slave Labor Graphics: Action Girl Comics #5 Crime Clinic #2 Tekno Comix: Xander in Lost universe #? Mike Danger #6 Mr. Hero The Newmatic Man #? Topps Comics: X-File Comics Digest #1 Viz Comics: Mai The Psychic Girl: Perfect Collection Ranma 1/2 Part IV #10 Sanctuary Part 4 #3 Viz-In Magazine Vol 7 #10 Warrior Publishing: Ventura #3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For some reason they sent me TWO (2) Bone figures from Hero Magazine! See Ya on the spinners! bbwaller@iadfw.net is Bobb Waller Sysop of FIAWOL-BBS Dedicated to both Fandom and empowering the disABLED ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [9] Splash Page! HYPE -- Portia Prinz of the Glamazons *************************************** FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION *************************************** Marlowe & Company is proud to announce the Spring 1996 publication of "Porita Prinz of the Glamazons," by Richard Howell, with an introduction by Kurt Busiek. Featuring both published and unpublished stories, "Portia Prinz of the Glamazons" will be the presentation of the character that has been unable to be done until now. Making her first appearances intermittently between 1977 and 1979, and then briefly in 1986, Portia Prinz has been hailed as the watershed event in bringing credible female characters to comics. "Portia Prinz of the Glamazons" is the latest book in Marlowe & Company's graphic novel line, which is dedicated to bringing the best, and most often overlooked, comics back into print. Further information is available by contacting Marlowe & Company via: E-mail: Ldeneault@aol.com Phone: (212) 460-5742 Fax: (212) 460-5796 (HYPE) The Cowboy Wally Show *************************************** FOR IMMEDIATE DISTRIBUTION *************************************** Save those body parts, kids! Marlowe & Company is proud to announce that "The Cowboy Wally Show," the legendary graphic novel by Kyle Baker, is returning to print in the Spring of 1996. 'nuff said. "The Cowboy Wally Show" is the latest book in Marlowe & Company's graphic novel line, which is dedicated to bringing the best, and most often overlooked, comics back into print. Publication Date: March 1996 Price: $12.95 ISBN: 1-56924-834-6 Further information is available by contacting Marlowe & Company via: E-mail: Ldeneault@aol.com Phone: (212) 460-5742 Fax: (212) 460-5796 Independent Universe Collector Card Set, Series II PRESS RELEASE Dilemma Productions is proud to announce that they will be producing a series two of of the Independent Universe Collector Card Set. This is due to an overwhelming response to the first series, and numerous requests from publishers who did not appear in the first series. Publishers interested may send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Dilemma Productions, P O Box 803, Easthampton, Ma 01027 to receive a copy of the submissions guidelines. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [10] Letters to the Net From: ian.archer@welcom.gen.nz (Ian Archer) Subject: Who's reading CBEM. To: xenozoid@cris.com Greetings from downunder. CBEM is being read in Wellington, New Zealand with great interest. The only disappointment is the high proportion of comics that are for USA and Canada - don't these publishers realise there are other people in the world who have too much money? :^) Keep up the good work Ian Archer ian.archer@welcom.gen.nz Ian, Many thanks for the feedback. As for the high proportion of comics for US and Canada, I can only say that we write what we know about and the majority of us are FROM North America. :) However, you will notice that issues 29 and 30 of this publication featured fascinating articles by Marc Sparks on the comics scene in Africa. Possibly something worth looking into... Best, --Ry Editor To: XENOZOID@cris.com Subject: Your e-mail zine Reply-To: steven.acevedo@chinardr.com (Steven Acevedo) I just got a look at your e-mail magazine earlier tonight and have to say it looks pretty good. The reviews are concise and well written and it shows. May you continue with great success with it. Steven From: RF To: Ryan Brewster Subject: Re: The CBN E-Mag, Issue #29! Dear CBN, Thanks for sending me the latest issue! I really do appreciate the efforts of all involved. Last week, you asked for comments from your readers concerning the axing of weekly lists, and I thought I'd contribute my $0.02 US . . . I found the "Late Comics Report" to be extremely useful, and I'll miss seeing it every week. That list helped me determine whether I had missed the latest issue of my favorite titles or if the issues had come out late. I'll really miss that one! Until next week, Arif Haque Arif, Thanks for your feedback... Rest assured that the Late Comics Report has not been _cancelled_, per se. It will simply be listed _monthly_ rather than _weekly_. I find the list helpful as well, and I appreciate Alex Toth's efforts greatly! Since it is such a large list, however, and we are looking to cut down the byte count, a monthly schedule seems more efficient. On the other hand, I will see what Alex may think of keeping a special section of the CBN web page available to access the very latest report. Thanks again, --Ry Editor ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [11] CBN Conference Totals >> CBN Conference Traffic week of 10/07/95 - 10/13/95 Conference Tot Conference Tot ---------------------------- --- ---------------------------- --- CBN: Writers/Artists 92 CBN: Fan Fiction 14 CBN: DC Comics 87 CBN: Cards 11 CBN: Marvel Comics 52 CBN: Electronic Mag 7 CBN: Movies/TV 46 CBN: Dark Horse Comics 6 CBN: Small Press 45 CBN: Role Playing 6 CBN: Comic Issues 35 CBN: Video Games 6 CBN: Bullpen 33 CBN: SciFi 5 CBN: Fanboy 29 CBN: Splash Page 5 CBN: Image Comics 27 CBN: Toys/Collectibles 3 CBN: Editors Office 23 CBN: Acclaim 2 CBN: Animation 16 CBN: Manga 2 CBN: Independents 15 CBN: Back Issue Bin 1 >> Total Combined: 568 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [12] Join in the fun! You too can enjoy the intelligent conversations and informative threads that occupy the conferences of the Comic Book Net every day! However, many people who read this e-mag aren't familiar with the Local BBS echo-mail system.... Bulletin Board Systems are scattered everywhere across the USofA, and many of them are free! Chances are, if you have a modem you have the accompanying communications software. Using the Terminal Emulation software that came with your modem, you can dial up one of the many systems linked into CBN (see the listings down a few paragraphs). Most of the boards offer all the message echoes in the Comic Book Network... there are message bases devoted to all the bigger comics publishers, as well as big Small Press and Independent message bases, not to mention sections for general (doesn't even have to be about comics!) conversation. If you are worried about long distance charges, worry no longer! Most if not all the BBS's offer a mail service from which you can download a .QWK packet of recent e-mail to read offline with a program called an offline mail reader. You can read & write messages at your leisure, and then upload your own messages & replies the next time you call your local BBS. There are many .QWK packet readers out there, for every type of computer system. They all give you a better explaination in their documentation than I can. These programs are available all over the Internet and are downloadable from most BBS's. These "mail runs" (dialing up, downloading the mail packet and uploading replies) generally take less than 5 minutes to accomplish, and at the average after-5pm/weekends/holidays long distance phone rates, that is LESS THAN 75›! See? Even less expensive than many of the commercial information services available! :) So what else can you find on free BBS systems? Theres plenty of files for specific types of computers. Some systems also offer other types of message networks ranging from general topics to specific themes like sci-fi, role playing, games, music, etc. And, let's not forget online games. Join into the many different multiplayer games, each system sports different challenges. There's nothing like becoming the most powerful being in a online adventure! And when you _do_ log on, leave a message in The Bullpen conference to ALL, and introduce yourself to us! You're guaranteed to get plenty of replies and all the help you need to join in the fun! Best, --Ry, the editor, with assists from Ed Dukeshire. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [13] BBSes Linked into CBN +----------------------------+ | The ComicBook Network !! | A message network devoted to Comic +----------------------------+ Fans, Collectors, and Professionals! ---- ---------- ------------- - Over 20 message echoes for your reading enjoyment! - Marvel Comics - DC Comics - Image Comics - Independents - Dark Horse Comics - Small Press - Comic Issues - Fanfic - E-Mag - Writers/Artists - Toys and Collectables - Cards - Back Issue Bin - Video Games - Bullpen - Fanboy - Animation - TV/Movies - Role Playing - Splash Page - SciFi - News, info, reviews, and general conversation with other comic book fans and professionals. - Log onto the systems, check it out and participate. We'd love to have you aboard! - Here's a quick rundown of free access BBSes already linked in! Most offer a QWK/Bluewave door to pack mail and read offline. * = New systems linked in. City St BBS Number City St BBS Number ------------- -- ------------ ------------- -- ------------ Russelville AR 501-968-3910 Hector AR 501-284-5503 Lakeside CA 619-561-2961 Victorville CA 619-955-6445 Destin FL 904-654-9385 Ft. Walton FL 904-244-7434 Jacksonville FL 904-363-6347 Melbourne FL 407-253-0782 Melbourne FL 407-253-8754 Tavares FL 904-343-7272 Davenport IA 319-381-2906 Palatine IL 708-776-2395 Indianapolis IN 317-856-9020 La Porte IN 219-325-3655 Acushnet MA 508-995-0085 Agawam MA 413-789-6533 Haverhill MA 508-372-2258 * Haverhill MA 508-521-6941 New Bedford MA 508-984-1212 New Bedford MA 508-984-5321 * North Andover MA 508-686-8010 Rochester MA 508-763-5579 Shrewsbury MA 508-753-3767 S. Dartmouth MA 508-979-8930 Worcester MA 508-791-1281 Bishopville MD 410-352-5754 Frederick MD 301-831-8057 Frederick MD 301-698-5194 Gaithersburg MD 301-601-9731 * Kettering MD 301-390-5243 Mount Rainier MD 301-779-9381 Walkersville MD 301-898-4088 * Silver Spring MD 301-431-0647 Dearborn Hgts MI 313-565-8464 Kalamazoo MI 616-349-9438 Durham NC 919-286-4542 Durham NC 919-286-7738 Raliegh NC 919-833-3412 Raliegh NC 919-790-3599 * Atkinson NH 603-362-4125 * Exeter NH 603-778-4662 * Hampstead NH 603-329-5643 * Kingston NH 603-642-5949 * Newton NH 603-382-0567 * Raymond NH 603-895-2393 * Rye Beach NH 603-964-4760 * South Hampton NH 603-394-7534 * Fair Lawn NJ 201-796-7202 Hillsdale NJ 201-722-1495 * Little Ferry NJ 201-440-5499 Park Ridge NJ 201-307-9225 Saddle Brook NJ 201-368-1866 Astoria NY 718-204-0159 Poughkeepsie NY 914-485-5463 * Rochester NY 716-647-6960 Saugerties NY 914-247-9601 Spring Valley NY 914-426-3029 West Islip NY 516-422-4225 Collinsville OK 918-371-0980 Oklahoma City OK 405-672-0615 Oklahoma City OK 405-728-7960 Eddystone PA 610-872-2830 * Philadelphia PA 215-365-5225 * Philadelphia PA 215-342-5384 * Philadelphia PA 215-487-7315 Union City TN 901-885-9647 Dallas TX 214-680-2755 Garland TX 214-494-3702 Grand Prairie TX 214-641-1136 Houston TX 713-568-0825 Irving TX 214-790-6472 Killeen TX 817-699-2254 Missouri City TX 713-835-0965 Odessa TX 915-530-2712 Waxahachie TX 214-938-7115 Arlington VA 703-415-0134 Longview WA 206-577-7358 Gananoque ONT 613-382-1788 Niagara Fall ONT 905-371-0736 * London ONT 519-850-9929 St.Catharine ONT 905-988-9698 Tecumseh ONT 519-979-4251 Mexico City MEX 52-5-264-2994 - If you have access to internet mail, you can receive a complete listing of bbs systems linked in. Address your message to ComicBkNet@AOL.COM - Weekly "Comic Book Electronic Magazine" available on all above systems. Also available on AOL - GOTO: SCIENCE FICTION and select Science Fiction Libraries from the main menu. The files are in: ANIME, COMICS, OTHER. If you don't have an account on AOL, check the CompuServe and GEnie libraries, they're uploaded there as well. - Sysops: FREQ the latest information packet using the Magic Filename COMICS from these Fidonet systems; 1:19/37 in AR, 1:324/134 in MA, 1:109/748 in MD, 1:2201/66 in MI ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [14] E-Mag Information The Comic Book Net E-Mag is published weekly by the many participants of The Comic Book Network. This is a compilation of articles and columns which were originally posted in the network's conferences or written specifically for this electronic magazine. All text contained within are copyrighted to the originating author(s). Freely distributable for noncommerical purposes only. THE CBN WEB PAGE ---------------- If you have access to the World Wide Web, please stop by and visit our web page! On our web page, you can find the latest issue of our E-Mag, as well as an annotated index of back issues. You'll also find important information on how to join the conversation in the Comic Book Net, an archive of Comic Book Net fanfic, and other neat features! The URL address is: http://www.cris.com/~Xenozoid/ComicBkNet.html LOCATING THE ISSUES ------------------- The latest issue is always available from all the systems linked into The Comic Book Network. Issues may be obtained through several online pay services as well (ie; AOL, CompuServe, GEnie). All back issues should be available at the above sites, as well as our World Wide Web page. SUBMISSIONS ----------- To submit an article, review, column, etc to our e-mag, simply post it in any Comic Book Net conference and leave me a message in the CBN: E-Mag conference giving me permission to use the article. If you cannot access the Comic Book Net, submit your news articles (no reviews accepted at this time...) to the editor: Xenozoid@cris.com. SUBSCRIPTIONS ------------- If you wish to receive these issues automatically through your internet account, please address a message to Xenozoid@cris.com to be placed on the subscription list. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - End of Issue #.. see ya next week!