Command and Conquer Mission Selector Version 1.3 written by Still a long way from perfect :( CCMISS allows you to select which mission you want to play. However, it does not allow you to choose which map. For example, mission 4 for GDI can be in either Poland or Belarus. I haven't worked out how to select which exact mission you want to play, just the general mission number. Sometimes this doesn't matter (when there is only 1 mission for that number). I will keep looking for the information needed for this. You use it by selecting the mission and then starting up C&C. Load the file that you just edited. In the game, go to the Options screen, click on Abort and then on Restart. You will then start the new mission. Valid mission numbers range from 1 to 15 for GDI and 1 to 13 for NOD. Any new versions I create will be put onto my web page at: Version history: version 1.0 I released this as source code onto as I thought that the mission information was fairly easy. Wrong! This version will work on some save game files, but not all. version 1.1 & 1.2 Tried again, with some more offsets. Wrong again. These versions were not released. And didn't last too long. version 1.3 Finally works with all my savegame files (all 63 of them). Changed the name from cced to ccmiss. Pleads with people to send me bug email if they get a data mismatch error. Tells you which side (nod or gdi) this mission is for. Won't get to version 2.0 until I work out how to get specific maps. Andrew Griffin