~Super Karts 4 KART01.PCX KART02.PCX KART03.PCX KART04.PCX Review uploaded to Cheet Sheets BBS. If you've played Wacky Wheels, then you know how much fun a go-cart sim can be, and Manic Media's SuperKarts is no exception. The game combines fast action, and excellent control, and is guaranteed to keep you interested at least till the next Baywatch episode is on. (50,000 countries can't be wrong) The graphics are decent, but they didn't blow me away, even at full detail. I'm guessing the reason for this was to increase the overall speed of the game, which they succeeded in doing. Sound effects were also fairly good, but again nothing spectacular. I'd tell you what the music was like, but I'd be lying since the game would not let me turn the music ON. Probably just my soundcard-o'-cheese. Although it doesn't share the same 'cuteness' found in MarioKart and Wacky Wheels, SuperKarts has its own unique appeal. The tracks are somewhat maze-like, with walls that resemble the kind found in good ol' Wolfenstein 3D. There were more tracks than I could count, which is quite something for a 2« disk game, and each was suitably different from the last. At the end of each race, you get to visit a shop where you can purchase all sorts of cool shit to make your cart FLY! (well, not as in 'flap-flap' fly, but you know what I mean) (heh.. that'd be kewl though) Another unique feature in SuperKarts are the billions of different camera angle possibilities. But while they're fun to play around with, there really doesn't seem to be any point to most of the angles as they tend to hinder rather than help. Try playing a head-on racing game while viewing your vehicle from the side! In short, I'd advise you to grab this game no matter what. It's so bloody small, and it's sure to provide hours of good clean family fun. And if you've got access to a network, even better, as SK supports network play. (no modem play though - bah!)