~The Magic Show The Magic Shop - Jason Taylor/Zenobi To complete this Tailspin adventure you need to click with the mouse on various graphics, text boxes (which may either just advance the story or give you options for your next move - the text in these cases will be shown in reverse colours) or information boxes marked "I". Sometimes you'll have to click outside a box to remove it and be able to proceed. These de-selections are not shown in the interests of brevity. START: Outside the Shop Click window - click poster - click door - enter shop - click fire - click chair - click shelves - click candlestick - click woman - show some interest - click woman - admit you aren't a magician - click woman - click text - click woman - try to leave shop - I - flames force you back - click woman - see magic items - click bag - click text. I - enter a new world - click fence - go towards river - click sword - get sword - click grass - go back to meadow - click man - fight man - I - he vanishes, you are losing strength fast - click cottage - walk to cottage - click door - enter it - click stew - click text - click woman - ask for stew - click woman - give herbs to woman - click woman - eat stew - I - you feel better - click left of screen (back door) - leave through back door. Click coop - get egg - click stone wall - go to lane - click road - walk along lane - click man - ask about food - click man - give egg for shoes - click man - give shoes back - click man - he says to retrace your steps but don't forget who owns the charm - click road - go back towards cottage - click on object on road - take charm - click road - go to yard - click stone wall - go to field - click smoke at top of tree - climb tree - click goblin - give charm - click goblin - tell him how you got the charm - click goblin (do you want a gift?) - yes - click goblin (he tells you the spell of illusion) - you feel a force tugging at your mind. Click woman - click candlestick (the creature tells you illusion is good for confusion) - click woman - see magic items - click ring - click text. I - enter a new world - click book - click text - click book - get it - click field - walk right - click field - go to road - click object on ground by car - take keys - click man - I - give book to man - I - he finds it interesting - click man - click car - steal car - I - start car - I - follow road - I - follow road - I - follow road - I - follow road - click turning - turn left - click hole in stone - put ring in hole - I - you feel a drain on your energy - click stone - try a magic spell - I - cast illusion - I - click imp (it gives you the spell of stone) - you feel a force tugging at your mind. Click woman - see magic items - click mirror - click text. I - enter a new world - click creature - I - give mirror - click creature - I - take mirror back - click creature - click imp - I - cast illusion - I - the imp thinks the creature is still alive - I - cast stone - I (you feel the creature's mind enter yours and know the spell of multiplication) - you feel a force tugging at your mind. Click woman - see magic items - click dice - click text. I - enter a new world - click figure - it may have wings - click figure - it offers a wager - click figure - you must beat it at dice - click figure - it rolls a 2 - click dice - use multiplication spell on dice - click dice - you rolled 6 - click figure (get spell of mind reading) - you feel a force tugging at your mind. Click woman - see magic items - click carved figure - click text. I - enter a new world - click tower - walk to tower - click tower - enter tower. I - you're back in the shop - click right I - cast mind read - click candlestick - read creature's mind - click candlestick - you learn the spell of magic - click right I - cast magic - click woman - leave through doorway - I. Congratulations! You can now consider yourself a magician as "only magicians can leave the shop". After all this time in the shop you have missed your bus home. Never mind - you can always cast a spell.... Uploaded to the Cheet Sheets BBS.