~Ravenloft II A couple of questions answered. ~I got the key from the priest after giving him the urn. He said ~the key would open a well close by? Where is it? Got the lute ~and "talked" to the ghost but now what? Search the wall in the area south of where you met the priest. There is a secret door in the western wall that a button opens. The key will be used in that area on your way to the stairs down. You need the chain and the lute...you talked to the ghost so you're halfway there. You will find the chain very soon if you're going to search the Harvest Temple. (Look at the map of the desert that the boy in Muhar gave you..this will tell you what to do with the chain). ~I can't seem to find the buried temple of Ra. What do the two hands on the map represent? The temple is in the somewhere is the south east edge of the desert. It is on the eastern edge between the temple of Set and the place you pick-up the lion/human NPC. The hands represent two hand standing-up in the desert.