~Help Needed. This is where you shout out and ask for help on any game you please. Whether its help or a cheat you want feel free to ask... Send your plea in text format (with any maps, that may help) to the normal Cheet Sheets address, in return we will do I best to answer your question(s) in the next issue of the mag...... If you can help with any of these plea's then please write in with the help necessary..... ~Alien Breed 2 : Tower Assault Can anybody supply me with a cheat that will allow me to get through the levels with time limits, without having to hurry !!! I always seem to lose my way and run out of time, and bang, "GAME OVER" !!! Maps of these levels (or all) would be VERY handy.... ~First Encounters : Elite 3 Please of please can anybody give me any tips on how I can beat this game ? ~Laura Bow II Where is the lantern. I can't find it, help is not available in existing solutions. Please Help. (KG) ~Wizardry VI/VII I want to use my party from Wizardry 6 in Wizardry 7. How can I do it and have EVERYTHING I had origianlly ? Can you or any of your readers help ? ~General Requests..... All the below games have had requests for help, direct from a number of readers, so if you can help in any way then please do... Simply send whatever you have (on disk, in TEXT format preffered) to the usual Cheets Sheets address or via Email (cheets@sv.span.com) Chaos Control Dark Sun 2 - Wake Of The Ravager Eternam Flight Of The Amazon Queen Hokum Lost Eden Pool Of Darkness Realms Of Arkania 1 & 2 Skunny Games (Tips on any of them) Slipstream 5000 Spirit of Excalibur Ticonderoga Trog Warcraft Warriors