~One Must Fall How to beat IAN Tavares ~Would anybody like to give me a couple pointers on how I can beat ~Ian Tavares in the World Championships. He's got that damned Nova, ~and I end up in this endless cycle of beating Steel Claw, only to ~lose to Ian, back and forth, at least 30 times so far. 1. What robot are you using? I can tell you more if you specify but here's what I did with my Jaguar. Ian Tavares's Nova is an encahnced version of the usual Nova so watch out (ie he punch harder)! He likes to sucker you with an air missle and then if you jump to avoid it follows up with an earthquake slam. So, in my Jaguar, I do a normal jump kick then followed by 2 standing heavy kicks and then a sweep. Now, if he tries to do anything but defend, I use an overhead throw and *BOOM* he's down. Repeat, and try to attack rather then defend as a Nova's specials can take you down, be you standing, crouching, jumpind or defending ~Help obtained from Internet Mail.