~Dune A cry for help back in March by a couple of readers, saw Lu write a collection of tips for Issue 40. Now your prayers are answered once more with thanks to Hazel Miller. DUNE - WALK-THROUGH By Hazel Miller As Paul Atreides and you begin this atmospheric strategy game as you arrive at an old palace on the planet Dune, well away from your enemies the Harkonnens. Your family are here to mine spice for Emperor Shaddam IV. Your first job is to get help from the Fremen who live in hidden sietches in the dunes. Speak to the Duke, your father, then your mother Jessica. She will tell you to take an orni and fly to Carthag-Tuek to meet Gurney Halleck. Take an orni and from the 3 sietches shown, fly to Carthag-Tuek, speak to Gurney and ask the Fremen there to work for you. Tell him to spice mine. Take Gurney with you to Carthag-Harg and do the same. The Fremen at Carthag-Timin will not work for you at present. They are the spice prospectors. Return with Gurney to the Atreides palace and talk to Duncan Idaho. He will keep you informed throughout the game about spice stocks. Speak to the Duke to learn about stillsuits, which you will need to retain body fluid in the desert. Gurney will remember a conversation he had in Carthag-Tuek about a stillsuit maker. Fly there with Gurney and speak to the Fremen. He will tell you to go to a sietch towards the east. Always take someone as a lookout when searching for unmapped sietches. The Fremen here will tell you of 2 more sietches to the north and east. Recruit him for spice mining and give him the harvester. Go to the other two sietches and also recruit them for spice mining. The Fremen in the northern sietch will tell you the area has to be prospected. Fly to Carthag-Timin and you will now be able to recruit the prospectors and get a map which shows the spice density and all unprospected areas across the planet. Send the prospectors to the northern and eastern sietches. Return to the palace and find the stillsuits have been delivered. Each time you return from a trip speak to Duncan Idaho to get the latest spice stocks. Always try to keep well ahead of the Emperor's demands for spice as he will demand more each time. Also remember to visit all the sietches you have recruited regularly to keep up morale. Initially there will be very little equipment or spare ornis for the miners to use, but if you see any spare equipment on the map send miners from nearby sietches out to search for it. Return to the palace and speak to the Duke. He will tell you to go with your mother Jessica and search the palace for hidden rooms. Go 4 rooms south and Jessica will find a hidden door on the left. Go west and north to a communications room. Everyone will gather here and you get a pat on the back from the Duke. Speak to Duncan and he will tell you that you need more spice harvesters and sends you and Gurney off to search for some. You may have to move some of your spice miners about now if the areas they are working in are played out. At Tuono-Tabr the Fremen will tell you of a harvester in a sietch to the northeast. Find this sietch and once it appears on your map, go to the nearby sietches and tell the Fremen there to search for equipment. Return to the palace and find your father on the balcony. He will tell you there is a message in the communications room. Go there and view the message from Emperor Shaddam IV about the date of the first shipment of spice. Whenever you are away from the palace and learn there is a message for you, drop everything and fly back immediately to send the spice shipment. If you delay the Emperor will get mad and raise the amount of spice to be shipped next time which you will find very hard to cope with as time goes by. Fly to Tuono-Tuek and learn of a new sietch to the southwest.This new sietch, Tuono-Clam, has a harvester, 2 ornis and some krys knives going spare which can be collected by nearby miners. Fly to Tuono-Tabr and get information about a sietch, Tuono-Timin, to the southeast. Find it and meet the widow Harah who will go with you to 3 new sietches she knows of. Once they have been visited return to the palace and speak to Jessica. She will tell you to go into the desert alone. Leave Gurney and Harah in the palace, walk 2 paces into the desert and stay alone there for 1 day or until you get a vision of the Duke telling you a message has arrived at the palace. You have now gained limited telepathic powers and can contact nearby sietches via the map. Return to the palace, see Duncan and send your first shipment of spice to the Emperor. Speak to Jessica then go to the balcony for a group chat. When it is discovered Gurney isn't there, speak to Jessica (who will explain your visions), then speak to the Duke. Go with Jessica and when you reach the corridor with the communications room on the left, she will find a hidden door on the right. Inside you will find Gurney unconscious. The door to the south was trapped. Your father tells you to see Thufir Hawat in the communications room. Find him, take him back to Gurney and he will disarm the trap. Inside this room is an armoury. Thufir suggests you could use the Fremen as an army but first you must have a Fremen leader by your side who can rally the troops. Pick up Harah and fly to Carthag-Tabr. The Fremen leader here knows of a leader named Stilgar and this will jog Harah's memory. She will guide you to a new sietch west of the palace called Sihaya-Clam. Don't forget every time you find a new sietch send the prospectors there immediately. Find Stilgar and he will agree to come with you. Rally the leader in this sietch and you should by now be able to recruit him to army. Give him the Krys knives. Send him to Ergsun-Tsymyn. From now on choose army whenever you meet new Fremen, (you will need about 14 trained troops at the end), and move your existing spice miners around to newly prospected areas. Return to the palace and speak to everyone. Leave Harah and take Gurney and Stilgar in the orni to recruit at the new sietches Harah found for you then send them to Ergsun-Tsymyn. Fly there and leave Gurney to train them. Continue sending any new army recruits there until you fill the sietch, then begin filling another sietch nearby. Always send as many troops into battle as you can which is 6 troops plus espionage, then when you have a tough battle and lose a number of men you can send another troop in from your spare men in training. Arm as many of your troops as you can, then turn one group into espionage. When they find an enemy fort it will appear on the map and eventually you get a report on how many troops of Harkkonen are there. Attack the fort immediately. If your troops win the battle go there immediately. You may find an enemy prisoner and get some information, or Fremen prisoners who can be recruited. Usually there are weapons which can be distributed among your men. Remember to collect Gurney and bring him to the newly taken fort to continue training the men. When a new fort is taken your men will not follow any more orders until they have turned the fort into a sietch, but you can send a prospector there to do his stuff while you are waiting. There is no room for a mining group until your army moves on, but I moved 2 mining groups to the sietch next door so they would be nearby when the fort was vacated. During the game you will be able to visit some villages where you can buy equipment. Harah will take you to one. You have to pay in spice and I didn't actually buy anything as I found more equipment than I ever needed during the game and spice is too valuable to waste. If you do buy something see Duncan and he will show you the bill for the goods. Agree to pay it, then send a Fremen group to a sietch near the village and once they are there tell them to go and search for equipment. Around now you will get a message from the palace to say something has happened there. Return and view the message from Vladimir Harkkonen who says he has destroyed one of your sieches. Your father will go off to sort this out. A new message comes from Feyd-Rautha Harkkonen. These are a few things that should be mentioned. Harah will tell you at some point that she wishes to go back to her home in Tuono-Timin.Take her home as her job has finished. If any of the Fremen are unhappy in the location they are in, move them to a more suitable location or the whole sietch will stop working. If a sietch has saboteurs, send an army unit there to sort it out. Don't try to attack the Harkkonen palace until you are given the go-ahead from Thufir at the end of the game. Stilgar has been waiting for Harah to leave so he can speak to you about someone he wants you to meet. He will mark a new sietch on your map called Oxtyn-Tabr. Go there and meet Chani. Leave your orni passengers in the sietch and ask her to go with you. Take her for a romantic walk in the dunes (2 steps in and away from machinery). Stay there with her for a day and night and let her talk until she falls in love with you. She will now go in the orni with you and show you more sietches. About now your mother will come through to say she wishes you were at the palace. Go there to find the Duke has been killed in his orni. Speak to Stilgar now and he will tell about riding worms. Go into the desert and have a go, then take your orni to a sietch that is in need of one as from now on you can ride worms whenever you like. Go to the palace and tell Thufir about the worms. Speak to Jessica and take her to search for more secret rooms. She will find a room with a greenhouse. Leave her there then show Chani the room. She will tell you about her father the planetologist and asks you to meet him. Take Chani and Stilgar to meet her father in a new sietch. You will learn of his experiments in vegetation. He has created a new kind of bulb that will grow in the dunes and eventually turn the planet green. This will destroy the spice so has been kept a secret up to now. He needs helpers and points you at some new sietches. I recruited 3 troops for bulb planting and sent them back to Chani's father for training. There are caches of water in many sietches that you have not been allowed to see before. Once the bulbs are ready these troops can go to sietches that have water and begin growing the bulbs. The areas you choose should be where the spice has been mined out and as near to Harkkonen areas as possible. All bulbs grow northwards and the vegetation will help rout the Harkkonens out. It is also a great morale booster for the Fremen when they learn of the planting. When you are in a sietch containing water, Stilgar will ask if you want to drink the Waters of Life. Refuse for now as it will kill you. When you hear about a disease in a sietch that is making everyone ill, take Chani there and she will offer to stay and help cure them. When you are at the palace speak to your mother often until she says you can drink the Waters of Life. Take Stilgar to a sietch with water and drink the Waters of Life. Return to your mother and she will tell you your powers have increased. From now on you can contact anyone on the planet telepathically which saves lots of time as things start hotting up from now on. You will hear that Chani has cured the sick men, but then she disappears. A message comes in from Feyd-Rautha Harkkonen to say she is a prisoner in his fortress. Keep taking enemy forts and moving the prospectors and spice miners into the vacated sieches until you find Chani. I think you have to take about 6 forts but it could be random. Once she is found, motivation goes sky high. From the spice density map fly around any small unchartered areas where a new sietch is likely to be. The Emperor's demands are much higher now and you need to keep all your miners working full out. Eventually you will have taken every fort in this area. You will know when there are none left to conquer as the espionage option disappears. Now you must move your troops to the large unchartered area of the map. Put half in Tsympo-Clam and the rest in Bledan-Timin sieches. Send a group out on espionage. Once you have cleared this area with no espionage option showing, return to the palace. The globe should show that there are hardly any Harkkonens left, and the Harkkonen palace is the only place left to take. If you have missed a fort Thufir will not give you the go-ahead to attack the palace. If he does, take him to Arrakeen-Tuek, near the enemy palace. Move 6 troops here and spread the rest between the 2 other sieches near the palace in a half moon shape. Once they have all arrived at their locations, Thufir will tell you to collect everyone from your palace and bring them to him. I couldn't get Duncan to come with me but took everyone else. If you have enough troops in the 3 sieches, Thufir will give the word to attack. You have to wait until the shields are down before you can converge on the Harkkonen palace. Travel by worm and take the palace. All that remains is to watch the finale and get a nice surprise. Hazel Miller for Cheet Sheets Magazine 1995.