ΙΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ» Ί CryptoMan Ί ΘΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΌ Copyright (c) 1995 BBS Consultants, Inc. 919-403-9473 voice * 919-383-4905 bbs Crypto-Man is game of 'Crypto-Quotes. It works like this. G X B X J I P X is P A S A D E N A One letter stands for another. In this sample G is used for the one P, X is used for the 3 A's, B is used for the one S, etc. You MUST type the periods, commas, and other punctuation EXACTLY as shown in the puzzle. On each puzzle the code letters ARE different. To get to the control menu hit -W. To continue the game type C. For help getting started with the puzzle hit H. It will ask what letter you want to find. You may choose any letter you wish. REMEMBER, 10 points is deducted from your score each time you use help. Also, you may communicate with other users that are playing CryptoMan, StarQuest, BrainPower, or any other game released from The Rock Software. To send a message, choose 'C' and then type in your message. After entering your message hit . Scoring is based upon the number of completed messages and the size of the crypto.dbf (which contains the cryptograms). A completed message is worth 100 points. However, each time HELP is used, 10 points is deducted from the score. If your screen gets messed-up because of line noise or any other reason, you may go to the control menu (^W) and choose 'R' (Redraw Screen). Callers are limited to playing CryptoMan once a day. Your game will be saved if you find that you must quit CryptoMan before finishing your current puzzle.