THINGY Version 1.0 GA ===================== Well, this is my first attempt at writing a Win32 game. Needless to say this version if VERY ruff. What I would like to do is in the future do it with WING, but alas there is school to contend with! Anyhow this is the Windows 95 release, and this version WILL NOT run under any version of Windows NT. As a mater of fact this will not meet any of the requirements of the Windows 95 logo program (but I'm not loosing sleep over it!) the games has all the waves as external's instead of putting them into a DLL so that if you want to use them go ahead. The game is pretty simple and the maze is in flat ASCII so that if you want to use a better (easier) one go ahead! the player start and ghost start will not change!! If you do go modifying the maze please make a backup ! :) And this is NOT a MSDOS game however you do need to load ansi.sys into your config.sys (no MSDOS is not dead in Windows 95 and this games was written to show how the Win32 layer can make use of the MSDOS layer of Windows 95) If you do not load ANSI.SYS in your config.sys the game will appear VERY strange indeed (the same problem under NT!) All the Wave's must be in the path, for them to properly work. The best thing to do is to stick them in their own sub directory (It gives you practice with your new OS! :) ) for people queasy about editing the config.sys here is the line from mine DeviceHigh=c:\windows\command\ansi.sys The gameplay is very strait forward the arrow keys point you in the direction that you want to go, so if you want to run left only hit the left arrow key once!. When you collect 100 points you get an extra life. The '.'s are worth 1 point and ghosts are worth 20 points. When you get all the '.'s you get to go to the next level... the 'p' key pauses while the 'o' key un pauses. And 'q' will Quit the game. Until I figure out what is wrong with the SetCursorPos function this is the way it will be! I am currently working on a graphical OS/2 game that uses threads (Under Windows 95 Threads made THINGY totally unusable) and hopefully support the MMOS/2 calls...... THINGY was written using Watcom C/C++ Version 10.0a and I would recommend this compiler to anyone that wants to write code for Win32, OS/2 DOS (a'la DOS4GW) although it doesn't come with TNT unlike Visual C from MS, but I have had more luck with Watcom. The Source is available if you really REALLY want it (I really have no idea if anyone wants it but if you do all you have to do is ask!) Oh before I forget; This product is in lieu of all other warranties (or conditions), express or implied, includeing, but not limited to, the particualr purpose. I will not be liable for any lost profits, lost savings, or any incidental damages or other econimic consequential damages. I will not be liable for any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim. This software is provided on an 'AS IS' basis. if you don't like it delete it NOW! Well, Have fun! Jason Stevens August 23'rd 1995