N u c l e a r M e l t d o w n ÛßßßßÜ ÛßßßÛ ÛßßßßÜ ÜßßßßÛ Û ßÜÛ Û Û ßÜ Üß Û Û ß Û Û ß Û Û ÛÜ Û Û ÛÜ ÜÛ Û Û Û ßÜ Û Û Û ßÜ Üß Û Û ÛÜÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÜÛ ÛÜÜÜÛ ß ÛÜÜÜÛ P R O D U C T I O N S - Group History 1.0 - Welcome to the official NM Prod. Group History info file! Since I'm the official Gore-dude of the group I'll be leading you on this guided tour. Nuclear Meltdown Productions is a new group on the often made fun of American demo scene. Our goal is simply to have fun and put out an occasional production. First, let's start with a current-up-to-date-awesome-member-list. Nuclear Meltdown Productions is: Handle Position Age ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ Joe Snow Main Coder 16 Clueless Gore-dude and occasional coding 17 Esteban Graphics 19 We NEED a musician. Keep reading for more info. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Now that you know who we are I'll tell you a bit about how we came about. The name Nuclear Meltdown came from a BBS that Joe Snow was a cosysop of a couple years back. Thanks to some of Joe Snow's other productions many people were calling the board and it was getting rather large. Unfortunately problems developed and the original Nuclear Meltdown BBS had to be shut down. Thus, Joe Snow's little BBS called Nuclear Meltdown Line 2 effectively became line 1. During this time there was no Nuclear Meltdown Productions and Joe Snow simply coded on his own, making many useful and fun programs (see Release List later in this file.) Joe Snow taught himself how to code in C when he was 10 years old, between fall and winter of that year, on a 286, with a CGA graphics card and monochrome monitor. A vague understanding of assembly was somewhat aquired several years later although almost all coding is still done in C. Then, a year or two ago I (Clueless) got my hands on a modem and through it became good friends with Joe Snow. At this time the only coding I had done was in BASIC and I knew nothing about the demo scene. Joe Snow showed me some demos and I was hooked. A short time later I taught myself how to code in C. We then had the great idea to form a small demo group. Now, as you can imagine we had quite a ways to go with one good coder and one beginner coder. Esteban started his art career at the tender age of 6 by watching the TV show starring Captain Bob. When he was 16 his family got their first computer and a year later Esteban got the program Fauve Matisse for Christmas. Fauve is his favorite program and others he uses are PC Paintbrush and Freehand 4.0. At college he is currently majoring in Graphic Art. I'd been good friends with Esteban for a while and knew that he was a good artist and liked to draw things on his computer. We asked him if he'd like to join our little group and he accepted. ÚÄÄ ³ Now all we need is a musician. If you are a musician and would like to ³ join Nuclear Meltdown Productions just let us know (see Contact Info). ³ We'll listen to something you've made and most likely you'll be accepted. ³ It would be preferable if you live somewhere in New England but if you ³ have an Internet account it doesn't really matter where you live. ÀÄÄ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Quick Current Update and Fast Facts ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Joe Snow is Phil Hassey, has yet to get his driver's permit, and will be a junior at Whitinsville Christian School this fall. His current computer is a 486DX2/66 w/24 meg RAM and a SB sound card. Clueless is Jason Maas, has his driver's license , and will be a senior at the Mass Academy of Math and Science this fall. His current computer is a 486DX2/66 w/8 meg RAM and SBPro and GUS ACE sound cards. Esteban is Steve Ziegler, also has his driver's license, and will be a sophomore at Bellhaven College in Mississippi this fall. His current computer is a 486SX/33 w/8 meg RAM and NO sound card. All of us reside in Whitinsville, Massachusetts, USA. Also, all of us have at one time or another gone to Whitinsville Christian School. If you're ever in the area look us up... ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Release List ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Program Name Author Approx. Release Date ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ NM Intro 1 (BBS ad) Joe Snow June '93 Ultimuh (Ultima parody) Joe Snow July '93 Joe Snow 1-4 (action games) Joe Snow August '93 Joe Snow Paint 1.01 (ANSi editor) Joe Snow December '93 Doom the Cheat 1-3 (Doom cheat) Joe Snow January '94 Demons Revenge BBS Ad Joe Snow June '94 Pong 1.0 (action game) Clueless June '95 NM2 (BBS ad) Joe Snow July '95 Soap (Dope parody) Joe Snow August '95 Coconuts BBS Ad NM Prod. August '95 Joe Snow Paint 4 (ANSi editor) Joe Snow August '95 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Future Releases ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Program Name Author Approx. Release Date ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Lynch (demo) NM Prod. summer or fall '95 Galcon (strategy game) Joe Snow 2nd half of '95 Rustic Classics (action game package) Joe Snow 2nd half of '95 VGA Beast (remake of the classic) Clueless summer or fall '95 Pong 2.0 (bigger and better) Clueless who knows? ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Contact Info ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Internet: clueless@wpi.wpi.edu BBS: Nuclear Meltdown BBS (508) 234-2075 email Joe Snow or Clueless Regular Mail: Joe Snow: Phil Hassey 627 Carpenter Rd. Whitinsville, MA 01588 USA Clueless: Jason Maas 14 Heritage Dr. Whitinsville, MA 01588 USA Esteban: Steve Ziegler 166 Ivy Lane Whitinsville, MA 01588 USA Well, that's about it. I hope you feel that you know us better now... - Clueless '95