Subj: PicLab & GEOS 256 Colors Date: October 1, 1995 From: GWRepRay File: PICMAP.ZIP EQUIPMENT: U Got It... NEEDS: GW 2.x, PicLab, 256 Color Driver The Shareware application "PicLab" (available in the AOL file libraries) will quite successfully convert virtually any .gif file TO the color palette that the new 256 color driver is looking for. Here's how I set it up to do so - and a sample .gif file (and conversion result). The "" file has 6 files in it - 3 of which require Piclab to function. piclab.gif - the Piclab-to-GEOS-palette converted .gif file - the 256 color palette (courtesy of GWRepBobby) geos - the file PicLab "calls" to do the actual conversion of a .gif file to 800X600 with the GEOS palette pic.bat - the batch file I wrote to use with the Ensemble "Launcher" program sstools.ini - my PicLab .ini file - yours will be different - use any ascii editor to change as needed... tetons.gif - original .gif file I used Note: I have the PicLab .ini file changed so that it will do its work and automatically send the result to my C:\geos20\document directory for importing into GeoDraw, etc.... I have also made a Launcher/batch file to semi-automate the process by prompting for the .GIF file to be converted before launching PicLab to make the conversion. Ray