Clock - visual component for Delphi's VCL. Run DCLOCK.EXE program to see component options. This unit is public domain. You can add any code or modify it, but if you do it, please, let me know. Properties: ---------- ClkArrowColor - clock hands color ClkFaceColor - clock background color DifHour - hour difference between clock and system time DifMinute - minute difference between clock and system time SecArrow - show/hide second hand Events: ------- OnSecond - on second event OnMinute - on minute event OnHour - on hour event Public procedures: ------------------ procedure ClkTime( var H, M, S : word) - Get clock time procedure SetClkTime( CTime : TDateTime) - Set clock time To add this component to component palette do: 1. Copy CCLOCK.PAS and CCLOCK.DCR to ...DELPHI\LIB directory 2. From Delphi IDE Options Menu select Install Components and then you know what to do. Regards Michael Kochiashvili