Mobius Early Experience Programme(EEP) Products =============================================== 1. Business Builder. A suite of preprogrammed business tables, forms and reports to be used to construct business apps. These cover, customers, sales & purchase order processing, dispatch notes, sales & purchase invoicing, statements, payments, inventory, job costing, staff & departmental analysis. $199 EEP. 2. WinG Sprite Kit. Set of components to allow drop on access to WinG in Delphi. Includes a TWinGCanvas for drawing on to a WinGDC/Bitmap, TWinGSurface (name to be reviewed :-) which you can drop on a form to get a surface that get's automatically updated from a WinG canvas, and a sprite component that you can drop on to the surface. $99 EEP. 3. Draw Kit. A drawing surface component and set of drawing components that let you build basic drag 'n drop drawing functionality into your apps. Easy to set up and subclass your own drawing objects. Includes the obligatory rect, ellipse, round rect, multi-line, freehand line, bezier and text tools. The base draw class handles setting of properties like colour, fill pattern, line thickness, etc. with infinite undo/redo. $99 EEP. EEP purchasers will get the full version sent free of charge along with all source code, which *may* be an extra charge in the shipping versions - I've not decided yet. Any views will be appreciated. More Notes on Business Builder ============================== The Business Builder product is at the start of its life cycle. I plan to do a layered development and release as follows: 1. Implement the basic TTable subclasses with support for the business rules, automatic links, cascaded updates, etc. This phase is complete for certain tables which have been used to prove the technology - it works, and works very well. 2. Create prototypes of forms and an actual basic accounting application. This will be used for demos, uploaded to the libs here, etc. I'm working on this just now. 3. The prototype app will then be broken down into constituent parts and rationalised to distill out all the common subclasses. 4. Experts will be written to generate forms automatically using the components created in step 3. I've already got the expert technology to create the business tables working now. 5. The cycle will repeat with additional forms and/or a higher level of accounting functionality. I plan to release the demo app with one or two forms - customer details, invoicing and statements probably - along with the appropriate TTable subclasses for EEP people to try out and evaluate the technology. I hope to do this before the end of the month. It all depends on what people want. I could release the basic invoicing right now to let people have a look. But I'd rather add one or two other forms and tables first. I see the product being used in different ways by different people. At the lowest level developers can take the basic tables and build them into their own forms. They can even build their own rules into their own tables that they can subclass from one of our parent classes that contains all the clever linking stuff. In other words, you'd be buying the enabling technology for you to use in your own products. At another level there will be developers who will want to add specific accounting functionality to their Delphi apps. They will be able to use the experts to create forms and maybe they will modify these to bring them into line with their own application's look and feel. Finally, there will be those that want to build a complete accounting system and by the end of the development cycle we hope to have an expert that will do precisely that. You will select all the accounting functions you want and then just press a "generate" button and hey presto! one accounting package with full source code and easy tailorability.