GlyphPro is a Utility for the Serious Delphi Developer. It allows you to scroll unlimited number of images (limited only by the size of your memory (resources for win 3.1)). You can customize layout, size and number of images and save settings to glyphpro.ini file. The More Glyph Images there are on your Hard Disk in different directories, the more You will appreciate the Power of GlyphPro. All source code included. Good Example of - Creating Objects Dynamically. - Reading and Writing INI files. - Using Delphi efficiently. You are free to use and modify code Any Way You Want. To Reduce Transfer Time Only Source Code included ( in a *.zip format ). Follow Install.Txt for installation instructions. If This Utility will make your life as a Programmer even a little bit esier and funkier - the purpose of it is reached.