ThtmlViewer Component

Version 1.01

Copyright 1995 by L. David Baldwin
All Rights Reserved


What is the ThtmlViewer Component?

The ThtmlViewer component provides an easy way to display HyperText Markup Language (HTML) documents in a Borland Delphi program. This version of the viewer supports most of the HTML 2.0 specs with the exception of forms. Inline bitmap, GIF, and JPEG images are also supported.

While HTML documents are normally associated with the Internet World Wide Web, they are also very useful for displaying all kinds of textual material such as documentation, helpfiles, etc. Graphics are easily incorporated in these documents.

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Files Supplied

   README.1ST    To get started
   README.HTM    This file
   HTMLDEMO.EXE  The demo file
   SAMPLES.HTM   An HTML file showing the use of various HTML tags
   GLASS.BMP     A bitmap file used by SAMPLES.HTM


HTMLVIEW.DCU Files you'll need to install the component. HTMLVIEW.DCR HTMLSUBS.DCU READHTML.DCU HTML.RES IMLIB221.DLL ImageLib's Graphics DLL

HTMLVIEW.HLP The help file HTMLVIEW.KWF It's keyword file HTMLVIEW.INT The interface for HTMLVIEW.PAS

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Installing The ThtmlViewer Component

Installing new components in the library is covered starting on page 68 of the Delphi User's manual. Here's some extra comments and suggestions.
  1. The Register procedure in HTMLVIEW.DCU is set to place ThtmlViewer on the palette page tab named "Samples". You can relocate it later from the IDE if desired.
  2. Important! Backup COMPLIB.DCL or start a new library file.
  3. If you have installed an earlier version of ThtmlViewer, be sure and delete the old files before installing.
  4. Pick a directory for the ThtmlViewer component. Put HTMLVIEW.DCU, HTMLVIEW.DCR, HTMLSUBS.DCU, READHTML.DCU, and HTML.RES in the chosen directory.
  5. From the Delphi IDE, choose Options | Install Components. In the dialog, choose the Add... button. In the Add Module dialog that then comes up, the simplest approach is to use the Browse button to find HTMLVIEW.DCU. Then hit OK and the Search Path edit box will have the correct path added and ThtmlViewer will have been added to the installed units listbox. (You may have to scroll down to see it.)
  6. Hit OK on the Install Components dialog and the necessary steps will be taken to do the installation. The ThtmlViewer button will appear on the SAMPLES component page tab.
  7. Copy the IMLIB221.DLL module to the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory if you're planning to use Gif or Jpeg images.

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Installing the Help File

The file HTMLVIEW.HLP will supply context sensitive help for the ThtmlViewer component. Installation of component help files is discussed in the Delphi Component Writer's Guide on page 80.
  1. Place the HTMLVIEW.KWF file in the DELPHI\HELP directory along with the other .KWF files.
  2. Close the Delphi IDE.
  3. Run Delphi's HELPINST program. Choose File | Open to open DELPHI.HDX in the DELPHI\BIN directory.
  4. Choose Keywords | Add Keyword File to add the HTMLVIEW.KWF file to the list of .KWF files.
  5. Choose File | Save or hit the blue disk button to compile and save the revised .HDX file.
  6. Now it remains to set things up so that WINHELP can find the help file, HTMLVIEW.HLP. There are several choices:

The HTMLVIEW.HLP file contains documentation for how to use the ThtmlViewer component. To access the help, open the help file from Delphi, press the Search All button and search for "ThtmlViewer". Or place a ThtmlViewer component on your form and press F1.

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Inline Images

Inline image display (GIF, JPEG, and PCX) is provided using ImageLib's image library. This package contains their shareware IMLIB221.DLL module. Since this is the unregistered shareware version, there will be occasional shareware "reminder" messages. Information on registering (and removing the messages) is discussed in Registration below. Note that the use of the ImageLib software is not manditory. If you dont' need inline images or can get by with only bitmaps, the IMLIB221.DLL need not be used.

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Registration Information

No registration is required of hobbyists, students, occasional users, etc.

For those using ThtmlViewer professionally, a $60 registration fee is expected. With registration comes:

If you're planning to use ThtmlViewer as part of another VCL component offered for sale, please contact me for additional information.

For full registration of ImageLib's graphics package including jpeg images, contact ImageLib.

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Bug Reports

Please report all bugs, suggestions, and problems to:

Dave Baldwin,
CompuServe ID: 76327,53
World Wide Web:

22 Fox Den Rd., (Summer)
Hollis, NH 03049
(603) 465-7857

144 13th St. East, (Winter)
Tierra Verde, FL 33715
(813) 867-3030

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ImageLib Graphics Software

The full ImageLib shareware package may be downloaded from CompuServe's Delphi Forum, Library 5. The filename is IMAGELIB.ZIP.

For further technical information, contact:

Jan Dekkers
Skyline Tools
Compuserve: 72130,353

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