Input Box Designer 1.2 by Patrick McNeill Input Box Designer is a spin-off of Message Box Designer. They both are Visual Basic 4.0 add-ins used for easily creating Input Box and Message Box code. Input Box Designer's interface is similar to Message Box Designer's, but it has an additional input box for the default text. The directions for installation and use are essentially the same as Message Box Designer. Simply refer to the MSGBOX.TXT file for details. As with Message Box Designer, I am not requiring any registration fee for this product right now. However, it would be really nice if you could send me a few dollars to support my work. If you do want to be helpful, my address is: Patrick McNeill 1647 York Mills Lane Reston, VA 22094 I can also be reached at the following email addresses: Or you can visit my home page: My home page will always contain the current version of my products, as well as information about upcoming products. Well, hope you enjoy my products...