This is an example program from my book, Delphi Programming Unleashed, published by SAMS. You can pick up the book at major stores, or by calling either 317-361-5400 or 800-716-0044. This code also contains, as a subset, the PICDLL example that ran in the Developer Express Catalogue. To compile the program, simple go to the DOS prompt and type GO.BAT in the subdirectory where you unzipped this example program. If that fails, you need to compile the APIDLL.DPR project, then the FRACTDLL.DPR project, and then MAINDEMO.DPR. You can compile all three projects from inside DELPHI, but you can only run MAINDEMO, and it will only run successfully if the other two are first compiled. In other words, FRACTDLL and APIDLL are adjuncts to the main program, which is called MAINDEMO. They don't run separately, they are launched from MAINDEMO. - Charlie Calvert