/* ==== CPP_ECHO.FAQ ========================== release 95-08-16 ========= This is the Frequently Asked Question list of the fidonet c_plusplus echo. Suggestions, enhancements, changes and comments will be appreciated. _____ Archivist/Editor: Auke Reitsma, Delft, The Netherlands. /_|__| Netmail : 2:281/527 / | \ --------------------------------------------------------------- */ This CPP_echo FAQ list currently consists of four sections: "FAQ's", "New FAQ's", "Abbreviations and Terminology" and "Contributors". Each FAQ consists of a number, the question and a date on a single line -- if possible -- the answer, one or more lines listing the contributor and the (last) submission date and a 'last edit date'. The number uniquely identifies the question and will NEVER change. The question date should change when the question is asked again -- or used as answer -- in the cplusplus echo. In a relatively short time this will identify the unimportant questions, which will make it easier to delete these items. Three question marks indicate something that is at least somewhat doubtful and may need to be changed. Again, contributions are welcome. The "Abbreviations and Terminology" section is included to supply less common abbreviations and terms related to C++ and also to 'explain' abbreviations used in this list. It is also used for indexing and cross- referencing. Auke Reitsma 95-07-15. /* ---- Frequently Asked Questions ------------------------------------ */ 000 What is the topic of the C++ FAQ list? (95-04-15) Any C++ related subject occurring 'frequently' in the cplusplus echo. There must be no doubts _at_all_ that it is on topic in the echo. This means that normal (ANSI) C subjects are not on topic for this list. Also the coverage of subjects specific to a platform, compiler or library will be limited. 95-05-01 001 What is the difference between C and C++? (95-04-15) The essential difference is the "Object orientation" in C++. 95-04-15 002 What normal C constructs work differently in C++? (95-04-15) - Assigning int's to enum's. - Assigning void pointers to other types of pointers. - Function declaration foo() without parameters. - Character constants are of type char in C++. They are of type int in C. - ALL functions MUST be prototyped in C++, which is not required in C. - In C++: struct A { /* ... */ }; is equivalent to: typedef struct A { /* ... */ } A; in C. See C++PL2, "Notes to the reader" (p. 11/12) and "C++ and ANSI-C" section r.18.2 (p.628/629) for more items and details. Auke Reitsma [95-05-01], Jerry Coffin [95-05-06], David Nugent [95-04-16], Jari Laaksonen [95-04-15], 95-05-16 003 Why and when is a virtual destructor needed? (95-04-15) Any class that may act as the base of another class should have a virtual destructor. This ensures that when an object of the derived class is destroyed that the derived class dtor will be invoked to destroy it. If the destructor is not virtual, under some common circumstances, only the base class' destructor will be invoked, regardless of the class actually being destroyed. For practical purposes this means that a class which does, could or should have virtual member functions, should also have a virtual destructor. Jerry Coffin [95-06-09], 95-06-16 004 How do I open binary files? (95-04-15) Yeah, the various manuals and books are usually not clear that subject. With BC and MSC, you do a bitwise or of the file open mode with ios::binary, as in: ifstream mystream( "filename.ext", ios::in | ios::binary ); The default is ios::text for BC and MSC. However, this is NOT supported by Symantec 6.1. SC 6.1 doesn't have a flag to designate binary - it has ios::translated for text, and apparently to work with binary files you simply designate ios::in or ios::out without or'ing in ios::translated. Jerry Coffin [95-05-06], 95-06-16 005 Why seem interrupt handlers as member functions to be impossible? (95-04-15) Interrupt handlers as member functions _are_ possible. But they must be static member functions. Static member functions don't make use of the implicit 'this' pointer required by normal member functions. The caller of the interrupt handler doesn't know anything about objects and 'this' pointers, so it can't pass a value of such a pointer. Auke Reitsma [95-04-15], 95-04-15 006 Is there a new/delete equivalent of realloc? (95-05-01) No. It would have a number of difficult problems. Some of these are: - Should the old instances in the memory be deleted and re-instantiated? - How about contained classes? - How about instances owned by the classes to be reallocated? These often have a pointer to their owner. Origin Unknown [??-??-??], 95-05-01 007 Floating point representation and output seems to be compiler dependent. (95-05-01) Regrettably, yes. The action of ios::setprecision() varies among com- pilers. David Nugent [95-04-16], 95-05-01 008 What is a "Copy Constructor"? (95-07-16) A Copy Constructor constructs a new object as a copy of an existing object of the same type. Frequently copy constructors do a 'deep copy' of the object. X( const X& X_object ){...}; is a copy constructor for class X. Deep Copy vs. Shallow Copy: a shallow copy simply copies the contents of an object directly - if the object contains pointers, both the old copy and the new copy contain pointers to the same actual item. In a deep copy, when an object contains a pointer, a new copy of whatever the pointer points AT is created and the new object contains a pointer to the newly created copy of the item. Why are deep copies important? If you carry out a shallow copy you end up with two pointers to the same item. If that item is an object with a destructor, this generally means you'll end up calling the destructor for that item twice, which will generally cause problems. Unfortunately, most don't know to ask this question directly: the symptom is generally heap corruption which is hard to track down directly since there it has many possible causes. Jerry Coffin [95-07-04], 95-07-16 009 Why a "operator=(...)" when there is a copy ctor? (95-07-16) You use the assignment operator (operator = ()) whenever an existing object is to be replaced with a different object. The copy constructor X(const X&) is used to create a new instance of an X-object exactly like another. Notice the subtle difference. Assignment changes an existing object while construction creates a new object. You can view assignment as the applica- tion of a destructor, to flush away the existing object, followed by a copy construction, to make an exact copy of the assigned object. Cliff Rhodes [95-07-08], 95-07-16 010 What is an ABC: an "Abstract Base Class"? (95-08-01) An Abstract Base Class is a class that is not intended to be instantiated itself. Rather, it is intended strictly for use as a base for other classes. To prevent instantiation, an ABC will typically contain at least one pure virtual function. The point of an ABC is to separate the interface of a group of classes from the implementation of the functions that make up the interface. This allows other code to ignore differences in how these functions are carried out. An ABC creates a contract between its descendants and any other code that uses them. The descendants must implement a certain set of functions. Code that uses them must use those functions to access whatever it is the object involved represents. Jerry Coffin [95-07-14], 95-08-01 011 How is an ABC related to an "Abstract Data Type" (ADT) (95-08-01) An ADT is a concept - the basic idea of a data type that doesn't specify how the data type is implemented. An ABC is a method C++ provides for creating an ADT. Jerry Coffin [95-07-26], 95-08-01 012 What is a 'pure' virtual function and what's its use? (95-08-01) A pure virtual function is signified by using `=0;' in place of the body of the function. The presence of a pure virtual function prevents instantiation of the class which contains it. For this to be of any use, a derived class must implement the pure virtual function. I.e. the derived class must provide a function with the same name which includes a function body. The basic reason for pure virtual functions is to specify something that a class can do without specifying how the class will do it. Jerry Coffin [95-07-26], 95-08-01 /* ---- New since previous release -- provisionally numbered ---------- */ None. /* ---- Abbreviations and Terminology --------------------------------- */ This section also serves as an index. ABC Abstract Base Class, see FAQ #010 and #011 ADT Abstract Data Type, see FAQ #011 ARM "The Annotated C++ Reference Manual" by B. Stroustrup and M.A. Ellis. ISBN 0-201-51459-1 assignment operator See FAQ #009 BC Borland C. Usually including the Turbo products. binary files See FAQ #004 C++PL2 "The C++ Programming Language" second edition by B. Stroustrup, ISBN 0-201-53992-6 copy constructor See FAQ #008 ctor constructor deep copy See FAQ #008 dtor destructor interrupt handlers See FAQ #005 MSC Microsoft C. pure virtual function See FAQ #012 SC Symantec C. shallow copy See FAQ #008 static member functions See FAQ #005 subclass Not a correct C++ term at all. Use "derived class". See ARM p.197 superclass Not a correct C++ term at all. Use "base class". See ARM p.197 virtual destructor See FAQ #003 virtual function, pure See FAQ #012 /* ---- Contributors -------------------------------------------------- */ Jerry Coffin Jari Laaksonen David Nugent Auke Reitsma Cliff Rhodes /* ==== CPP_ECHO.FAQ end ============================================== */