Zeus for Windows Order Form =========================== This order form also exists in the Zeus installation directory as the file "order.txt". You can also print this form by selecting the Print Topic option from the File pull-down menu. Make sure the printer is setup for portrait mode. For details on ordering using the CompuServe registration facility or via the Internet refer to the online help. Send all orders to: NorthStar Solutions P.O. Box 25262 Columbia, SC 29224 NOTE: All prices quoted are in US dollars only. *********************************************************************** Your Postage Details: Please supply me: with quantity _____ @ $US 60.00 each = ___________ (which includes postage and handling) Total Payment: $US ___________ Name: ____________________________________ Date: _____________ Company: __________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ City, State: _____________________________ Zip: ___________________ Country: _____________________________ Media Size: 5.25" Disk ____ or 3.5" Disk ____ or Either size ____ *********************************************************************** Your Credit Card Details (if applicable): Card Holder Name: ___________________________________________ Card Type: Mastercard ___ Visa ___ Card Number: |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| Card Valid: ____ / ____ to ____ / ____ Phone Number: (____)__________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ ***********************************************************************