------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGISTER MIDI STUDIO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Registration screen can be found by choosing the File / About menu item and clicking the Registration button. The screen displays information about registering and allows you to enter the registration code. Once MIDI Studio is registered, Sounds Great Software will send back a registration code. Entering the registered user's name and the registration code into the screen will complete the registration process. The registered user's name will now appear in the about screen, and there will be no delay on startup. The registration fee is $19.95. A .mid / .wav disk is available for $5 at time of registration. It contains a number of good MIDI songs, mostly POP/Rock and sampled intstruments ( mostly percussion ) for use with MIDI Studio. The .mid / .wav disk is available separatly for $10. Registration of MIDI Studio applies to upgrades of the product. There will be no fees charged to registered users. You can register by sending payment to: Sounds Great Software 2723 Morley Tr N.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2M 4G8 OR You can register directly through CompuServe GO SWREG. Type "GO SWREG" in CompuServe and follow the directions. The Registration ID for MIDI Studio 4.1 is 7088. The Registration ID for MIDI Studio 4.1 with .mid /.wav disk is 7089. The .mid /.wav disk will be sent by mail. You will be comtacted through CompServe mail for your address. Your registration code can be sent back through CompuServe or by mail.