======================= QUICKSTART INSTRUCTIONS ======================= 1. Unzip SENTRYXX.ZIP into the directory you wish to run it from. This should probably be C:\SENTRY, C:\SOMETHING\SENTRY, or along those lines. 2. Copy ALL original Sentry files onto a floppy disk, and tuck it away. This is for emergency recovery if required. 3. Use a text editor (like DOS's EDIT program) to edit the Sentry.ini file. Instructions are provided as comments in the Sentry.ini file. Make sure you read these instructions before changing any settings. 4. Run Sentry. If an error occurs, you should check the Readme.txt file for further help. 5. Log in as "Sentry" with password "Sentry" (note the capitalizations). You must log in as a SuperUser, and to do this, hold down the CTRL key while pressing ENTER after typing the login. 6. Create the users on your system. The first one you should create is you. Give yourself SuperUser access, and delete the old Sentry account (a real security violation if you leave it!) 7. Set up all accounts as you see fit: assign max logins, expiry dates and password expiry dates to reflect your needs. 8. Next you must modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to invoke Sentry during boot-up. To do this, add the following line to the TOP of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: ----------------- CUT ---------------- \Sentry\Sentry ----------------- CUT ---------------- You must change the pathname in line 1 to match the location you unzipped Sentry into. NOTE: These lines MUST be the first lines in your autoexec.bat file. If not, the user may be given a chance to bypass Sentry by pressing CTRL-C or CTRL-BREAK. 9. Read the Readme.txt file! This will give you a much more in-depth discussion of what to do if problems arise, and how to properly secure your system. I know it's long, but if you're serious about security, it is a worthwhile effort.