*** Wintune 95 Beta 6 (10/11/95) *** Thank you for testing Wintune 95. This file lists the common problems you may have. Please read it before posting questions. Thanks. Wintune 95 is meant only for the release version (build 950) of Windows 95 and for Windows NT 3.51. Windows 3.1 is not supported. ============ INSTALLATION ============ Run SETUP.EXE and follow the prompts. Do not install over an old beta of Wintune. To uninstall Wintune 95, go to Control Panel Add/Remove Programs. Missing DLLs ------------ If Wintune doesn't start and you get a message you're missing MFCxxx.DLL, you do not have some of the standard files. Under Windows 95, this may have happened because you installed Win95 with a Custom or Compact setup. You can get the needed DLLs from the Windows 95 setup disks by installing WordPad from the Accessories group. Windows NT users, or Windows 95 users who do not have access to their setup disks, should download the file WT95NT.ZIP. It includes the extra files you need to run WT95 under NT 3.51. They were not included here because they more than double the total size and are often already on your system. ======= SUPPORT ======= We'll be taking feedback and answering questions in both the America Online and Compuserve WinMag forums in the Wintune95 folder/section. Please stop by. Since many people may have the same questions, we'll be discouraging direct email. It's better for all the beta testers to share their experiences. We can answer everyone with one message in the forums, which saves effort and leaves us more time for programming. If you can't reach us any other way, send email to dmethvin@aol.com. Again, thanks for testing Wintune 95!