DBTTmgr v0.5á (c) Frederic Fammeree *Nethen Valley BBS* +32-10-861522 Those programs are only tested under DOS 6.22. I don't know what will be the results in others environments. No guaranties are provided by the author except the diskspace usage. Installing DBTT --------------- Unzip the archive into any directory All the files must reside into the same directory Modify DBTT.CFG (pseudo dbtt.cfg is in dbtt.cf1) --------------- Define the path where you want the files reside Eventually...add your key ;-) The unregistered version will support only 100 lines TT's size and will display pausing messages. Configure DOOR into your BBS ---------------------------- RemoteAccess sample (adapt it if you use another BBS) c:\...your.dir...\dbttdoor.exe c:\ra\dorinfo1.def *M The door can also be executed in batch mode whithout parameters into the DBTT program directory. Using DBTTMAIN -------------- DBTTMAIN is the maintenance program. All the requested actions are self explanatory. You must Init the DataBase before any other operations. Don't forget to return your comments about those programs to Frederic Fammeree *Nethen Valley BBS* +32-10-861522 Fido 2:293/2008 - WGA 40:129/305 Enjoy with DBTT!