GRUNT! Written by Michael S. Hoenie (c)1995 - All Rights Reserved. ============================================================================== Congratulations! You've got your hands on one of the hottest new RPG doors out there! GRUNT! was designed to be installed quickly and easily for the Sysop of any PCBOARD system - or - Sysop that can convert into PCBOARD.SYS formats (DOOR.SYS to soon be included). To quickly install your version of GRUNT!, read the GRUNT!.DOC file that is included or run the INSTALL.BAT file inside your GRUNT! directory. ---Thank you! ============================================================================== NOTICE: If you are upgrading your version from an older one, all you need to do is UNZIP the files into your GRUNT directory, and run the INSTALL batch file. *** PLEASE MAKE THIS VERSION OF GRUNT AVAILABLE AS A FREE DOWNLOAD *** *** ON YOUR BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM! IT HELPS IN DISTRIBUTING THE GAME! *** Thanks, Michael S. Hoenie, Author.