Subj: AAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! What in God's name is going on in this country??? We have a "President" who now positions himself as a conservative good old boy. His administrations in Arkansas were wracked with corruption, even at the highest level. This isn't the opinion of some right wing facist, as his supporters call us true conservatives. It seems anymore that anyone who dares to speak against the government is harassed and harangued to the point of wanting to commit suicide. Why is it so implausible that Vince Foster wasn't murdered? Why does everyone but the jurors who can get his mug on tv consider OJ guilty? Shouldn't NBC now stand for the National Bureau of political Correctness? Have you seen some of the left wing drivel on that "Network"? Heck I have close to 50 channels on cable and there usually isn't one darn thing worth watching some nights. There was more to watch when I was a child and we only had 3 channels. What do some State of NH agencies have for brain cells, Yogurt? Damned if I know when standing a child in a corner was deemed "Psychologically" damaging punishment. From the Union Leader of 10/11/95 the following were reported to have been listed by the agency in question as unfit punishment; reprimanding a toddler who hit another by telling that toddler "You're made an ouch; Four children were made to stand in the corner for a time out. Why don't these liberal do-gooders find themselves another line of work. Its bad enough that most primary and secondary level educators have no course of discipline without some "lifer" pushing some warped administrator's agenda. On the "debate" last night, all I heard were softballs tossed to the participants. I don't agree with Sam Donaldson most of the time, but that man has the chutzpah and gonads to ask the toughest questions to the most important men in the nation. He will pursue him/her until he gets his questions answered. Wake up! The voters aren't naive enough to believe that the candidates give interviews to people who ask tough questions. Their PR men would have a fit. Most interviews are to make the person involved look good. These candidates want to win the respect of the voters? Lose the brainless sycophants working on your campaign and take a stroll or drive around the city. Go bowling at some local lanes without making a big fuss over it. Go to church on Sunday without the cameras. Take a walk in the park and talk to the veterans who gave their bodies, lives, and in some cases their minds as well to protect this country you so want to run. Stop in for a few brews at a local watering hole, if you imbibe. I am getting annoyed at the list of "pretenders", (I refuse to call them contenders anymore) all wanting to revive the Reagan Legacy. Most of them lack the moral turpitude and strength of personal convictions to even shine that man's shoes. It is a sad state of affairs that the most conservative of the pretenders has the least number of years of experience. Does anyone remember the 1988 race for the GOP nomination? When Vice President Bush was the conservative compared to Sen Dole? Does anyone remember 1980 when future Vice President Bush was the moderate to the ex Gov Reagan. Remember "voodoo economics"? Most people who went through a personal financial crisis that ended in bankruptcy, came to a realization that their debt got out of hand. Why won't this country do the same. Heck in a lot of households that run smoothly and within the confines of a budget, the women handle the finances. Anyone give thought to that? What can't be afforded is gone without. My, my what a unique concept! Some of these men want to completely overhaul the tax structure. Hey sounds good to me. Why not try your ideas in your home state and come back later with some results. Why drag down the whole country with your Uncle Fester like experiments. I am no feminist, but it is about time to give some women a chance to run this country. People say they are too emotional and can't hold up under the stress. What could be more stressful than childbirth. In some cases, being too emotional may be true, but there is something known a woman's intuition. Most of these men running for president can tell you of an event in their life when without exchanging any words, their mothers or wives knew they were up to some mischief. That feeling is damned scary my friends, but that is also a positive trait. There are several women currently on the political scene that would be fine candidates for president. I hope the men in this country put their pride aside and fairly give these ladies a shot at it if they so desire. Ladies, here's looking at you and hope some day you can get things straightened out before this country does go bankrupt. William H Ford October 12, 1995