Subj: Go to Hell, You're Halfway There!! Strong evidence of Postal employees stealing someone's mail, sporting goods stores proudly displaying the second amendment bumper stickers yet still refuse to sell firearms. Accusations of police picking on certain ethnic groups and with yet unreported insinuations of some of them turning their backs on known criminals due to someone having some clout city and state wide. In my travels through this city the past year and a half I have heard the phrase lay off the "Working Girls" one too many damn times. I know they don't mean the women going to work downtown. I know they aren't talking to me, because I am in no position to do anything about it. Are they talking about the police being ordered to lay off the prostitutes or are they referring to some wise guys that might have some officer in their pockets? What in the name of decency is going on around here? People are wanting to privatize the school system due to the city's incompetency. Wanting to build a Centerplex in the area is a great idea and should be fully supported, yet keeping the "undesirables" from latching themselves onto it requires some strict policies. There are people constantly driving up and down this same street at night. There is usually only one reason in this neighborhood. The bicycle patrols in the summer are a good idea, what about in the winter? Dog sleds and parkas? I don't think the dealers care about the weather. Doesn't anyone in this city have the jewels to tell the citizens the truth? Are they afraid of reprisals or being ostracized by their neighbors and co workers? I don't think the truth will be heard this year with city elections coming soon. Personally, I am getting f..king tired of seeing ATF, FBI, DEA and local police on the evening news. People are too damned scared to go out at night and the only reason most people have to go downtown, other than dinner and social events (not attended by the ordinary citizen BTW) is to "Hang". Empty store fronts that once held a thriving business. Memories of a well populated Elm St. with schools, several Department stores and grocery stores. What replaced them? Now stand half and fully empty office buildings. Doesn't anyone in the city have any vision or foresight? Look at where we are going? The financing that was mostly responsible for partially reducing the street crime this past summer, ran out recently and could have not been renewed? What then? Maybe some aldermen and perhaps the mayor should travel to a larger city in this nation that has dealt with these problems successfully. Why not change the sentencing procedures and make the time sentenced stick. I wouldn't go to the extreme of proclaiming make 'em prisoners or make 'em dead, but the idea does have some attractiveness. The recent gun incident at Central brought to this one person's mind a question. They were going to expel a 16 yr old with an obvious rebellious attitude. What a way to create a criminal. I have lived in a city where the city was forced to install metal detectors in Junior Highs and some Elementary Schools. Thats no mistake, Elementary Schools. People in this state are beginning to see what things can become. I heard a lady this summer being interviewed. She had move here from Lynn, Ma. She was basically appalled. She stated she had moved from Lynn to get away from that stuff. Lynn is known semi-affectionately as the "City of Sin". Hmmm, what a moniker to be dealt by those coming to the clean living of NH. I am not railing on this state and city to give me something to do. I am proudly a native of this state and have lived in the immediate Manchester area close to 17 years during my life. (I am 36) This is one of the nicest and for the most part, friendliest states and cities I have seen. This is a state that attracts a healthy tourist dollar. It sometimes seems, however, that the state cares more about the tourist than the year round residents. I suppose we should be happy. The time to worry would be when we regularly show up on COPS. Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. Embarrassment has changed many a life and attitude for the better. William H Ford October 16, 1995