Subj: An Outside Look Inside Its been a couple of weeks since my last prattling. I had a chance to store up some ideas and mud to sling at the "candidates" for President. Some other farcical political correct ideologies floating around this city need a rebuttal from someone not living the high life of luxury. General Powell. Why is this man so popular? In an editorial in the local paper a week or so ago, it was stated that "A man doesn't get to be on the Joint Chiefs without a political astuteness"(My Paraphrasing). How can people blindly and feverishly support his candidacy. Hey he has as much right to run for president as one of the Homeless Veterans populating the streets of America. Truthfully, they might make a better candidate and President. I saw part of the interview on TV. This man might have a great military mind and tactical skills, but he refuses to allow his personal beliefs to "interfere with his policies". A man who grew up in Harlem should know what the effects of personal irresponsibility weigh on the family. A few of his opinions. Abortion, Gun Control. He is "personally opposed" to abortion but feels it should be the choice of the mother. Hey Colin where does the Biological father fit in. Or is more politically correct to refer to all males providing the seeds necessary for fertilization as "Sperm Donors"? Mr Powell you don't believe a damn thing you are campaigning about. Gun Control. Mr Powell owns weapons but believes in a waiting period for handguns. Mr Powell, You can go to the local K-Mart or Walmart and buy all the items needed to blow someone's ass to the promised land without anyone batting an eyelash at you. Are you so spineless as to want to sit on the fence post in hopes of attracting votes. Please if you do continue your quest for the Potty of Power, please do it for someone else and leave the Republican Party alone. We have a chance to correct thirty years of waste and mismanagement. It will take strong backbone and personal convictions to straighten things out before this Country bankrupts itself. It is bad enough that it is well on its way to becoming morally bankrupt. Sex belongs in the home and not in schools. For years the Homosexual advocacy groups screamed "Get the government out of our bedrooms." I am screaming back "You want the government out of your bedroom? Then keep your bedroom out of the Classroom!" People not accepting the consequences of their actions claiming to be victims and demanding the government support them. I am on Social Security Disability for several things. But get this straight, I want to work, If I could do so at my previous skill level, I would. I have started a small business with my money and hope to be self sufficient soon. I could have stayed dwelling in my bucket of oozing self pity and continued drowning my sorrows. I Didn't. The ideals of picking yourself up by the boot straps and starting again are the ideals that built this country's industrial giants. Many a Fortune 500 company has started in garages or basements by people sick of the mindless back stabbing and butt licking bureaucracy that is prevalent in todays companies. Two Republican Candidates have been carrying on a cat fight recently. I am real tempted to send both of them a pacifier, some diapers, and a couple boxes of Midol. President Clinton wants to have the Internet in classrooms by the year 2000. The largest source of Child Porn and other disgusting matter? Yeah Right! Get real Mr. Clinton. I have read the Humanist Manifesto. You and your wife put on airs of a respectable southern church going family. Well Sir, your policies are entrenched in Humanism. Humanism is founded on the belief that man controls his own destiny and that there is no higher authority. You can't have both. You claim to be a Christian. Well Sir you have been taken to task by some members of the clergy in this country, and I suggest you start listening to them. The WGIR-FM "Bridge of Beefcake" deserves some serious thumbs up. If I resembled beefcake more than cheesecake, I would be in attendance. Baxter was right when he said there was a righteous double standard. Why can't they have a line of gorgeous city beauties dressed in leathers or any other garb they desire line up and be voted on. For one thing, the Lorena Bobbit worshipping feminists would have him drawn and quartered. Why can women check out men with no accusations of harassment, yet the opposite would bring charges against him? If I ever got some whistles or comments, my mis aligned jaw would hit the pavement. I don't know of any man alive whose ego would refuse such attention. I should be sending these females who don't want their own femininity noticed, the afore mentioned Pampers, Pacifiers, and most needed boxes of Midol. William H Ford September 28, 1995