Here are the files and instructions for linking the Windows version of Adobe Acrobat to the Web Explorer. The information is courtesy of Lee Paynter and a variety of other sources. This package contains the following files: ACROGO.FUL Rexx Cmd file to start a full-screen Acrobat session Rename to ACROGO.CMD to use ACROGO.WIN Rexx Cmd file to start a windowed Acrobat session Rename to ACROGO.CMD to use EXPLORE.CAP mailcap file for use with EXPLORE.INI EXPLORE.EXT extmap file for use with EXPLORE.INI README.TXT This file You can choose to run Acrobat in either full-screen or windowed mode. If you run it in windowed mode, there will be one extra file, ACROTEMP.PDF created in your \TCPIP\TMP directory which will contain the contents of the last Acrobat document viewed with the Web Explorer. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETTING UP THE ACROBAT-WEB EXPLORER LINK: STEP 1: Find the EXPLORER.INI file in the \TCPIP\ETC directory and edit the [ADVANCED] section to look like this. [advanced] ; advanced user settings - edit with care! ; ; mailcap= specifies full path to user mailcap file ; format is: mime/type; program_name params %s ; example: image/jpeg; jview -r %s ; no wildcards allowed, no piping, no unix commands mailcap=c:\tcpip\etc\explore.cap ; extmap= specifies full path to user extension map file ; format is: mime/type extension_list ; example: image/jpeg jpg jpeg jpe extmap=c:\tcpip\etc\explore.ext STEP 2: Open the EXPLORE.CAP file in an editor and modify the path to the ACROGO.CMD file to point to your Acrobat directory, e.g. C:\ACROREAD. You will place the ACROGO.CMD file in this directory in Step 4. STEP 3: Copy both the EXPLORE.CAP and the EXPLORE.EXT file to your \TCP\ETC directory. Note: If you already have mailcap and extmap files for using other viewers with the Web Explorer, you can just add the lines from the above files to the existing files. STEP 4: Decide whether to run Acrobat in full-screen or windowed mode. You can always change your mind later as long as you save both of the files ACROGO.FUL and ACROGO.WIN. If you want to run Acrobat in full-screen mode, rename the file ACROGO.FUL to ACROGO.CMD. If you want to run Acrobat in a window on your OS/2 desktop, rename the file ACROGO.WIN to ACROGO.CMD. Copy the resulting ACROGO.CMD file to the directory containing your Acrobat files, e.g. C:\ACROREAD. Open the ACROGO.CMD file in an editor and modify all the paths to point to their correct locations based on the locations of your \ACROREAD directory and your \TCPIP\TMP directory. STEP 5: Open the Win-OS/2 Setup Object in your System Setup folder and make sure that Windows is set to run in Enhanced mode and that Win-ATM is On. Both of these are required for Acrobat to run, and this is where it will get the settings from. Cliff Cullum - July 24, 1995