Advanced Task Read Me How To ... Advanced Task provides Configurable System Level Memory (CSLM) Information and Microsoft ODBC Configuration Information. The power of Advanced Task (AdvTask), comes in three forms: The first form provides you with a way of displaying only the applications you want to see apart from all others which are resident within the Windows’ module and task databases. The second provides a means for comparing saved Master and Slave system files, i.e., comparing one system with another system, thereby preventing long hours of troubleshooting and configuration problems. These saved system files are created by AdvTask. The third provides a means of investingating your system ODBC database. Again, you can compare this with other systems with may have configuration problems causing system/application down time. This information can also be displayed/printed into Microsoft’s NOTEPAD.EXE or Microsoft’s WRITE.EXE where it can be printed, saved, or worked into company memo’s providing problem solutions. Capabilities: Task: Displays running tasks as configured, (see Config.); clear a selected task; shell to DOS; Reboot the system; or Restart Windows. Tasks may be displayed with File Version, Product Version, Size, Date or other selectable information, (see Options). System: Displays memory usage; number of running tasks; and current task list, included ODBC information, filter selectable. Config: Allows you to select only those tasks which are running in memory to be displayed in the Task: List. Options:Application Options. Compare:Allows you to compare other system with a known system. Version: ADVTASK.EXE Version 1.0 Includes: ADVTASK.EXE - Application File ADVTASK.HLP - Help File Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Microsoft, MS-DOS, ODBC, Notepad, Write, Visual Basic, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. License: See the On-Line Help License Agreement, see the On-Line Help Registration form and print the form and send it in. A order form has been included, see On-Line Help Ordering. Payment options are Check or Money Order. Contacts: Advanced Applications 6700 North Tryon Street Box 560991 Charlotte, NC 28256-0991 USA Voice (704) 597-3948 Compuserve 72713,2106 Internet 72713, Copyright Notice: Copyright 1994 - 1995 Advanced Application, All rights reserved. Portions Copyright by Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. Various other product names mentioned in passing are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- License Agreement: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This software is licensed shareware. You may distribute at no charge, except for media or connect time charges, unmodified copies of the file ADVTASK.EXE. Select Registration form, and then after printing the form, send it in. AdvTask is supplied "as is". The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchant ability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of AdvTask. You also agree to not hold Advanced Applications liable for any damages, direct or consequential which may result from the use of AdvTask. By purchasing, using, distributing AdvTask, you are agreeing to all of these conditions. AdvTask is provided free of charge for a thirty day evaluation period. Any use beyond this period requires that AdvTask be registered with the author, Advanced Applications. This registration fee will license one copy of AdvTask for use on a single computer. Multi-user, network and site licenses are available; contact Advanced Applications for terms. As purchaser of this software, you are granted a royalty-free license to use the executable file provided you accept the conditions of the License Agreement. Government users: This software and documentation are subject to restrictions set forth in The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013 and elsewhere. If you believe AdvTask is valuable and useful, please give it to anyone else you think would be interested, and encourage them to register their copy. Copy registration also provides notification of Revision Updates, these upgrades will be supplied at a upgrade price. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------