Ami Pro Internet Resources

Ami Pro User Resources on the Net

Here's a short, but sweet, list of internet resources for users of Lotus Development Corporation's excellent (and hopefully not forgotten) word processor, Ami Pro!

Information Sources

Macros & Other File Sources

Et Cetera

Lotus on the Web has now added a new link to their FTP site, which includes a variety of standard macros and other Ami Pro file support. Ftp to: /pub

There are other places to turn to for Ami Pro support. If you haven't tried it yet, check out the Lotus Tech Line bulletin board for the most files and support (it is a long distance call with your modem, but well worth a look-see. However, note that most of these files seem to appear on the Lotus FTP Site above). The number is: (404) 395-7707.

On-line service providers, such as Compuserve, American On-Line, and GEnie all offer plenty of AmiPro macros in their software libraries, as well.

AmiPro is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation, which in no way endorses this site nor its contents. The author of this web page is not accountable for the files availble for transfer here, so download and use them at your own risk.
Comments and contributions welcome!

Michael A. Arnzen,