AWEVBANK Manager V1.20: (C)'95 by Markus Eisenstoeck / Megota Software Virtual Bank Manager for the Soundcard AWE32 Here it is, the tool you've been waiting for ! If you want to make music with your AWE32, this is the tool for you. Bulletlist: * Create your own virtual banks with just those instruments you need. No uploading of whole SBKs just to get one instrument. * Create libraries of instruments to make instrument-managing easier. * Save your FX and userbank-settings along with your virtual banks. * Change patches on the fly while you are composing your songs. * Edit instrument-patches with a mouseclick (you must have VIENNA) * Manage the AWE32 banks, FX, instruments in a better way than AWECP does. * AWEBANK Manager is a full replacement of AWECP.EXE * Online Help * A Windows 95 like userinterface * Direct support for your MIDI-keyboard * Short tutorial (TUTORIAL.TXT) This is the unregistered version. It is fully functional except for a limitation of instruments you can manage with one virtual bank. Just unzip AWVBK120.ZIP into a directory. You also need VBRUN300.DLL wich is not in the ZIP, but you can get this DLL from various FTP-sites. Registering costs US$15. But for now, just try it ... Markus Eisenstoeck (MEGOTA@PING.AT) Changes in V1.01: - Corrected bug when loading virtual banks, which had only one instrument - Corrected bug with cancle button in the registration-reminder - Corrected bug when loading instruments with their original index Changes in V1.02: - corrected bug when exiting with dirty file - There's no program-change required any more when you load new patches ! - Double-clicking an entry in the instrument-list does now add or replace, depending on the selection-state in the Virtual Bank Changes in V1.10: - added new keyboard-shortcuts for some functions - the SBK-listbox now also recognizes AWB-files. That means that you can use any AWB-file as you would use a SBK-file. With that functionality you can create your own libraries of instruments (e.g. Classic, Tecno) and use them without searching all your SBKs. - corrected some spelling-mistakes in the helpfile. - double-upload feature for Windows95 - default-paths in the directory-popup Changes in V1.20: - new icon - new about-box - corrected some minor bugs - some optimizations - MIDI-keyboard support for direct audio-testing of your samples