This is only a brief tutorial: 1) Start AWEVBANK 1a) Start your sequencer-software (e.g. Cakewalk, Cubase) 2) In the paths-box switch to a path where your SBKs are Tip: Right-clicking in this box allowes you to change the drive or quickly switch to your default paths (as you've set them in "Options") 3) Click in file-box on one of the SBKs Tip: Right-clicking allowes you to view some information of the SBK. You can also edit the file (if you have VIENNA) 4) The instrument-list now displays all instruments in the selected SBK Double clicking on an entry adds the instrument to the virtual bank. If double click another one, the one you just uploaded is replaced. Double-click adds an instrument or replaces the ones selected in the virtual bank. You can try the instrument, when you have a MIDI-keyboard 5) Right-clicking in the Virtual-Bank-listbox gives you some editing options Tip: Double clicking an item in the listbox syncs all the other boxes (path, files, instruments) 6) Click on the AWE32-tag Here you see all the instruments in the current bank. With the combo-box on top you can change the current physical bank. Tip: CTRL-0 to CTRL-9 quickly changes the current physical page Selecting an instrument, allowes you to play it with the keyboard 7) Change the virtual bank to one that is not used. With right-clicking and "Load SBK-file ..." you can load a full SBK. This is the same as you did before with AWECP. Note: If you've the registered version, the uploaded userbanks are also saved in your AWB-file. The next time you load it, all the userbanks are also loaded. 7) Click on the Options-tag Here you can change your default paths and some options. Tip: Enabling all the Auto-features gives you the easiest work with AWEVBANK 8) Save your Virtual Bank The next time you load the file you have all the instruments and banks again ! For more, just play around, look into the online help ! Enjoy the program Markus Eisenstoeck / Megota Software MEGOTA@PING.AT