The following files are contained within this archive: ALIENS.BAS - A space invaders for two people game. ANIMAZE.BAS - An almost finished educational game. BUBBATH.BAS - A screensaver in the form of a bath. INFO.TXT - This File. MAGGOTS.BAS - A screensaver involving `maggots'. MOVEDOT.BAS - An exapmle of using cursor keys in basic. Aliens ------ This game shows the limitations of BASICs key input. Only one key can be pressed at one time. Quite interesting though. Player 1 Keys: Left = X, Right = Y and Fire = Space Player 2 Keys: Left = O, Right = P and Fire = Return In the menu press P to change the number of players, A and then + or - to alter the wave, S to start the game with current settings and E to exit AniMaze, or Animal Maze ----------------------- This shows what you can do with sprites in basic and it also shows you how to make and use them. BubBath, or Bubble Bath ----------------------- This shows the animation of simple shapes to form a complex program. Maggots ------- This also shows the use of simple shapes to form a pleasing effect. MoveDot ------- The program is very short but contains the code needed to use the arrow keys in basic. Press space to cycle through the colors and the arrow keys to move.