Special notes for CAVEMAPS: 1) These maps have already been converted for you from the C-64 Boulderdash format to the IBM PC Boulderoid format. 2) If you have maps of your own and you wish to use the CAVTOMAP.EXE that is included with Boulderoid (BOULD112.ZIP) don't waste your time making out the text file option that adds a name to the cave and credits the author. You can do the same thing in Boulderoid's map editor and save your self some needless work! 3) The cavemaps are divided into subdirectories as to authorship: Bradbury - That is I (or is it me!?) Anon - Numerous caves acquired from old C-64 public domain disks Epyx - Caves that were included in the Boulderdash Construction Kit AWB - Caves attributed to one Arthur William Brecker, whom I have not seen in numerous years! 4) All included caves were designed in pre-Boulderoid days and they do not have the enhancements that Boulderoid gives with new enemies and/or obstacles. 5) You will notice that some cavemaps have a dash in the standard DOS eight letter name taking the position at the end of the name; this is to mark these maps as intermissions instead of caves. [i.e. AUTOBAN-.MAP or DILLY-.MAP or DALLY-.MAP] 6) My computer is not a Pentium powered one but it is a hot 486dx/80 and when I set up the cave delays I considered the speed of my computer and the slowness of my reflexes- I am 45 years old and I am not lightning quick as I was when I first played Boulderdash! I read in one mag that computer games are being played by those in their seventies! I guess I still have some life left! [Am I living in the Cheat Mode?] 7) Copy the files into the \maps subdirectory of your Boulderoid game to use them. 8) I have included some extra sample games designed for people with slower reflexes and less stringent life styles. Try DANA.GAM which is custom made for my secretary who is ten years my junior and BRADBURY.GAM which is made from my caves that I designed when I was her age and also for her to play! When is Dana going to type my invoices!? Have fun! I am and I will keep playing till my seventies also! Contributed by Robert Scott Bradbury aka The Over The Hill Gamer P.S. Try some of my Spear of Destiny levels that are available on SWC BBS. If you don't have Wolfenstein 3D, Spear of Destiny, all three Dooms, Heretic and Rise Of The Triad then you are, indeed, missing out!