Battle Cheese version 1.0 by Brad Boggess 7-19-95 This is a video game simulating a war between four armies of mutant cheese. Type INSTALL (and hit Enter), and then follow the on-screen instructions. To run it, you need the following setup: - IBM or compatible PC with 286 or better CPU. - VGA compatible graphics card. - Microsoft compatible mouse with driver installed. - DOS version 3.3 or above. - Hard Drive with at least 1.7MB of free space. - At least 450KB of free conventional memory. The following is recommended: - Fast 386 or better CPU. - Sound Blaster 2.0 or compatible sound card for music and digitized sound effects. - A disk caching program. If you use a Sound Blaster, make sure that BLASTER is set in your environment. It should look *something* like BLASTER= A220 I5 D1 T3. See your sound card's manual for an explanation of the settings. This game should run okay under Microsoft Windows 3.1 and IBM OS/2 Warp. To skip the opening sequence, run "BC NOINTRO". I assume no responsibility for any undesirable effects caused by the use or misuse of the program (although I don't see how it could cause any trouble). The latest shareware version of Battle Cheese can be obtained from the official distribution site: Molten Slag BBS at (619)287-3749.