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CAT also provides as a public service a BBS, a weekly full color newsletter and a Web site for the family of the future: http://www1.usa1.com/~furball/ * Please note a full color printed version of this newsletter is available upon request, as well as on the Web. -------------------------------------------------------------------- CAT People: ~~~~~~~~~~ The CAT person of the week is Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts... Congressman Frank has been a true supporter of our project to develop a video on suicide prevention and self esteem in gay, lesbian and bisexual teens. Each time we have contacted his office for information or help he and his staff have fulfilled our requests promptly and with genuine concern. In fact, Congressman Frank has been one of the few prominent adult members of the gay community to extend his continued support to CAT. Thanks again Congressman Frank and your staff for all your help!!! CRISES IN MERRIMACK: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What follows has been published on the World Wide Web and is provided here for people without access to the Web. The Web URL address: http://www1.usa1.com/~furball/glb/outrage.html/ It is called "The Outrage Page" Free country no more??? ----------------------- As most of you already know, the School Board of Merrimack, New Hampshire voted into policy on August 14, 1995: Policy 6540--Prohibition of Alternate (sic) Lifestyle Instruction "The Merrimack School District shall neither implement nor carry out any program or activity that has either the purpose or effect of encouraging or supporting homosexuality as a positive lifestyle alternative. A program or activity, for purpose of this item, includes the distribution of instructional materials, instruction, counseling, or other services on school grounds, or referral of a pupil to an organization that affirms a homosexual lifestyle." The above policy is discriminatory, shows no compassion or love and allows the Merrimack School Board the unwise power of censorship. The policy flies in the face of everything that is decent, just and fair in our American society... People from all backgrounds must stand up and fight for the rights of our nation's youth... Children's Animated Television (CAT), the sponsor of "The GLB Youth Advisor" is currently working on a video program on gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) teen self esteem and suicide prevention. CAT also believes there is a direct correlation between GLB low self esteem and unsafe sex practices. CAT is concerned about many social issues, especially those related to underserved minority people. Claude DiDomenica, President of CAT recently said: "The plight of GLB youth in our society is a good barometer of a spiritually and emotionally stunted world..." To get a better idea what is REALLY going on in Merrimack, please read the following... It has a pretty decent analysis, along with the events as reported in the Boston Globe... Thanks Randy H., for forwarding CAT this valuable information... (What follows on the Web is called "The Outrage Page Primer") -------------------------------------------------------------------- BOSTON GLOBE Box 2378,Boston,MA,02107 -(Fax 617-929-2098, print run 516,981) (E-MAIL: letter@globe.com) Tuesday, August 15, 1995 GAY-DISCUSSIONS BANNED IN SCHOOLS MERRIMACK, N.H. -- The School Board voted 3-2 last night to ban teachers and guidance counselors from presenting homosexuality in a positive light. The decision drew catcalls from some of the 300 people crowded into the meeting. Many then went outside to join a candlelight vigil in protest of the board's treatment of gay teen-agers. School board Chairman Chris Ager defended his proposal, saying it wouldn't lead to a witch hunt, but rather prevent schools from usurping parents' right to raise their children as they see fit. But board member Brenda Grady, a Nashua high school teacher, said controversial subjects are discussed all the time without passing judgment on them. -!- [repeating original alert on this from July 1995]: [EDITOR'S NOTE: School Board and Superintendent Contact Information: Merrimack School Department 36 McElwain St. Merrimack NH 03054 phone (603) 424 6200, fax (603) 424 6229] Chairman's Anti-Gay Proposal Rocks Merrimack School Board Coleman & Grady Oppose Addition to District Policy as Discrimination Merrimack, NH--In this small, quiet New Hampshire town, Religious Right organizations such as the Christian Coalition (the political front organization for failed presidential candidate Pat Robertson) have torn the citizenry apart with an ideological debate over another item on their national political agenda. At the last School Board meeting, Chairman Chris Ager proposed a policy of discrimination against gays and lesbians. It would ban any neutral discussion of homosexuality in the schools, ban instructional materials that discuss homosexuality in a neutral light, and ban suicide prevention counseling (or referral to counseling) for gay and lesbian students. After years of peaceful consensus about the basic goals of the community's school, the right-wing majority bloc of the Board, under influence from Religious Right political organizations, recently adopted school prayer disguised as a moment of silence, and considered teaching creationism in the science courses. The latter proposal brought legions of angry parents opposing the measure to volatile School Board meetings and triggered intense scrutiny from the national press. "Unless the majority bloc of the School Board drops this, and other parts of the Religious Right's national agenda, Merrimack will again be in the national spotlight--portrayed as a prejudiced and bigoted community," said Board Vice-Chair Ken Coleman. "If the majority bloc enacts this discriminatory policy against gays and lesbians, the door will be open to discrimination against many other groups. Most of all, our children will suffer. Whether heterosexual or homosexual, they will be taught to hate those unlike them--and the quality of their education will flounder as the community debates religious ideology instead of academics." In the Merrimack School Board election last May, the voters delivered a clear message. In a record turnout, they rejected the candidates and inflammatory agenda of the Religious Right. Electing two moderates (Brenda Grady and Coleman) by unprecedented majorities, they told the Board to stop debating ideology and return to the real work of improving education in the school district. The town clearly wanted the School Board to concentrate on issues such as the shortage of classrooms and improving the curriculum. Board members Grady and Coleman went to the School Board meeting July 10th expecting to talk about math, space needs, and reading programs--the published agenda. Instead, they faced two unexpected issues on Chairman Ager's hidden agenda--the severe curtailment of public participation, and a policy of discrimination against gay and lesbian students. Policy 6540--Prohibition of Alternate (sic) Lifestyle Instruction "The Merrimack School District shall neither implement nor carry out any program or activity that has either the purpose or effect of encouraging or supporting homosexuality as a positive lifestyle alternative. A program or activity, for purpose of this item, includes the distribution of instructional materials, instruction, counseling, or other services on school grounds, or referral of a pupil to an organization that affirms a homosexual lifestyle." The Analysis ------------ On the surface, this seems innocuous, since the schools should not promote sexuality of any kind, heterosexual or homosexual. The phrase at the end, however, specifically prohibits presenting homosexuality in neutral terms. It thus demeans and degrades all gay and lesbian students currently in the school system. It encourages discrimination and violence. The second half of the motion introduces far more drastic and severe measures. It prohibits the schools not only from counseling gay and lesbian students who may face ostracism and discrimination in school, but also prohibits referring students to outside counseling services, even students contemplating suicide. The Board thus would cause deliberate anguish and needless suffering among gay and lesbian students under its supervision. It also permits the Board to censor books in the school libraries which were either written by gay authors or have a gay or lesbian in the story line. It also permits the Board to censor student publications and ban student organizations. Why has Chairman Ager proposed a new policy that solves no problems, but which causes serious harm to Merrimack's students and community? Presidential politics and the national agenda of the Christian Coalition have converged on Merrimack, testing issues for the 1996 presidential election. For example, Board member Uscinski has spoken at the Christian Coalition's National School Board Training Seminar about techniques for gaining control over local schools. Ralph Reed interviewed her about her success in Merrimack on CNET. She is also county co-chair for Pat Buchanan's presidential campaign. Recently, New Hampshire Governor Steve Merrill rejected $10 million of federal funds for Goals 2000 program, claiming that it had too many strings attached. The Christian Coalition, which had lobbied strongly to defeat Goals 2000, immediately declared victory. On the Fourth of July, Bob Dole, Pat Buchanan, Phil Gramm, Governor Merrill, and Congressman William Zeliff all marched in the Merrimack parade--an impressive assemblage of powerful Republican politicians for a small town of 23,000. At the last School Board meeting, several prominent members of the Christian Coalition's state and regional leadership looked on from the audience as Ager made his proposal. Christian Coalition Makes Merrimack A National Test Market...Again Grady and Coleman believe the purpose of this motion is to make Merrimack a national test market once again for the Christian Coalition--just as it was during the creationism debate. The New Hampshire primary is only seven months away. Using these "hot-button" issues to steer political debate during the presidential primary campaign, the Religious Right will attempt to focus attention on their agenda. The national press will cover the controversy because it involves presidential politics, and extremist groups from all over the nation will come to Merrimack. As a result, this quiet New England town has become an unwilling focus group for the marketers of the Religious Right's ideology and national agenda. With little concern for the people of Merrimack, they are testing the viability of discrimination as a campaign issue. The Merrimack School Board is scheduled to discuss Chairman Ager's motion at its next regularly scheduled meeting on August 14th. A formal vote on the motion is scheduled for the board meeting on September 5th. For more information, contact: Ken Coleman (603) 883-3254; fax (603)881-4877 OR Randy Kottwitz (603) 883 8786, fax (603) 880 6153 [EDITOR'S NOTE: School Board and Superintendent Contact Information: Merrimack School Department 36 McElwain St. Merrimack NH 03054 phone (603) 424 6200, fax (603) 424 6229] *+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ PLEASE FEEL FREE TO RE-POST OR PRINT, WITH ATTRIBUTION Jessea Greenman The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project*; ph/fax: 510-601-8883 586 62nd St. Oakland, CA 94609-1245 To get to our gopher, gopher to "gopher.outright.com" Point a web browser at http://www.outright.com/project21 Another Web site, courtesy of "Gay & Lesbian Web Alliance": URL: http://emanate.com/glwa/proj21 The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project is *always* looking for volunteer organizers. If interested, please contact Jessea as shown above. Please cc us on all correspondence you send or receive regarding one of our action alerts...we file it ALL! Thanks! *The P.E.R.S.O.N. Project was formerly called Project 21 but it is no way connected with GLAAD. P.E.R.S.O.N. (copyrighted) stands for Public Education Regarding Sexual Orientation Nationally. -------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The policy HAS BEEN ENACTED by the Merrimack School Board... The 3/5 majority forced a vote at the August 14 meeting... Merrimack School Board, meet your WORST NIGHTMARE: Claude DiDomenica, President of CAT (didom@usa1.com) Hello... Normally, I am a calm person who likes most anybody... But the horse hockey going on in Merrimack has made me angry!!! ARGH!!! Hearing of this Stone Age policy makes me feel sick and wish to cry. My heart goes out to all concerned... "The Outrage Page" on the Web is dedicated to the decent people of Merrimack who have been made into pawns by certain unscrupulous individuals... Let's get down to what I feel is the core issue here: FREEDOM The American flag and Capitol Dome pictures on the Web page symbolize the threat to our freedom. If you read the analysis above, you would have seen the connection between Chairman Ager and the political agenda of the Christian Coalition. I, as an individual, and CAT as an organization are not political activists. We are concerned for the health and well being of gay, lesbian and bisexual youth. We are also alarmed when the freedom of any of our citizens is challenged. Recently, I sent a fax to the two reasonable board members who voted against: "The immoral, unethical, shortsighted, mean-spirited, political usage by the Merrimack School Board of gay, lesbian and bisexual (GLB) youth..." I then concluded: "The decision of your School Board is in effect, a death sentence to some of your kids..." There is overwhelming evidence that GLB youth face: * Higher and unacceptable incidence of suicide than the general populous * Prevalent alcohol and substance abuse * Increased risk of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) * Unsupportive and/or hostile family, school and social environments * Violence and hate crimes * Inadequate or no education because they fear attending school * Being thrown out of their homes or feeling compelled to run away * Involvement in prostitution for survival, if homeless I just spoke on the phone with Ken Coleman, one of the 2 out of 5 Merrimack School Board members opposed to the horrific policy. I assured him I would do everything I could do to help. Then I received a call from a really nice guy named Randy Kottwitz. Randy has been working with Ken to help these kids. I feel really encouraged that we can work together and help in a significant way... I am not an expert on the Christian Coalition's political agenda. It seems illogical for God to create GLB children to be persecuted and feel compelled to kill themselves. I also know there are good Christians who have room in their hearts for ALL people. CAT is working with various clergy from all denominations. I personally feel God created the vast diversity of people for us to learn love and compassion, not to practice hate and discrimination. What are we left with now that the Merrimack School Board policy is in effect??? * The Merrimack schools will deny current, accurate information about homosexuality to GLB teens * The heterosexual kids are taught a terrible lesson of intolerance and hatred * The Merrimack School Board will censor books and educational materials about GLB themes. What's next??? Barbed wire and concentration camps??? * GLB and heterosexual students can not form a support group in school or write about GLB issues in the school newspaper * No outside support for GLB students who live in a hostile family environment because of their sexual orientation * What happens to a teacher/counselor who violates the policy when they help a depressed or suicidal GLB teen??? (Personally, I will award them a medal!!! :) * An increase of suicide attempts by GLB teens who do not receive support from their families, school or community * Who do we hold responsible if just ONE CHILD commits suicide because of this hurtful policy??? I feel all people, heterosexual and GLB, can not tolerate this unjust policy in a country that prides itself on freedom. Whatever happened to the separation of church and state??? This bologna or cover story, if you will: "Ager defended his proposal, saying it wouldn't lead to a witch hunt, but rather prevent schools from usurping parents' right to raise their children as they see fit." It is well documented that much of the violence and ridicule GLB teens suffer is at the hands of their own family... Again, Ager and company's logic is flawed to the max. These people should read the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and Bill of Rights. "The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..." By denying GLB youth neutral information on sexuality, they put these kids at tremendous risk... Ager and company are "usurping" the rights of children to a decent and factual education... What can decent people do??? ---------------------------- We should realize that the people who wish to force their agenda upon us are a small portion of Americans. As they say, "there is strength in numbers." We must stand tall and protect all American children from the evil agenda before us: * Spread the word about this outrage!!! * If you have a Web page, PLEASE put a link direct to "The Outrage Page" http://www1.usa1.com/~furball/glb/outrage.html/ * Call/Fax the people mentioned in the above document * Write letters to the editor of the major New Hampshire newspapers * Help organize or participate in a peaceful demonstration * If you are a lawyer, offer your pro-bono services to assist in any forthcoming legal challenges * Carefully scrutinize ALL political candidates to ensure they are for the rights of all citizens I can guarantee the Merrimack School Board that the GLB teens of your school district WILL get the information they need!!! You are probably facing lawsuits as well, from various families and groups. CAT will put together a program to ensure all GLB and hetero teens have access to the knowledge they deserve and are entitled to. What CAT has and will offer to do: * Provide Ken and Randy with a free homepage on the Web, or they can participate in "The Outrage Page" * Assist in implementing an Internet awareness campaign in Merrimack to ensure ALL kids have access to GLB information * Help set up a dial-in computer bulletin board service (BBS) for those with minimal computer equipment * Ask Governor Weld of Massachusetts to speak out against the policy (Massachusetts has a Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth doing wonderful things in the schools) * We have added this "Crises in Merrimack" column to the CAT Chronicle, our popular weekly newsletter. We will provide a free forum for those fighting intolerance in Merrimack * Help organize a press conference If you can help, please contact two of the nicest guys on earth: Ken Coleman (603) 883-3254; fax (603) 881-4877 OR Randy Kottwitz (603) 883 8786, fax (603) 880 6153 Parent's Corner... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Parent's tip of the week: 10 things to do in a grocery store to help your children behave * Give your child a responsibility like help select the hardest apples, find the cheapest green beans, match the coupons with the labels, etc... * Play a game with the child like let's count all the tennis shoes we see on people's feet or let's see how many B's you can find on signs, etc... * Play guessing games like guess how much something is going to cost * Describe food in the cart and have the children guess the food * Sing songs with them, make up a "grocery store" song * Give your child something of yours to play with like keys, pocket book, note pad and pencil, etc... * Discuss rules before entering the store. Let the child know what they can't get before entering * Reinforce appropriate behavior, talk with them, play with them, engage them in the decision making process, encourage them to talk, watch, listen and think * Stop unacceptable behavior as soon as it occurs. Don't ignore behavior which is dangerous, destructive or embarrassing. Don't let the child think you will allow them to misbehave in public * Reward good behavior, promise to play a game with or read to your child when you get home, or buy them a special treat Not all of these work with my kids, but most seem to help, give them a try, you never know... Jeff Sam Volunteer Child Safety & Parents Coordinator, Co-Sysop of Dr Furball's BBS and CAT's Co-Webmeister Internet Address: jsam@usa1.com Please visit Jeff's Sam's Parenting and Child Safety Web page: http://www1.usa1.com/~furball/jeffsam/jeffsam.html/ GLB Youth Advisor: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAT's current video project is on GLB teen self esteem. Our goal is to help put a stop to the unacceptably high rate of GLB teen depression and suicide. We also believe there is a direct correlation between low self esteem and unsafe sex practices. To this aim, as a public service we present to you the GLB Youth Advisor... College Daze I decided to spend my college years at in a rural environment. This school had an excellent meteorology department and offered a wide variety of courses. As excited as I was to be in Vermont, I would soon learn that living in an intellectual community did not protect me from the harsh realities of life. I honestly expected the college community to be open, tolerant and accepting of differences between individuals. I looked forward to leaving home. My gay feelings were growing stronger and I needed to explore them further. Although I still kept myself 'closeted' at the time, I hoped to find my first boyfriend. As a child, I had very few friends. But surprisingly in college, I developed a close circle of friends for the first time in my life. I found acceptance and companionship among people my own age. Things worked out quite well for the first few months, and I was happy. However, I carefully guarded my sexual orientation. I knew people did not like homosexuals. I was afraid to loose my new friends so I kept quiet. This created uncomfortable moments for me whenever our discussions turned to girls and dating. I never dated anyone, let alone a girl. I carefully avoided the topic. Ironically, most of my friends assumed I never dated because I spent too much time studying. Sometimes I was overwhelmed with jealousy. My friends were free to discuss their desires, but I was afraid to reveal mine. Eventually, I discovered that my friends were homophobic, in every sense of the word. Unfortunately, certain students became the victims of rumors and jokes. They were accused of being homosexual, publicly humiliated and avoided by many 'popular' students. Despite my protests, my friends enjoyed making fun of these students. My arguments remained neutral and 'safe'. I would say, "How do you know this guy is gay? Looks can be deceiving." Unfortunately, this situation continued to deteriorate as the school year progressed. My friends began to talk about violence against homosexuals on campus. They would say things like, "I'd like to be a trigger man and waste some gays!" I was shocked to hear these comments from students with above average intelligence. I assumed that smart kids were above these kinds of thoughts. But obviously, even smart people can hate... These kids would damage the cars of people they suspected were gay. By this time, my depression and anxiety about the situation was full blown. I felt bad for these people. I was afraid of being labeled as gay myself if I tried to stand up for them. So, I continued to sell myself out just to maintain the tentative friendships with my "close circle of friends." The next year provided no relief from the growing anti-gay sentiment throughout the campus. It spread to the administration itself including the meteorology department. I developed a close working relationship with the chairman of the department. We shared similar political ideologies. I displayed a innate ability to understand his lectures and weather analysis. I was one of his best students and the seniors would ask for my help in the meteorology classes taught by the chairman. One day as I walked by the chairman's office, I saw a bumper sticker that read: "Gay and Lesbian students are NOT welcome in this department." I stared at the sign in disbelief! My heart was racing and I started to cry. What did I do to deserve such treatment from a man I respected? The final blow to my mental health came a few weeks later. I was talking with my closest friend about friendships. He said that he considered me his best friend, the first in several years. I honestly felt the same way. We talked for a long time. He finally confessed that he ended a friendship with a previous best friend because he 'came out' to him. He explained that when he found out his friend was gay, he could not deal with a gay 'flaunting himself' in front of him. He never spoke with him again. I felt like a a dagger was being thrust into my heart. What could I do? My 'best friend' would abandon me if he knew the truth! This final blow made me feel that there was no point in living. I told another friend within my 'circle' about my suicidal thoughts. At first, I wasn't sure why I chose him, but it became clear to me much later. I gradually felt a need to be with him. I developed some feelings for him that grew into love. He told a counselor about me because he was afraid I would attempt suicide. I did make an attempt a couple of weeks later. I started to see this counselor who suggested that I keep a log of my dreams and thoughts. I discovered that my friend turned up in many of my writings. Finally, she asked me if I loved him. I confessed that I did. She smiled knowingly and told me to tell him I was gay and how I felt about him. I just stared at her and said I could not. The risk of revealing myself to him could result in his rejection of me and possible alienation by the entire campus. She tried to give me a hint, but I refused to take it. She just said, "Trust me. I'm also counseling him. I have to maintain his privacy. But I can tell you that you really should tell him you love him." Today, as I write this, I believe she was trying to tell me that he was also gay, and maybe loved me too. At that time, the fear of rejection and alienation ripped me apart. I could not even look him in the face. I wanted him so much but I was too afraid of the consequences. Finally, my solution to the entire problem was to just quit school. All this happened two years ago. I did try to return to college, but the administration refused to give me housing. I did consider a lawsuit, but it did not seem worth pursuing. I often think about the friend I loved so much. To this day, it still breaks my heart. The longing to see him remains with me, although I have not seen him in two years. My suicidal thoughts are not as frequent. I am finally completely self accepting of my homosexuality. I traveled a tough road to arrive at my current level of acceptance and still agonize over my losses. I write this in the hope that those of you planning to attend college will avoid the pitfalls I created for myself. Examine the school's social groups. Find out if there is a GLB support group on campus. Some colleges even utilize gay-specific dorms or housing, providing a safe environment and the opportunity to meet others to help you create supportive relationships. Mike Reddin Volunteer GLB Youth Advisor for Children's Animated Television Internet Address: wxman@pcix.com Mike has an area on our Web site dedicated to GLB youth: http://www1.usa1.com/~furball/glb/glb.html/ The CAT Credo... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Children's Animated Television (CAT) believes in a positive future for all children... CAT's philosophy is to help solve today's complex social problems through honest and open dialogue, education, information and compromise... CAT will produce video programs for pre-teens and teens to stimulate their minds, harness their creativity and imaginations to cultivate long-lasting answers to problems in their world... As a public service, CAT will also provide educational information using all available technology including a computer bulletin board, World Wide Web site and other electronic media. CAT will supply this knowledge for children, parents and educators to enable our society to develop ideas and solutions for a better tomorrow... Claude DiDomenica & Bessie Hadley Founders of Children's Animated Television July 15, 1995 -------------------------------------------------------------------- To subscribe to "The CAT Chronicle" via E-Mail: E-Mail to didom@usa1.com Subject: Subscribe CAT Chronicle CAT is a 501-C-3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Contact Information: Bessie Hadley Executive Director Children's Animated Television, Inc. 1492 Highland Ave, Suite 3 Needham, MA 02192 USA Voice: 617-449-9699 FAX: 617-449-2238 Dr Furball's BBS: 617-455-8415 node 1 617-433-0026 node 2 Internet: hadley@usa1.com Claude DiDomenica President of CAT and Sysop of Dr Furball's BBS Internet: didom@usa1.com CAT's WEB Home Page!!! http://www1.usa1.com/~furball/ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Get CAT's latest info releases from Software Creations BBS * * "Home of the Authors" * * <<*-*-*-*->> * * Internet Access: Telnet BBS.SWCBBS.COM * * <<*-*-*-*->> * * WEB Access: http://www.swcbbs.com * * <<*-*-*-*->> * * 2400/9600/14.4 USR HST/Dual Standard Public Access (508) 368-7036 * * 2400/9600/14.4/28.8 USR V.Everything Public Access (508) 368-6604 * * 2400/9600/14.4 USR HST/Dual Standard Member Access (508) 368-7139 * * 9600/14.4/16.8/28.8 USR V.Everything Member Access (508) 368-3424 * * <<*-*-*-*->> * * At Main Menu, type: J 178 * * for "Dr Furball's Educational & Philanthropical Conference" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1995 Children's Animated Television, Inc. All Rights Reserved This newsletter may be freely distributed as long as it remains intact and this notice is not removed. Please do not post on USENET, FIDONET, WILDNET etc. without permission of the conference moderator. # # #