________________________________________________________________________ Visit Our Web Page! http://www.cris.com/~Xenozoid/ComicBkNet.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ / THE \ \C O M I C/ Issue # 26 This publication is brought to you \B O O K/ by the active participants of \N E T/ the international center for \ / comic book discussion, the Comic *E-Mag* Book Net. !!! Editors: Ryan Brewster Network Administration: Mike Imboden Mike Imboden Ed Dukeshire David Leblanc Bobb Waller Special thanks to our many contributors! Walter Tietjen ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The Bullpen ........................... Ryan Brewster [2] CSNsider #431.......................... W. Batty & C. Biggers (Contributed by alert CBN participant David LeBlanc!) [3] The 25th Hour ......................... Mike Imboden [4] Comic Comments ........................ John Keady [5] Rich's Revelations .................... Rich Johnston (Cross-posted with permission) [6] Animation News ........................ Mike Imboden [7] The CBN APA! .......................... Ed Dukeshire [8] Late Comics Report 9/8/95 ............. Andrew S. Troth (Cross-posted with permission) [9] Top 150 Comics ........................ Antarctic Press [10] Top Publishers ........................ Antarctic Press [11] Sell-Through Info (final) ............. Brian Hibbs [12] Splash Page ........................... Various [13] CBN Conference Totals ................. Net Admin Team [14] Join in the Fun! [15] BBSes Linked into CBN [16] E-Mag Info ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [1] The Bullpen by Ryan Brewster Okay, first off, apologies for another late issue. . Things are really hectic these days. Second, the CBN WWW page (as well as the Explorer Press home page) will be "down" for a short while, with access available to only the text and zipped versions of the latest e-mag (as well as the back issue index). When it resurfaces, however (heh, heh), within a week or two, it'll blow your mind! :) And third, Comicunications is absent this week while I make some changes format. The industry news portion will remain the same, as will the editorial, but the reviews will completely change format (and, as such, I will be completely re-reviewing some comics) and the top 5 "rated" will become the top 10 _picks_. In other words, my 10 favorite comics. :) Mike Imboden's starting to churn up some traffic over in the animation message base of CBN's conferences. What are your favorite cartoons? And what's the latest news in cartoons? Log on and find out! :) The election process has begun for the Net Admin team for CBN. Nominations are now being taken, and the election will be held in the middle of this month. Let your vote be counted! Again, profuse apologies for a late issue, but I managed to find some interesting stuff to put into it, so it should be worth the wait! :) Best, --Ry Editor The Comic Book Net E-Mag Xenozoid@cris.com ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [2] CSNsider #431 by W. Batty & C. Biggers This is the CSNsider from CSN #431, which will be in shops on 9/21/95. It is reproduced in its entirety with the expressed permission of COMIC SHOP NEWS! The exclusives war continues: Coppervale Press (formerly Taliesin Press, publishers of James Owen's Starchild) has signed an exclusive distribution arrangement with Capital Distributors, while Jim Shooter's new Broadway Comics will be exclusive with Diamond Distributors from the very beginning; while this news is important to comic shops, it should have no impact on comic fans at all... Mike Netzer and Arik Meir's new series Legends: The Roman Wars, described as "a four issue excursion into the esoteric realm of legend and mythology," is slated for release from Diamond Publishers... Joe Pruett will edit Moebius Comics, a new ongoing series of material by the acclaimed French writer/artist; look for it from Caliber in early '96... Budd Root's Cavewoman is also moving to Caliber in early '96... Jim Hudnall is self-publishing a new ESPers series, Interface, next year -- and to coincide with that new series debut, Caliber is reprinting some of the original issues in full color in December... Fans of Paradox' Big Book of Conspiracies will want to keep an eye open for the 1996 Caliber release of Warren Ellis's X=X, described as "a conspiracy theory that logically brings together all of the conspiracy theories"... And as if that isn't enough, Caliber has also announced plans to bring Rust back in 1996, along with Baker Street and Wordsmith... Motown Comics has signed a publishing/distribution arrangement with Image Comics... Jim Valentino has announced that he is taking his Image titles, formerly produced by Shadowline Studios, to Extreme Studios (Rob Liefeld's Image imprint); the books will continue to appear under the Image logo, naturally... Those phenomenally high-priced Marvel/Malibu crossover books that you may have seen advertised inside Marvel Comics this past spring and summer will be made available in an affordably-priced trade paperback in December... Topps Comics gets a license to kill in December, when they release their comic book adaptation of the James Bond film GoldenEye under license from United Artists... Oops: several astute readers caught an error in our recent report that Spider-Man was about to become the first Marvel hero to meet both members of the World's Finest team; it turns out that the Hulk has also crossed paths with both Superman and Batman in past crossover -- but since he was still the savage Hulk back then, he doesn't remember the meeting, anyway... Is the word Fusion going to take on major significance in the comics world in months to come? Could be!... The end of an era approaches: Love and Rockets, the critically acclaimed Los Bros. Hernandez comic published by Fantagraphics, comes to an end in early '96 with the release of Love & Rockets #50; Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez will replace it with their own as-yet-untitled solo series... Here's good news: beginning this month with the release of Hate #20, Peter Bagge's popular comic will add four additional pages of comics material with no increase in cost... If you're a Star Wars completists, we hope you also like Apple Jacks, because the only way you're going to get Dark Horses exclusive Star Wars: X-Wing -- Rogue Squadron promotional comic is by sending in proof of purchases from the cereal box (and in a much appreciated gesture of support for comic shops everywhere, the cereal box will carry a message urging Star Wars fans to look at the comic book section of their local phone directory for a listing of stores carrying Star Wars comics)... CSN #431 features The Horrorists from DC Comics on the cover as well as more news and the CSN Charts. The CSNsider is now available via e-mail! In order to subscribe to CSNsider, send a message to majordomo@redweb.com, with a single line message saying: SUBSCRIBE csnsider The only way to get Comic Shop News is to visit a shop that carries CSN. The publication costs the shops just a dime each and is generally free to customers. If your shop doesn't carry CSN, nag 'em until they do. After all, isn't your business and satisfaction worth a dime a week? Visit our WWW site! http://www.actwin.com/csn Ward Batty wardo@netdepot.com Cliff Biggers cliffbig@netdepot.com (c)1995 CSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Transmitted by . . . њњњњФФФФЭЭЭЭ*David LeBlanc> ComicBkNet@AOL.COM david.leblanc@mailtrain.com RIME->5179 FIDO 1:322/743.1 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [3] The 25th Hour by Mike Imboden So, I'm flipping through some stations on Saturday morning and I come across a WB station and I see an ad that catches my eye; The debut of KidsWB - the WB network's Saturday kids lineup. And what is it's highlight? A new episode of Animaniacs! The theme has been altered slightly though I didn't catch the changes since I wasn't expecting them. References to Pinky and The Brain were removed, but only because those loveable world conquering mice have their own half hour cartoon! (though P & B are still in the opening when all of the Animaniacs are marching along carring their contracts during the "We have pay fo play contracts" line of the theme. They also now introduce Scratchinsniff, the guard and "Hello Nurse". The show opened in style. A voice over said, in a very serious voice; "Previously, on Animaniacs..." and the show proceeded to run about a three minute montage of some actual old clips mixed with a bunch of lampoons of "serious movie" scenes and cliffhangers including one which was done a few times in different settings that involved a man doing something, looking up, a look of horror crossing his face, him starting to flinch and a large explosion blasting in his face. It was like seeing every cliffhanger ending you've ever seen in a short time. The opening ended with The Warner Brothers and Warner Sister watching in horror as their water tower was blown to smithereens. Yakko brought their spirits up again by saying they'd build another one exactly like the old one. The two new Warner shorts were funny, typical Warner Bro and sis slapstick. The rest of WB's kids lineup looked pretty good, especially Earthworm Jim which is I think based on a Sega video game. Earthworm Jim reminded me a bit of The Tick, so if you get a chance to watch it, do so. M!ke (mike.imboden@f748.n109.z1.fidonet.org) ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [4] Comic Comments by John Keady Here is my hefty review list for the week! Action Comics #715- Superman goes against Doc Parasite, a merging between the maniac Parasite and a Star Labs scientist. A pretty good issue but felt pretty much like filler in preparation of the Trial of Superman beginning next week. Art was good and it was still a fun read! B Batman Chronicles #2- A trio of Bat stories, two of which stand out more than the first one. The Gordon story was very good as was the Harold story! I'll probably pick this one up once in a while B Nightwing #2- A fun issue as Dick Grayson gets a new costume and even longer hair?!?!?! I kind of tire of the despot dictator bent on villany storyline. It seems I've seen it one too many times! Art was still good though! B- Shadow of the Bat #43- The story was good but I was distracted by the absolutly wretched artwork. I believe this was the same artist who drove me from reading Daredevil. Thank God that this is only a one time deal! C- New Gods #1- The return of this title heralds a return to the cosmic side of DC that has been sadly missing since the GL Corps was obliterated. The story was strong as was the artwork and I recommend that people at least give it a chance! B+ Sovereign Seven #4- The last issue I'll be getting. I had some high standards for this book considering the publicity & reputation of the creative team. Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed! No character developement, mindless action and nothing worth remembering follows every issue I've read. D New Titans #126- Beginning of the end for this long running series as they start the Meltdown story arc. I actually saw the lack of action as a refreshing change. I am just now beginning to see these characters in the light I think they were mean't to be shown! The art was also rather eye catching! B Robin #22- Ninja Camp storyline continues as Tim Drake goes undercover to expose a training camp for underage ninjas! I'm still getting used to the Weiringo art on this book though the story was pretty strong. B Superboy Annual #2- We finally learn who our intrepid young hero is the clone of and I woulda never guessed! I really enjoyed this issue as it told stories about Superboy that I never knew. Many of the annuals this year just rehashed what we already knew. B Guy Gardner #36- Part of the UNDERWORLD UNLEASHED storyline! The Guy clone comes to Earth and takes over the Warriors bar as three Neron charged villans mistake the clone for the real thing. Quite a brawl breaks out as drinks & patrons go flying! B Underworld Unleashed #1- The beginning of this month's mega crossover begins as Neron offers the villans of the DCU a chance to gain revenge over the heroes who have trashed them for years. I thought seeing it through the eyes of one of these 2nd rate baddies was inventive and there were some suprises I never expected! The art was eye catching and that florescent green was pretty blinding! B+ ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [5] Rich's Revelations by Rich Johnston Here is a monthly feature posted to rec.arts.comics.misc and offered to us for the E-mag by the author, Rich Johnston of Twist & Shout Comics. Look for his upcoming book _X-FLies_ ! (that's not a typo) Subject [INDUSTRY] Rich's Revelations: Lies, Damn Lies, And Statistics Date Tue, 05 Sep 95 02:38:00 GMT Rich's Revelations- Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics A monthly column collating news, rumours and other bits Lies- (probably true. Reported as news stories, or from creator interviews) Windsor Smith's new series Young Gods, Paradox Man and Freebooters will be published by Dark Horse and created by Windsor-Smith Studio in New York with in-house colourists, letterers and production assistance. Confirmed inkers and finishers are Alex Bailey, John Floyd and Geof Isherwood, so that all three titles can be produced together. Mike McKone, recently seen drawing Spartan for Image is to take over the art on WildCATS. Apparently the scripts and plots that Alan is writing for Travis are too much for him to handle (ie, 2 inches thick) Babylon 5 has been saved from cancellation as of issue 11, thanks to the concerns of creator Straczynski who wants the comics to play important parts in progressing the story. As a result, the licensing deal has been renegotiated between DC and Babylon 5's owners. As Bryan Talbot leaves Teknophage, he will be replaced by artist supreme Al Davison (Spiral Cage, Minotaur's Tale, Tainted. Talbot will be working on Luther Awkwright II. Damn Lies- (rumours from rumour columns of dealer chit-chat. Take them with as much salt as you like) Chris Bachalo has actually left Generation X permanently and crossed over to Wildstorm to take over Gen 13! Tony Stark and Iron Man are the next the receive the Marvel mix up treatment. Writer, Terry Kavanagh is to reveal that Tony Stark never was iron Man, and we've had a life-like android posing as Stark since the very beginning in Korea. This Life Model Decoy with Tony's brain waves will then go up against the real Tony Stark coming out of suspended animation for control of his company and the armour. Statistics- The Capital list for July 1995 complied by reported numbers from retailers. [Editor's Note: The Diamond listing can be found later on in this e-mag! --Ry] 1 X-Men 44 2 Uncanny X-Men 324 3 Wolverine/Gambit 1 4 Wolverine 92 5 Spawn 34 6 Generation X 7 7 Gen 13 4 8 X-Force 45 9 X-Man 7 10 Spawn: Blood Feud 2 11 X-Factor 114 12 Cyblade/Shi 1 13 Cable 23 14 Wolverine '95 1 15 Excalibur 89 16 Spider-man Omega 17 Wizard 48 18 Amazing Spider-man 405 19 Shi: Senryaku 1 20 Spec Spider-man 227 21 Dawn 1 22 Spider-man 62 23 Sovereign Seven 2 24 Web Spider-man 128 25 WildCATS 22 26 Superman vs Aliens 3 27 Untold Tales of Spider-man 1 28 X-Files 7 29 Wetworks 9 30 Star Wars: X-Wing 1 31 Hulk 433 32 Violator/Badrock 3 33 Superman 104 34 Batman 522 35 Action Comics 713 36 Adventures of Superman 527 37 Superman: Man of Steel 48 38 Ballistoc 1 39 Venom 1 40 Spec Spider-man Super Size 1 41 Wonder Woman 101 42 Detective Comics 689 43 Nightwing 1 44 Grifter 3 45 Spider-man Lost Years 2 46 X-Men 2099 24 47 Avenger: The Crossing 48 Spider-man Unlimited 10 49 Team 1: WildCATS 1 50 Team 7: Objective Hell 3 51 Wildstorm Swimsuit 2 52 Cyberforce/Strykeforce 1 53 Legends of the Dark Knight 75 54 Batman: Shadow of the Bat 42 55 Sandman 71 56 Evil Ernie vs Superheroes 1 57 FF 403 58 What If 77 59 Batman Ann 19 60 Star Wars: River of Chaos 3 61 Robin 20 62 Adventures of Superman Annual 7 63 Weapon Zero T-minus 2 64 Spartanm: Warrior Spirit 1 65 Green Lantern 66 66 Team 1: Stormwatch 1 67 Glory 5 68 Azrael 8 69 Avengers 390 70 Backlash 10 71 Double Edge: Alpha 72 Spider-man 2099 35 73 Catwoman 24 74 Fantastic Four Unplugged 1 75 Avengelyne 3 76 Ruins 2 77 Stormwatch 26 78 Prophet Annual 1 79 Batman/Judge Dredd 80 Captain America 443 81 Vengeance of Vampirella 16 82 Voodoo/Zealot 83 Flash 105 84 Silver Surfer 107 85 Operation Knightsrike 3 86 New Warriors 62 87 Superboy 19 89 Ultraforce/Avengers: Prelude 1 90 Lady Rawhide 1 91 Ghost Rider 65 92 Aliens vs Predator War 3 93 Iron Man 319 94 Ghost 4 95 Deathblow 18 96 Aliens/Predator: Deadlist of the Species 12 97 Green Arrow 100 98 Daredevil 344 99 Stormwatch 25 100 Thor 489 This is the news. Happy now? Richard Johnston Twist and Shout Comics have recieved 7000 orders for X-Flies so far... have you reserved yours? ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [6] Animation News by Mike Imboden This from the September Issue of Diamond Dialogue... DC Comics has announced that animated cartoons featuring many of it's most popular super heroes will be packaged as part of the USA Network's "Cartoon Express" series.... The series - which will begin airing Sunday mornings at 7:00am on September 17th as "The Superman Batman Adventures" - will include 130 half hour episodes culled from Hanna-Barbera's "Superfriends" series as well as Filmation's "Aquaman", "Batman and Robin" and "The New Adventures of Superman" cartoons. ********************* Erik Larsen's "Savage Dragon" is set to debut on Saturday, October 21, also on the USA Network. Once the series is rolling, USA plans on airing episodes on both Saturdays and Sundays so if you miss it one week, you can catch it the next on the alternate day. The producers...are viewing the television adventures...as more of a cop show than another superhero program. They are hoping to capture some of the urban grit that makes "NYPD Blue" and other shows popular, while still maintaining the fun of a cartoon and, more importantly, the comic book.... ********************* One of the most eagerly anticipated projects for 1996 is Hanna-Barbera's new series, "The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest"... In this new series, Jonny and his pals have been updated for the 1990s in regards to technology, attitude, and - in some ways - looks. This time around, in order to maintain the sci-fi edge honed by the original show, the producers have developed a plot device involving a virtual reality worl called, appropriately enough, QuestWorld. The full slate of 65 episodes of the new "Jonny Quest" is scheduled to air on TBS, TNT and Cartoon Network in 1996. M!ke ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [7] The CBN APA! by Ed Dukeshire THE CBN APA - The APA for and by the members of the ComicBook Network. -+- CENTRAL MAILER: Ed Dukeshire WHAT IS AN APA? --------------- APA stands for Amateur Press Alliance. It's a magazine produced for and by members. The only way to receive a copy of the APA is to take part in it. Unlike most APAs, the CBN APA has no central subject, any type of comic related subject matter can be used. Members are the only ones that will receive the completed publication. I am playing around with the idea of sending copies to some of the most popular comic company editors and reviewers in the comic industry. THIS SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD WAY TO MINGLE WITH OTHER CREATIVE FOLKS? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Definately! But, it can get costly. The main cost is incurred by XEROXING all the copies of your section. If you have access to free or cheap copier, then it's very cost effective. The most it should cost you if you're getting charged high copying rates (10 cents per page, 20 cents double-sided) is $9.00. Most printers offer a better deal on double-sided copies, usually around 15 cents per page, if that's the case, it'll cost you $6.75 to print everything. HOW DOES IT WORK? ----------------- Each member makes his own little section relating to anything they want. Since CBN caters to all types of comics, everything is allowed, with the small exception of adult related topics. Some of the members are under 18, so we need to keep it clean, no profanity. Each member makes enough copies for all the members, collates, and staples them in the upper left hand corner. Each member mails his or her stack of 'zines to the CENTRAL MAILER. The Central Mailer takes all the 'zines and binds one of each together to make one thick magazine. Which then gets mailed to each member in the APA. HOW IS THE POSTAGE PAID FOR? ---------------------------- When you join, each member sends $5.00 to get their account started. Each month the total amount of the mailing (postage) is divided amongst the membership and deducted from each member's account (guessing around $2.50 per mailing, depending on how many members). When a member notices their account is lower than $3 (an account balance will be published on the inside front cover) they send more money to stay active. HOW OFTEN DOES IT COME OUT? --------------------------- To start off with, we're going to go with a quarterly schedule. If member demand is high enough, I can see us going to a bi-monthly schedule, ultimately, it's up to the members. These are the deadlines: Issue #1: September something Issue #2: November 31st Issue #3: February 31st Issue #4: May 31st Like I said, this could change if we go with a bi-monthly schedule. HOW THICK DO THE SECTIONS ('ZINE) HAVE TO BE? --------------------------------------------- The MINAC (short for MINimum ACtivity) is six pages (3 sheets xeroxed on both sides). Paper size is 8 1/2 x 11, this will be the size of the APA. We may cut this in half if we go to a bi-monthly schedule. Or, we may even cut it in half if the roster list gets very large. CAN IT BE THICKER? ------------------ Sure! The bigger the better! WHAT DO MOST MEMBERS CONTRIBUTE? -------------------------------- Anything that relates to comics or subject matter that interests comic readers. FanFic is popular, sketchbooks, reviews, artwork you've collected from professional artists at conventions, little newsletters commenting on each individual's submission, etc. SOUNDS GREAT! HOW DO I JOIN? ---------------------------- Send $5.00 and 15 stapled and collated 'zines to the Central Mailer, along with your name, address and phone number. Please name your section, think up a wild crazy name if you want. By naming it, it'll give other members a quick way of recogizing who does what. It's always a good idea to have your name and address on your section somewhere (cover, first page, last page, whatever). FIRST SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT ---------------------------- Please write up a cover page telling everyone about yourself, what your interests are, etc. It'll help every member get familiar with each other. This doesn't need to be a book, just a couple paragraphs is fine. ADDRESS INFO ------------ E-mail Ed Dukeshire for more information.. his e-mail address is e.dukeshire@genie.com ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [8] Late Comics Report 9/8/95 by Andrew S. Troth This is the Late Comics Report for the week of September 8, 1995. The three latest items on the list are enclosed in asterisks (*): three for the latest, two for the runner-up, one for third place. Ties apply the same rank to all tied items. New additions to the list are enclosed in these: < >. See below for items that have been removed since last week's list, other cancellations, and the top three late publishers. These comics are LATE: Academy Comics: Altered Realities (Jul) Robotech Clone #5 (Aug) Acclaim Comics: Eternal Warrior #46 (Aug) Samuree #3 (Aug) Turok, Dinosaur Hunter/Shaman's Tears #1 (Apr) Turok, Dinosaur Hunter/Shaman's Tears #2 (May) Turok, Dinosaur Hunter/Shaman's Tears #3 (Jun) Alaffinity: **Greymatter #9 (Dec '94)** Antarctic Press: Collected Silbuster! Vol. 1 (Aug) Gold Digger #24 (Aug) Katmandu #6 (Aug) Tales of the Fehnnik #1 (Aug) Tigers of Terra #14 (Aug) Tigers of Terra Book One TPB (Aug) Aria Press: A Distant Soil #11 (Aug) Caliber Press: Apparition: Visitations (Aug) Inferno #1 (Aug) Kilroy Is Here #3 (Aug) Negative Burn #26 (Aug) Oz #0 (Aug) Raven Chronicles #2 (Aug) Comico: Elementals #1 (Aug) Elementals: Ghost of a Chance GN (Jul) Oblivion #2 (Aug) Cosmic Comics: Death Race 2020 #5 (Aug) Crusade Comics: Shi/Cyblade Special #1 (Aug) Dancing Elephant Press: Kane #10 (Jul) Dark Horse Comics: Star Wars: River of Chaos #3 (Aug 1) DC Comics: Star Trek: The Next Generation Special #3 (Aug 22) Double Diamond Press: Hepcats #13 (Aug) Hepcats #14 (Aug) Dramenon Studios: Raw City #1 (Aug) Drawn & Quarterly: Underwater #4 (Aug) Event Comics: Ash #5 (Aug) Exhibit A Press: Wolff & Byrd #8 (Aug) Fantagraphics Books: Big Mouth #5 (Jun) Crap #8 (Jul) Erotic Art of Reed Waller Expanded Edition (Aug) Human Diastrophism UK Edition (Jan) Jim One-Shot Spectacular: Frank's Real Pa (Aug) Little Nemo Volume 2 SC (Apr) Little Orphan Annie 1935 (Jul) Most Important Thing and Other Stories (May) Naughty Bits #17 (Aug) Omaha Vol. I #5 (Aug) Savage Love #2 (Mar) Wit and Wisdom of Mr. Natural TPB (Jun) Young Hoods in Love (Aug) Zero Zero Sep/Oct (Aug) Zippy Quarterly #11 (Aug) Genesis West Publications: Last of the Viking Heroes: Nidhogger Lives HC (Jun) Professor Om #1 (Aug) Gladstone/Disney: Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck Adventures #20 (Aug) Carl Barks Library Album #44 (Aug) Donald Duck Adventures #34 (Jul) Horse Press: Buzz Buzz Comics Magazine #1 (Jun) Image Comics: Backlash #11 (Aug) Badrock! #3 (May) Ballistic #2 (Aug) Berzerkers #1 (Aug) Bloodstrike: Assassin #3 (Aug) Brigade #22 (Jul) Brigade #23 (Aug) Crypt #1 (Aug) CyberForce/Codename: StrykeForce #2 (Aug) Deadly Duo #3 (Aug) Deathblow #19 (Aug) Extreme 3000 Prelude (Aug) Glory #0 (Aug) Glory #5 (Jul) Glory TPB (Jul) Grifter #4 (Aug) Knightmare #0 (Aug) Knightmare #5 (Jun) Knightmare #6 (Jul) Newmen #17 (Aug) Operation Knightstrike #3 (Jul) Pitt #1/2 (Aug) Pitt #10 (Jun) Prophet Annual #1 (Jul) Ripclaw Special (Aug) Savage Dragon #22 (Aug) Spawn #35 (Aug) Stormwatch #27 (Aug) SuperPatriot: Liberty & Justice #3 (Aug) Supreme #0 (Aug) Supreme #30 (Jul) Team 1: WildCATs #2 (Aug) Team Youngblood #20 (Jul) Team Youngblood #21 (Aug) Violator/Badrock #4 (Aug) Weapon Zero #T-1 (Aug) Wetworks #10 (Aug) WildCATs #23 (Aug) Lady Luck Ltd.: Shades of Gray #9 (Aug) Malibu Comics: ***Edge #4 (Nov '94)*** Metaphysique #4 (Aug) Mortal Kombat Kollection TPB (Jul) Nocturnals #6 (Jul) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Celebrity Series: Rules of Diplomacy #1 (Aug) Marvel Comics: Aladdin #12 (Jul 25) Bizarre #1 (Aug 1) ClanDestine #13 (Aug 22) Doctor Who Poster Magazine #2 (Jan 31) Doctor Who Poster Magazine #3 (Mar 28) Doctor Who Poster Magazine #4 (May 30) Doctor Who Special (Aug 1) Greatest Villains of the Fantastic Four TPB (Apr 25) Little Mermaid #13 (Jul 18) Nocturne #4 (Aug 29) Playback #1 (Jul 4) Playback #2 (Jul 25) Ren & Stimpy Special #6 (Aug 22) Ruins #2 (Jul 18) Spectacular Spider-Man #229 (Aug 29) *Spider-Man Magazine #12 (Jan 17)* Spider-Man: The Lost Years #3 (Aug 22) Tales of the Marvels: Wonder Years #1 (Aug 15) Thunderstrike #24 (Jul 25) Venom-Deathrap: The Vault (May 9) Venom: Sinner Takes All #3 (Aug 29) Web of Spider-Man Super-Size Special #1 (Aug 15) X-Men Archives: Captain Britain #4 (Aug 22) X-Men: Magneto Returns TPB (Aug 22) Maximum Comics Press: Battlestar Galactica #2 (Aug) Law & Order #1 (Aug) Warchild #0 (Jul) Nightwolf Graphics: Troubleshooters Inc. #3 (Aug) Pen & Ink Comics: Wandering Star #9 (Aug) RetroGrafix: Strange Attractors #11 (Aug) Spiderbaby Grafix: Stephen R. Bissette's Tyrant #4 (Apr) Stephen R. Bissette's Tyrant #5 (Jun) Viz Communications: WaRP Graphics: Elfquest: Shards #10 (Aug) Watermark: Billi 99 TPB (Aug) Solstice #2 (Jun) Solstice #3 (Jul) REMOVED from the list since last week: Acclaim Comics: Bar Sinister #4 (May; came out Sep 5) Starslayer: The Director's Cut #8 (May; came out Sep 5) X-O Manowar #54 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Antarctic Press: Gojin #3 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Silbuster #10 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Small-Bodied Ninja High School #6 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Caliber Press: Kabuki Color Gallery (Aug; came out Sep 5) Dark Horse Comics: Agents of Law #6 (Aug 8; came out Sep 5) Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan vs. Predator #1 (Jul 4; cancelled; to be resolicited) Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan vs. Predator #2 (Aug 15; cancelled; to be resolicited) Predator: Race War TPB (Aug 29; came out Sep 5) DC Comics: Tank Girl: The Odyssey #4 (Jul 18; came out Sep 5) Gladstone/Disney: Uncle Scrooge Adventures #35 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Walt Disney Giant #2 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Harris Comics: Vengeance of Vampirella #17 (Aug; came out on time) Image Comics: Bloodpool #1 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Regulators #3 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Spartan: Warrior Spirit #2 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Supreme #29 (Jun; came out Sep 5) King Hell Press: Rare Bit Fiends #13 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Malibu Comics: Ultraverse Year Two (Aug; came out Sep 5) Marvel Comics: Avengers #391 (Aug 29; came out Sep 5) Dr. Strange #82 (Aug 29; came out Sep 5) Iron Man #321 (Aug 29; came out Sep 5) Marvel Swimsuit 1995 (Aug 29; came out Sep 5) New Warriors #64 (Aug 29; came out Sep 5) X-Man '95 (Aug 29; came out Sep 5) Maximum Comics Press: Avengelyne Swimsuit Book (Aug; came out Sep 5) Slave Labor Graphics: Camping With Bigfoot #1 (Aug; came out Sep 5) Johnny the Homicidal Maniac #1 (Aug; came out on time) Slacker Comics #5 (Aug; came out Sep 5) CANCELLED but never appeared on the list before: Dark Horse Comics: Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan vs. Predator #3 (Oct 24; to be resolicited) Mark #1 (Sep; to be resolicited) Mark #2 (Oct; to be resolicited) TOP THREE late publishers, by number of late items: 1. Image Comics: 38 items 2. Marvel Comics: 34 3. Fantagraphics Books: 15 PUBLISHERS covered at present: Aardvark-Vanaheim, Abiogenesis Press, Abstract Studio, Academy Comics Ltd., Acclaim Comics, Alaffinity, Amaze Ink, Animus, Antarctic Press (not including Venus Comics), Argo Press, Aria Press, Astro Comics, Black Eye Productions, Bongo Comics, Caliber Press, Cartoon Books, Claypool Comics, Comico, Coppervale Press (formerly Taliesin Press), Cosmic Comics, CPM Comics, Crusade Comics, Dancing Elephant Press, Dark Horse Comics, DC Comics, Double Diamond Press, Dramenon Studios, Drawn & Quarterly, Dreamwalker, Eddie Campbell Comics, El Capitсn, Event Comics, Exhibit A Press, Fantagraphics Books (not including Eros Comix), Fiasco Comics, Fireman Press, Genesis West Publications, Gladstone/Disney, Hanthercraft, Harris Publications, Horse Press, I Box, Image Comics, King Hell Press, Lady Luck Ltd., Malibu Comics, Mark's Giant Economy Size Comics, Marvel Comics, Maximum Comics Press, Meet Danny Ocean, Milestone Media, New England Comics Press, Nightwolf Graphics, Palliard Press, Patchwork Press, Pen & Ink Comics, Planet Lucy Press, Promethean Studios, Retro Graphix, SCC Entertainment, Slave Labor Graphics, Spiderbaby Grafix, Tekno-Comix, Thinkblots Publications, Topps Comics, Viz Communications, WaRP Graphics, and Watermark. DISCLAIMERS: This is a list of comic books that have *not* arrived in stores as of the date above. When they *will* come out is anyone's guess. Only comics, hardcover and softcover graphic novels, hardcover reprint collections, and trade paperbacks are covered. I will include an additional list of newly cancelled or resolicited items when possible. If you have any information regarding any item on the list, or if you think an item on the list has come out, please contact me. Not all distributors deliver items at the same time. Depending on your retailer and your retailer's distributor, actual on-sale dates may vary. cheers, andrew ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [9] Top 150 Comics by Antarctic Press Courtesy of Antarctic Press: Diamond Sales Figures 9/95 From AP's Matt High MARKET REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1995 (Diamond) The following is a list of the top 150 comics for the month of September 1995. This inform- ation is from the September edition of Diamond Dialogue, published monthly by Diamond Comic Distributors. (Diamond supplies the direct market with all products except those produced by Marvel and related companies). Rank Title Publisher Order Index 1 Spawn #36 Image 239.53 2 Gen 13 #5 Image 216.85 3 Spawn Blood Feud #4 Image 185.92 4 Glory/Avengelyne Image 136.08 5 Avengelyne/Glory #1 Maximum Press 130.01 6 Superman Man of Steel #50 DC 111.59 7 Superman #106 DC 103.94 8 Adventures of Superman #529 DC 101.67 9 Wetworks #11 Image 101.13 10 Batman #524 DC 100.00 11 Action Comics #715 DC 99.37 12 Dawn #2 Sirius 98.02 13 X-Files #9 Topps 97.86 14 Detective Comics #691 DC 91.11 15 Cyberforce #16 Image 86.36 16 Zealot #2 Image 84.10 17 X-Files Comics Digest #1 Topps 83.64 18 Batman Man-Bat #2 DC 82.12 19 Sandman #72 DC 81.38 20 Batman Legends of Dark #77 DC 80.97 21 Batman Shadow of Bat #44 DC 80.04 22 Underworld Unleashed #1 DC 80.04 23 Glory and Friends Bikini #1 Image 79.49 24 Star Wars Tales/Sith #2 Dark Horse 79.34 25 Chaos Quarterly #1 Chaos 79.07 26 Riptide #1 Image 76.56 27 Sovereign Seven #5 DC 74.52 28 Wonder Woman #103 DC 74.40 29 Action Comics Annual #7 DC 73.40 30 Robin #22 DC 73.09 31 Azrael #10 DC 72.65 32 Velocity #1 Image 72.30 33 Grifter #5 Image 71.55 34 Star Wars X-Wing Rogue #3 Dark Horse 71.15 35 Catwoman #26 DC 70.61 36 Green Lantern #68 DC 70.40 37 Nightwing #3 DC 67.97 38 Youngblood Vol. 2 #1 Image 67.44 39 Prophet Vol. 2 #2 Image 66.27 40 Deathblow #20 Image 66.24 41 Superman at Earth's End DC 65.88 42 Superboy #21 DC 65.61 43 Ballistic #3 Image 64.18 44 Glory #6 Image 63.96 45 Backlash #12 Image 63.90 46 Vengeance of Vampirella #18 Harris 63.79 47 Batman Brotherhood of Bat DC 63.52 48 Underworld Unleashed Apokol DC 62.51 49 Stormwatch #28 Image 61.88 50 Maxx #19 Image 61.17 51 Cyberforce Origins #3 Image 59.34 52 Wildstorm #2 Image 59.23 53 Star Wars River of Chaos #4 Dark Horse 57.64 54 Flash #107 DC 54.83 55 Kurt Busiek's Astro City #2 Image 52.62 56 Savage Dragon #23 Image 52.32 57 Chapel Vol. 2 #2 Image 51.80 58 Superboy Annual #2 DC 50.97 59 Ghost #6 Dark Horse 49.10 60 Wildstar #1 Image 48.67 61 Batman and Robin Advent #1 DC 48.33 62 Crypt #2 Image 47.34 63 Aquaman #14 DC 46.47 64 Blood Pool #2 Image 46.36 65 Cyberforce Univ. Srcbk #3 Image 45.61 66 Spartan Warriors Spirit #3 Image 45.57 67 Berzerkers #2 Image 43.57 68 League of Justice #1 DC 41.15 69 Lobo #21 DC 40.08 70 Preachers #8 DC 39.04 71 Legion of Superheroes #74 DC 39.74 72 Lady Rawhide #2 Topps 38.45 73 Justice League America #105 DC 38.37 74 Books of Magic #18 DC 37.94 75 Star Wars Droids #5 Dark Horse 37.49 76 Shotgun Mary #1 reg. ed. Antarctic Press 37.32 77 Impulse #8 DC 36.91 78 Legionnaires #31 DC 36.65 79 New Shadowhawk #3 Image 36.44 80 Brigade #24 Image 36.43 81 Bloodstrike Assassin #4 Image 34.90 82 Steel #21 DC 34.62 83 Power of Shazam #9 DC 34.43 84 Supreme #31 Image 34.37 85 Starman #13 DC 33.89 86 Alliance #2 Image 33.23 87 Star Trek Next Generat. #77 DC 32.65 88 New Gods #2 DC 31.74 89 Green Arrow #102 DC 31.39 90 Newmen #18 Image 31.18 91 Spectre #35 DC 31.00 92 Vanguard Strange Visitor #1 Image 30.41 93 Guy Gardner Warrior #36 DC 29.98 94 Hellblazer #95 DC 29.72 95 New Titans #127 DC 29.41 96 Simpson's Comics #12 Bongo 29.29 97 Hari Kari #0 Blackout 29.23 98 X-O Manowar #55 Acclaim 29.12 99 Spectre Annual #1 DC 29.10 100 Star Trek #77 DC 29.08 101 X-O Manowar #56 Acclaim 28.53 102 Lady Justice #5 Tekno Comix 28.01 103 Evil Ernie Straight to Hell Chaos 27.89 104 Law and Order #2 Maximum Press 27.47 105 Green Arrow Annual #7 DC 27.47 106 Deadly Duo II #4 Image 27.35 107 Extreme Justice #10 DC 27.15 108 Primortals #11 Tekno Comix 27.11 109 Groo #10 Image 26.85 110 Antiquities War - Magic #3 Acclaim 26.26 111 Battlestar Galactica #3 Maximum Press 26.14 112 Goddess #6 DC 26.09 113 Magic - Arabian Nights #2 Acclaim 26.08 114 Magic - Wayfarer #3 Acclaim 26.06 115 Evil Ernie Youth Gone W #1 Chaos 26.01 116 Convocations - Magic #1 Acclaim 25.71 117 Double Impact #4 High Impact 25.52 118 Showcase '95 #11 DC 25.46 119 Species #4 Dark Horse 25.43 120 Hawkman #26 DC 25.35 121 Sandman Mystery Theatre #32 DC 25.34 122 Babylon 5 #10 DC 25.28 123 Justice League Task F. #29 DC 25.21 124 Ghost in the Shell #7 Dark Horse 25.14 125 Showcase '95 #10 DC 25.13 126 Tank Girl Apocalypse #1 DC 24.85 127 Creed #1 Lightning 24.85 128 Super Patriot Liberty #4 Image 24.62 129 I-Bots #2 Tekno Comix 24.31 130 Ray #18 DC 24.46 131 Vertigo Voices / Eaters #1 DC 24.16 132 Egypt #4 DC 24.08 133 Star #4 Image 24.01 134 Godzilla #4 Dark Horse 23.77 135 Verotika #6 Verotik 23.55 136 Invisibles #14 DC 23.52 137 Mr. Hero #11 Tekno Comix 23.10 138 Xander in Lost Universe #2 Tekno Comix 22.47 139 X #18 Dark Horse 22.29 140 Mask #8 Dark Horse 22.11 141 Teknophage #6 Tekno Comix 21.85 142 Mike Danger #5 Tekno Comix 21.79 143 Vigilante City Lights Pr #1 DC 21.66 144 Dark Horse Presents #101 Dark Horse 20.48 145 Rebels '95 #13 DC 20.44 146 Swamp Thing #160 DC 19.83 147 Mars Attacks #2 Topps 19.56 148 Damage #18 DC 19.45 149 Chiaroscuro Private Live #5 DC 19.34 150 Kabuki Circle of Blood #5 Caliber 19.23 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [10] Top Publishers by Antarctic Press Courtesy of Antarctic Press: Diamond Sales Figures 9/95 From AP's Matt High MARKET REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1995 (Diamond) The following is a list of the top 20 comic companies for the month of September 1995. This inform- ation is from the September edition of Diamond Dialogue, published monthly by Diamond Comic Distributors. (Diamond supplies the direct market with all products except those produced by Marvel and related companies). Rank Publisher Dollar Share Unit Share 1 DC 32.93% 35.90% 2 Image 25.21% 28.30% 3 Dark Horse 6.33% 6.12% 4 Acclaim 3.19% 3.53% 5 Topps 2.99% 2.65% 6 Wizard 2.63% 1.56% 7 Maximum Press 2.34% 1.86% 8 Chaos! 2.03% 1.37% 9 Viz Communications 1.41% .90% 10 Tekno Comix 1.35% 1.90% 11 Sirius 1.23% 1.20% 12 Harris .94% .87% 13 Antarctic Press .91% .85% 14 London Night Studios .66% .62% 15 Hamilton .58% .54% 16 Fantagraphics .56% .31% 17 Father Tree Press .56% .63% 18 Dark Fantasy .54% .33% 19 Kitchen Sink Press .46% .12% 20 Lightning Comics .46% .30% Everyone Else 12.69% 10.14% Publisher Top 100 Top 200 Top 300 Top-seller DC 47 81 87 Superman MOS #50 (6) Image 37 42 42 Spawn #36 (1) Dark Horse 5 19 22 Star Wars Sith #2 (24) Acclaim 1 17 17 X-O Manowar #55 (98) Archie 14 Archie #442 (238) Tekno Comix 8 8 Lady Justice #5 (102) Viz 1 8 Ranma 1/2 IV #9 (187) Topps 3 4 5 X-Files #9 (13) Warp Graphics 2 5 EQ Shards #11 (193) London Night 3 4 Poizon #1/2 (151) Antarctic Press 1 1 4 Shotgun Mary #1 (76) Dark Fantasy 1 4 Donna Mia #1dlx (177) Fantagraphics/Eros 4 Hate #20 (205) Express/Entity 4 Nira X #3 (206) Maximum Press 1 3 3 Avengelyne/Gl #1 (5) Chaos! 1 3 3 Chaos Quart #1 (25) Bongo/Zongo 1 1 3 Simpsons #12 (96) Comico 1 3 Elementals #2 (192) Gladstone 3 Unc. Scrooge #295 (203) Russ Cochran 3 Haunt of Fear #13 (235) Mirage 3 Casey Jones #3 (239) CPM Comics 3 Cyber City I #1 (289) Sirius 1 2 2 Dawn #2 (12) Harris 1 2 2 V. Vampirella #18 (46) Verotik 2 2 Verotika #6 (134) High Impact 1 2 Double Impact #4 (118) Caliber 1 2 Kabuki Circle #5 (150) CFD 2 Nightcry #4 (216) Dramenon 2 Dream Wolves #8 (265) Millenium 2 Shock/Monkey #1 (278) Academy Comics 2 Robotech Mech #0 (291) Blackout 1 1 1 Hari Kari #0 (99) Lightning 1 1 Creed #1 (130) Hamilton 1 1 Power Ranger II#3 (181) Aardvark Vanaheim 1 1 Cerebus #198 (196) El Capitan 1 1 Stray Bullets #6 (199) Brainstorm 1 Vamperotica #7 (213) Abstract Studio 1 Strangers in P #7 (214) Blue Comet Press 1 Devils Worksh #1 (215) Adhesive Comics 1 Too Much Coff #4 (227) Twist and Shout 1 X-Flies #1 (234) Mushroom Comics 1 Inner Circle #0.4 (240) Eenieweenie Comics 1 Funnytime Feat #7 (243) Bishop Press 1 Rose and Gunn #1 (254) Aria Press 1 Distant Soil #12 (259) Cosmic Comics 1 DeathRace 2020 #6 (272) Pen and Ink 1 Wandering St. #10 (275) AD Vision 1 Dragon Pink #1 (276) Wizard (promo) 1 Wizard #50 (280) Diamond (promo) 1 Maxx #6 (281) I Box 1 Thieves/Kings #7 (286) AC Comics 1 Femforce Time #1 (290) King Hell Press 1 Rarebit Fiend #14 (292) Lost Cause Prod. 1 Spandex Tights #1 (295) Slave Labor Graphics 1 Replacement G #2 (297) ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [11] Sell-Through Info (final) by Brian Hibbs Once again, I return with a list comparing Diamond distributors sell-in charts, to the sell-through charts. Diamond polls a group of retailers each week on what they sold, on the top 100 comics (plus about a dozen more), as well as top 10 cards, books, and magazines. This chart is for books that with "April 1995" product codes (Shipped between 5/31 and 6/23) The chart reads: "Rank" -- the revised numerical listing of titles "Title" -- self-explanatory "O. Rank" -- the original 1-100 listing of the title "OIN" -- Order Index Number -- an expression of a book's sell-in in terms of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN "ST%" -- sell-Through percentage reported by Diamond "OIN" -- ST% multiplied by the original OIN Also, there are several titles that Diamond did not track/provide numbers for, either due to error, or *incredibly* late shipping -- this skews the new ranking of each succeeding title, obviously....so please take this into account. These missing titles (with their original chart rankings) are: Pitt #10 (19); Ripclaw #4 (41); Glory #4 (46); Prophet v. II #3 (52); Tarzan/Predator #1 (62); Team Youngblood #19 (86); Supreme #29 (87); Knightmare #5 (91); Brigade #21 (95) For sake of Completeness, I've also included some titles Diamond listed, that were below the Top 100. These are identified with an asterix before their names. Huge heaping piles of salt should be taken when looking at these titles, because ANY of the titles before them in placing (for which we have no data) might well have outsold them! Still, I figure incomplete data, is better than *no* data. The point of this exercise is to demonstrate that sell-in often bears NO relationship to sell-through. For example, if the Top 100 title with the lowest OIN (r) number (Magic: Shadow Mage #4) had been ordered *correctly* in the first place, it is equivilant to #192 on the charts, rather than the #75 it originally placed at! One important Technical Note, though: It is not *Always* in a retailers interest to have 100% sell-through. For example, I like to have 25% of my initial Sandman orders left over at the end of the 4-week cycle, because I'll steadily sell them for the next 6 months! Generally speaking, a retailer will need a 90% or better sell-through to be profitable, but not if a book has a steady shelf-life! Rnk Title ORank OIN ST% OIN (r) --- ----- ----- --- --- ------- 1 Uncanny X-Men #323 4 233.8 84.53 197.62 2 X-Men #43 3 241.0 78.51 189.19 3 Gen13 #3 5 221.5 83.00 183.85 4 Spawn #33 2 239.3 76.56 183.17 5 Spawn: Blood Feud #1 1 243.1 71.25 173.19 6 Generation X #6 6 188.0 81.36 152.92 7 X-Man #5 7 175.1 83.48 146.18 8 X-Man #6 8 172.6 75.70 130.68 9 Spidey: Max Clonage Alpha 14 119.7 94.04 112.53 10 Amazing Spider-Man #404 15 113.7 96.00 109.11 11 X-Factor #113 9 149.4 72.55 108.38 12 Cable #22 11 133.1 76.41 101.69 13 Spider-Man #61 18 107.9 92.59 99.89 14 Lady Death II #4 10 135.4 73.63 99.72 15 Web of Spider-Man #127 20 101.2 92.87 94.01 16 Superman vs Aliens #2 16 111.9 83.12 92.99 17 Excalibur #88 13 123.3 72.18 88.98 18 Wildcats #21 17 111.0 76.85 85.30 19 ****Batman #521 22 100.0 82.06 82.06 20 X-Files #6 21 101.0 76.32 77.09 21 Sovereign Seven #2 12 131.1 56.42 73.99 22 Detective #688 28 89.4 82.30 73.57 23 Action #712 25 95.6 76.56 73.19 24 Superman #103 24 98.3 73.02 71.76 25 Sandman #70 34 79.4 86.59 68.77 26 Superman: Man of Steel #47 27 95.1 70.25 66.81 27 Grifter #2 29 87.8 75.02 65.85 28 Adventures of Superman #526 26 95.2 67.84 64.59 29 Azrael #7 38 72.3 89.20 64.51 30 Hulk #432 37 72.4 85.26 61.76 31 Team 7: Obj. Hell #2 30 85.6 71.09 60.87 32 Avengelyne #2 39 71.7 83.09 59.61 33 Batman: Legends of DK #74 32 80.3 73.61 59.13 34 Batman: Shadow of Bat #41 33 79.8 72.47 57.83 35 Robin #19 35 76.1 75.94 57.81 36 Weapon Zero T-minus 3 40 71.5 80.53 57.59 37 X-Files Special Edition #1 36 73.1 78.64 57.45 38 Spider-Man: Lost Years #1 42 70.6 79.40 56.05 39 Cyberforce #15 31 84.2 65.31 55.00 40 Venom Super Sized Special #1 47 66.7 82.40 54.93 41 Stormwatch #24 51 63.2 83.19 52.61 42 Green Lantern #65 50 64.7 81.25 52.56 43 Catwoman #23 49 65.9 78.73 51.91 44 Batman Forever Movie - Prestige 54 60.5 84.53 51.12 45 Violator / Badrock #2 23 98.6 51.85 51.11 46 Nightwing: Alfred's Return 55 59.8 84.80 50.72 47 Vengeance of Vampirella #15 44 69.5 70.42 48.97 48 Maxx #17 59 56.2 85.92 48.29 49 Backlash #9 45 68.4 69.24 47.37 50 Kill Razor Special 65 54.8 85.45 46.82 51 Stormwatch #23 53 61.7 75.24 46.42 52 Superboy #18 58 56.8 81.34 46.18 53 Aliens vs Predator: War #2 71 51.7 86.43 44.66 54 X-Men 2099 #23 48 66.3 65.25 43.24 55 Savage Dragon #20 64 54.8 76.16 41.77 56 Ruins #1 70 52.5 79.15 41.59 57 Spidey 2099 #34 76 50.3 78.28 39.38 58 Avengers #389 82 44.9 87.71 39.36 59 Deadly Duo II #1 78 48.2 80.61 38.84 60 Spidey: Jackal Files 63 54.9 70.29 38.60 61 Ash #4 74 51.0 75.13 38.34 62 Ghost #3 79 47.4 79.08 37.47 63 Batman/Riddler 66 54.6 68.58 37.45 64 Batman/Two Face 68 54.2 68.34 37.03 65 Flash #104 67 54.5 67.18 36.64 66 Star Wars: River of Chaos #2 43 70.4 51.14 35.98 67 Bloodstrike: Assassin #1 61 55.3 65.00 35.95 68 Codename: Stryke Force #14 80 47.1 74.55 35.11 69 What if? #76 96 39.1 89.35 34.94 70 Aquaman #11 89 41.7 83.30 34.74 71 New SHadowhawk #1 60 56.0 59.83 33.53 72 Flash Annual #8 81 45.7 73.05 33.41 73 Beavis & Butt-Head #18 90 41.7 79.89 33.31 74 Captain America #442 93 40.1 81.90 32.80 75 Union #5 84 43.4 73.61 31.91 76 Star Wars: Jabba: Hunger 69 54.1 58.96 31.89 77 Books of Magic #15 98 38.1 83.11 31.62 78 Species #1 97 38.2 81.58 31.18 79 Deathblow #17 73 51.1 59.56 30.41 80 Cybrid #1 85 42.5 70.92 30.14 81 Wonder Woman Annual #4 94 39.9 74.95 29.92 82 Lobo #18 92 41.3 66.57 27.52 83 Justice League America #102 100 36.3 74.61 27.09 84 Operation: Knightstrike #2 56 58.7 45.51 26.69 85 Simpsons #10 *115 32.7 80.88 26.42 86 Daredevil #343 99 36.3 71.52 25.98 87 Star #1 83 43.4 58.73 25.47 88 Lethal Stryke #1 *127 30.6 81.70 24.98 89 Star Wars: Droids #3 88 41.7 53.86 22.47 90 Regulators #1 57 57.2 36.79 21.05 91 MagicTG: Fallen Empires #2 77 50.0 39.37 19.68 92 MagicTG: Ice Age #4 72 51.5 37.50 19.31 93 MagicTG: Shadow Mage #4 75 50.5 37.96 19.16 94 Mighty Morphin' Power Rngrs #2 *168 23.1 75.16 17.35 95 Ranma 1/2 part 4 #6 *235 13.8 85.39 11.78 96 Elfquest: Shards #9 *242 13.3 74.65 9.92 97 Hate #19 *233 13.9 64.63 9.00 Weighted sell-through for the month: 75.49% Brian ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [11] Splash Page оллллнолллллллнолл оллноллн оллн оллллноллн оллн оллнллнолл олнолл оллн оллн оллн оллнллноллл лллн оллн ллнолллллллнолллллн оллллллллн оллн ллноллплпллн оппппнппноппноппн опп оппн оппн оппн оппппнппноппопнппн оллн ллноллн оллнолл оллноллн оллноллн ллноллн оллн пнолп ол он пн п он оллллн оллллллллнолм млноллн оллн оллноллн оллн оллнллнолн плн олл ллн оллн оллн оллноллл лллн оллн ллн пплллмм оллллн оллн оллн оллноллплпллн оппппнппнопм оппн оппн оппн оппноппн оппноппопнппн оллн ллноллллллллн оллн олллллллн оллллллн оллн оллн пн он п он н Haverhill, Massachusetts / (508)-372-2258 / 19.2k Dual Std FidoNet - 1:324/134.0 ComicBookNet - 23:401/1.0 Online Games, File areas for Amiga/IBM/Comics/SciFi, free basic access, Home of the HIGHLANDER, NON-SPORT CARDS and COLLECTABLES echos. Major mail-hub for the ComicBook Net! QWK/BlueWave Door - with scheduling feature, have mail packets generated BEFORE you log on or generated WHILE you play an online game! Global War 2 - Xenolink specific version with landmines, nuclear attacks, difficulty levels, planetary conquest! Hack and Slash - Multi-player role playing game w/spells, weapons, monsters, dungeons, etc.! The ultimate door! -------------------------------------------------------------------- MUTANT MANIA APA THE APA OF THE MUTANTS CENTRAL MAILER: MARY JURY ''''DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 20TH!! ''''LAST CHANCE BEFORE DEADLINE!! The Mutant Mania is a proposed Amateur Press Association publication composed of individual stories, artwork, articles and commentary, formatted and collated by the editors. The first issue deadline is planned as the end of September. WHAT IS AN APA? APA stands for Amateur Press Alliance. Its is a fans magazine for fans and by fans relating to a central subject. What makes APA's unique is the fact that the only way to receive it is to take part in it? HOW DOES IT WORK? Each member makes his own little Fanzine based on the topic (in the case of MM-APA its X-Men and Mutants). They then make enough copies for all the members and collate them and staple them together. Then each member mails his stack to the CENTRAL MAILER. The Central Mailer takes all the members zines collates them together to make one thick magazine. Which he then mails back to each member. HOW IS THE POSTAGE PAID FOR? When they join each member sends $20.00 in to get their account started. Each quarter the total amount of the "mailing cost" is divided among the membership and deducted from each members account. When a member is notified their account is dangerously low they need to send more money to stay active. This will be noted on the inside of the cover page for each member. HOW OFTEN DOES IT COME OUT? First issue is due out the end of September. There after on a quarterly basis. Jan., April, July, October. Contributions being due the month before mailing on the 1st. HOW MANY PAGES DOES IT HAVE TO BE AND HOW OFTEN? The size is called the MINAC (short for MINimum ACtivity). You'll need to send at least one (1) contribution for every two (2) printings. It can be no less than three (3) (8.5 x 11) type written pages. CAN IT BE MORE? Sure the bigger the better! You're paying for it! WHAT DO MOST MEMBERS CONTRIBUTE? Members are free to write as they wish, with minimal editorial oversight. Please do not include any material that could lead to legal difficulties, and keep in mind that it is probable that MM may be distributed over state lines and possibly overseas. Please separate commentary sections from article sections distinctly within your story. Please avoid personal verbal attacks. This is meant to be a friendly sharing of ideas and viewpoints, not a battlefield. Almost anything that relates to X-Men or Mutant kind. Fan Fiction is popular. Write your own X-Men story or create your own characters or artwork. Maybe a sketch that an artist did for you at a Convention. Many do critiques on the other members zine's. This becomes something akin to an ongoing letters page. Reviews and opinions on the current crop of X-titles and of course the TOPICS of THE MAILING! What's THIS "TOPIC OF THE MAILING"? The Topics of The Mailing are designed to get the membership through periods of writers block and give each issue somewhat of a theme. The October MAILING for instance will feature Age of Apacoplyse and open discussion. Members can write their own stories revolving around the X-Men. Let loose their feelings or experiences on Censorship in the comic industry etc etc.(This part is in thanks to the CM of the GOTHIK APA. Thanks Wayne for your help in getting started. Hope you don't mind us borrowing this idea.) Suggestions are welcome. WHAT IF THE TOPIC OF THE MAILING DOESN'T INTEREST US? If you don't want to, then ignore it altogether. Don't even address the topics. Go off on a tangent all your own. Or maybe write a paragraph explaining why you don't respond. Saying something like "I tried X-Men once, I thought it was over written and contrived. So I dumped it...." THIS SOUNDS LIKE A CHEAP WAY TO PARTICIPATE IN FANDOM?... Cheap, NO, it can get costly. The main cost is in COPYING all the pages of your zine. If you have access to free or cheap copying then it's a very cost effective and enjoyable venture. If not, it will probably cost you about 5 bucks to copy a 3 page zine 25 times. IS THERE A WAITING LIST?... NO! If we get more than 25 members we will contact everyone by mail, hopefully in time, to send enough copies. HOW DO I JOIN? You should mail a check or money order in US funds payable to Mary Jury to establish an account. As each issue is mailed the cost of the issue and will be deducted from the account. When the account gets low the amount left will be noted on the inside of the cover page. At that point the member may send more money to continue receiving issues, put their account on hold until some future time, or request to have the balance returned, if the remaining funds in the account total more than $1. Any member whose account is on hold, who fails to use the account or request the return of the balance after a year is presumed to be no longer interested and donated to remain amount to the project at hand. STAFF : The MM is a privately owned APA publication. Current Staff is Mary Jury, Editor, Central Mailer; Jeanne Whistler, Assistant Editor. WHAT ABOUT ALL THAT LEGAL STUFF? COPYRIGHT AND SO ON.... COPYRIGHT: All contributions should be copyrighted by the author. Copyright may be asserted through the following phrase on the first page : Copyright (Your Name) (Date). For artwork it should be the name of the artist and a date when it was drawn. Copyrighted and trademarked material is often discussed and used in the MM. Discussion or use of such material is not intended as a challenge to any copyright or trademark. Permission is granted to all contributing members of the MM to comment on, review, satirize or excerpt from the MM zines within the MM. Members, by contributing to the MM, do not give up their ownership of their writings/artwork. The MM and Mary Jury are, by accepting your story, being given explicit and complete permission by you to reproduce your material in part or in whole within the MM, within promotional works for the MM, within archival collections or anthologies of the MM, or future editions of the MM; these may be in printed or electronic form. Authors, of course, will be properly credited in all derivative works. You may grant, sell or lease your permission to any and all other publications, companies or individuals regarding your own works but cannot repeal your permission to the MM or Mary Jury once your story has seen distribution. Since this is an Amateur publication PLEASE let us know of your success in selling your works. Story authors are also giving permission to the other authors (current or future) within the MM to comment, review, satirize, excerpt or make personal use of all writings published in the MM within their own storys or other derivative works based on the MM. ANTHOLOGIES : It is planned that if the APA is successful periodic anthologies of collected articles from the MM will be gathered and made available at a reasonable cost to members. Mainly the cost of copying and mailing. These will be edited and excerpted, without time-sensitive material, reviews or commentary being included. Any member whose works are chosen for inclusion in an Anthology will receive a free copy of the anthology for the cost of mailing it to them. COMMUNICATIONS : We maintain an internet email presence, currently mary.jury@digcir.cts.com. Mailing address for the MM is : The Mutant Mania C/O Jeanne Whistler P.O. Box 3053 Chula Vista, CA, 91909-3053 We ask that all members provide mailing addresses, and if possible internet email or FIDO netmail accessible addresses. (FILL IN BELOW, PRINT IT OUT AND MAIL IT IN IF INTERESTED) ____________________________________________________________________ MAIL CHECK MADE OUT TO: Mary Jury P.O. Box 3053 Chula Vista, CA 91909-3053 Enclosed please find $_______.00 in personal check for : _____ Mutant Mania MEMBERSHIP ($20.00 US) ' ________ Check/Money Order number CONTACT INFO: YOUR NAME: _____________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ OPTIONAL INTERNET ADDRESS: _____________________________ OPTIONAL FIDONET ADDRESS : _____________________________ PERSONAL CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY, PLEASE! NO CASH!! ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [13] CBN Conference Totals by the Net Admin Team - >> CBN Conference Traffic week of 09/02/95 - 09/08/95 Conference Tot Conference Tot ---------------------------- --- ---------------------------- --- CBN: Image Comics 77 CBN: Fan Fiction 12 CBN: Bullpen 39 CBN: Independents 10 CBN: Movies/TV 37 CBN: Video Games 9 CBN: DC Comics 33 CBN: Editors Office 7 CBN: Electronic Mag 33 CBN: Splash Page 7 CBN: Writers/Artists 30 CBN: Role Playing 6 CBN: Marvel Comics 29 CBN: Toys/Collectibles 6 CBN: Small Press 27 CBN: Dark Horse Comics 5 CBN: Animation 20 CBN: Acclaim Comics 4 CBN: Cards 19 CBN: Fanboy 3 CBN: Comic Issues 16 CBN: SciFi 3 CBN: Back Issue Bin 12 CBN: Manga 1 >> Total Combined: 445 ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Join in the fun! You too can enjoy the intelligent conversations and informative threads that occupy the conferences of the Comic Book Net every day! However, many people who read this e-mag aren't familiar with the Local BBS echo-mail system.... Bulletin Board Systems are scattered everywhere across the USofA, and many of them are free! Chances are, if you have a modem you have the accompanying communications software. Using the Terminal Emulation software that came with your modem, you can dial up one of the many systems linked into CBN (see the listings down a few paragraphs). Most of the boards offer all the message echoes in the Comic Book Network... there are message bases devoted to all the bigger comics publishers, as well as big Small Press and Independent message bases, not to mention sections for general (doesn't even have to be about comics!) conversation. If you are worried about long distance charges, worry no longer! Most if not all the BBS's offer a mail service from which you can download a .QWK packet of recent e-mail to read offline with a program called an offline mail reader. You can read & write messages at your leisure, and then upload your own messages & replies the next time you call your local BBS. There are many .QWK packet readers out there, for every type of computer system. They all give you a better explaination in their documentation than I can. These programs are available all over the Internet and are downloadable from most BBS's. These "mail runs" (dialing up, downloading the mail packet and uploading replies) generally take less than 5 minutes to accomplish, and at the average after-5pm/weekends/holidays long distance phone rates, that is LESS THAN 75›! See? Even less expensive than many of the commercial information services available! :) So what else can you find on free BBS systems? Theres plenty of files for specific types of computers. Some systems also offer other types of message networks ranging from general topics to specific themes like sci-fi, role playing, games, music, etc. And, let's not forget online games. Join into the many different multiplayer games, each system sports different challenges. There's nothing like becoming the most powerful being in a online adventure! And when you _do_ log on, leave a message in The Bullpen conference to ALL, and introduce yourself to us! You're guaranteed to get plenty of replies and all the help you need to join in the fun! Best, --Ry, the editor, with assists from Ed Dukeshire. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BBSes Linked into CBN * Last posted 25-Aug-95 16:31:48 * Posted with permission - Thanks Wayne! +----------------------------+ | The ComicBook Network !! | A message network devoted to Comic +----------------------------+ Fans, Collectors, and Professionals! ---- ---------- ------------- - Over 20 message echoes for your reading enjoyment! - Marvel Comics - DC Comics - Image Comics - Acclaim Comics - Dark Horse Comics - Small Press - Independents - Manga Comics - Comic Issues - Writers/Artists - Toys and Collectables - Cards - Back Issue Bin - Video Games - Bullpen - Fanboy - Animation - TV/Movies - Role Playing Games - Splash Page - SciFi - News, info, reviews, and general conversation with other comic book fans and professionals. - Log onto the systems, check it out and participate. We'd love to have you aboard! - Here's a quick rundown of free access BBSes already linked in! Most offer a QWK/Bluewave door to pack mail and read offline. * = New systems linked in. City St BBS Number City St BBS Number ------------- -- ------------ ------------- -- ------------ Russelville AR 501-968-3910 Hector AR 501-284-5503 Lakeside CA 619-561-2961 Victorville CA 619-955-6445 Destin FL 904-654-9385 Ft. Walton FL 904-244-7434 Eustis FL 904-357-0355 Jacksonville FL 904-363-6347 Melbourne FL 407-253-0782 Melbourne FL 407-253-8754 Tavares FL 904-343-7272 Davenport IA 319-359-4449 Davenport IA 319-381-2906 Palatine IL 708-776-2395 Indianapolis IN 317-856-9020 La Porte IN 219-325-3655 Acushnet MA 508-995-0085 Agawam MA 413-789-6533 Freetown MA 508-763-2027 Haverhill MA 508-372-2258 New Bedford MA 508-984-1212 New Bedford MA 508-984-5321 New Bedford MA 508-994-4687 Rochester MA 508-763-5579 Shrewsbury MA 508-753-3767 S. Dartmouth MA 508-979-8930 Worcester MA 508-791-1281 Worcester MA 508-798-5647 Bishopville MD 410-352-5754 Frederick MD 301-831-8057 Frederick MD 301-698-5194 Gaithersburg MD 301-601-9731 Gaithersburg MD 301-977-0791 Mount Rainier MD 301-779-9381 Walkersville MD 301-898-4088 Dearborn Hgts MI 313-565-8464 Kalamazoo MI 616-349-9438 Durham NC 919-286-4542 Durham NC 919-286-7738 Raliegh NC 919-833-3412 Raliegh NC 919-790-3599 Newton NH 603-382-0338 Hillsdale NJ 201-722-1495 Park Ridge NJ 201-307-9225 Saddle Brook NJ 201-368-1866 Astoria NY 718-204-0159 Poughkeepsie NY 914-485-5463 Saugerties NY 914-247-9601 Spring Valley NY 914-426-3029 West Islip NY 516-422-4225 Collinsville OK 918-371-0980 Oklahoma City OK 405-672-0615 Oklahoma City OK 405-728-7960 Cottage Grove OR 503-942-4561 Brookhaven PA 610-872-0916 Eddystone PA 610-872-2830 Philadelphia PA 215-535-3055 Old San Juan PR 809-721-6512 Union City TN 901-885-9647 Dallas TX 214-680-2755 Garland TX 214-494-3702 Grand Prairie TX 214-641-1136 Houston TX 713-568-0825 Irving TX 214-790-6472 Killeen TX 817-699-2254 Missouri City TX 713-835-0965 Odessa TX 915-530-2712 Waxahachie TX 214-938-7115 Arlington VA 703-415-0134 Longview WA 206-577-7358 Gananoque ONT 613-382-1788 Niagara Fall ONT 905-371-0736 St.Catharine ONT 905-938-1670 St.Catharine ONT 905-988-9698 Tecumseh ONT 519-979-4251 Mexico City MEX 52-5-264-2994 - If you have access to internet mail, you can receive a complete listing of bbs systems linked in. Address your message to ComicBkNet@AOL.COM - Weekly "Comic Book Electronic Magazine" available on all above systems. Also available on AOL - GOTO: SCIENCE FICTION and select Science Fiction Libraries from the main menu. The files are in: ANIME, COMICS, OTHER. If you don't have an account on AOL, check the CompuServe and GEnie libraries, they're uploaded there as well. - Sysops: FREQ the latest information packet using the Magic Filename COMICS from these Fidonet systems; 1:19/37 in AR, 1:324/134 in MA, 1:109/748 in MD, 1:2201/66 in MI ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Comic Book Net E-Mag is published weekly by the many participants of The Comic Book Network. This is a compilation of articles and columns which were originally posted in the network's conferences or written specifically for this electronic magazine. All text contained within are copyrighted to the originating author(s). Freely distributable for noncommerical purposes only. THE CBN WEB PAGE ---------------- If you have access to the World Wide Web, please stop by and visit our web page! On our web page, you can find the latest issue of our E-Mag, as well as an annotated index of back issues. You'll also find important information on how to join the conversation in the Comic Book Net, an archive of Comic Book Net fanfic, and other neat features! The URL address is: http://www.cris.com/~Xenozoid/ComicBkNet.html LOCATING THE ISSUES ------------------- The latest issue is always available from all the systems linked into The Comic Book Network. Issues may be obtained through several online pay services as well (ie; AOL, CompuServe, GEnie). All back issues should be available at the above sites, as well as our World Wide Web page. SUBMISSIONS ----------- To submit an article, review, column, etc to our e-mag, simply post it in any Comic Book Net conference and leave me a message in the CBN: E-Mag conference giving me permission to use the article. If you cannot access the Comic Book Net, submit your news articles (no reviews accepted at this time...) to the editor: Xenozoid@cris.com. SUBSCRIPTIONS ------------- If you wish to receive these issues automatically through your internet account, please address a message to Xenozoid@cris.com to be placed on the subscription list. ________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - End of Issue #26.. see ya next week!