Files included; CMI.TXT ARTICLE1.TXT AUS-VER2.TXT USA-VER2.TXT THE CORNISH MINING INDEX 27th August 1995 Compiled by Ian Richards The associated file named CMI.TXT represents a partial transcript of the Cornish Mining Index, which currently stands at approximately 14,000 entries. This file is in Tab delimited format and can be imported into any word processor, spreadsheet or database for viewing and searching. However the data available here only represents five fields that will enable you to see if your ancestors are included in the database. If an initial search proves promising, then a complete surname listing is available. The complete range of fields included are; FORENAME SURNAME AGE DOB BIRTHPLACE OCCUPATION STREET OF RESIDENCE TOWN / CENSUS DISTRICT YEAR SOURCE * PLACE OF WORK ADDITIONAL NOTES * For a greater description of the sources used, please refer to ARTICLE1.TXT If you find that any of the entries listed are of interest to you, a complete listing is available directly from the address detailed below. As this is a non profit making venture, and is provided to assist researchers with their individual projects, the charges listed below only cover the administration, postage and other incidental costs incurred. The payments received will help to ensure that the project remains viable and ongoing. CHARGES (Including postage and packing) UK 1 UK Pound per surname OVERSEAS 2 Dollars per surname (NO CHEQUES, paper currency please) N.B. Rates of exchange fluctuate and the above charges may represent better value in one country than another. But in the end this charging structure keeps thing simple and balances itself out. By studying the database file you will be able to see the number of entries likely to be included in the complete listing. However, if the name that you are researching is relatively rare and is consequently short in entries (less than FIVE), then a reduced fee of HALF the normal charge applies. IF YOU WOULD LIKE THE RESULTS TO BE PROVIDED ON DISK, PLEASE STATE YOUR PREFERRED FORMAT AND ADD THE EQUIVALENT CHARGE OF ONE ADDITIONAL SURNAME TO COVER THE COST OF THE DISK. Please address all enquiries to; IAN RICHARDS HIGHER STANBEER HENWOOD LISKEARD CORNWALL PL14 5BH UK email WWW page to be available soon ****************************************************************************** If you have any entries which would be suitable for inclusion to the index these would be greatly appreciated. Submissions should be in the format of the fields listed above. ****************************************************************************** If you wish to duplicate and distribute these files, ALL files listed below must be included. Copyright for all files is retained by I.Richards CMI.TXT ARTICLE1.TXT AUS-VER2.TXT USA-VER2.TXT README.TXT Copyright I.Richards 1995