VIPER Database Engine - Database Creation Utility Copyright (c) - 1995 by Douglas A. Bebber This package contains a VX-REXX project (including EXE) which can be used to create database tables compatible with the VIPER Database Engine (version 1.0.0). The program and source code are free! You may distribute everything unmodified with no restrictions. If you modify the application and project source files, please update this document and the Product Information screen to reflect any changes and the party responsible for the changes. This program was created with WATCOM VX-REXX version 2.1c. You will need to have access to the VROBJ.DLL (version 2.1c) to run the executable. THE AUTHOR ASSUMES NO LIABILITY RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PROGRAM. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Any correspondence with the original author can be conducted via: CompuServe ID: 72123,3661 Internet: