** Playing Cards v1.0 ** The whole deck in PCX format. Numbers, Face cards, Aces, & Jokers. Just edit (if you like), print, and then laminate them for your own special deck. > Created by jama.lucas@canrem.com This is my first set of creative decks. I have already created a 180+ card deck of Animal Guide Cards but will not release these unless I see an interest for them. I will release a special Tarot deck and Animal Playing Cards Deck in the near future. E-mail me if you are interested or have any other ideas. Send me an e-mail if you like them. They are FREEWARE but would appreciate any donation for the purchase of the card deck lamination equipment I need. Enjoyment and edit them (if you dont like my style). I can be reached at my above address until summer 1996 when I will be moving to Western Canada. I am usually found on alt.magic, alt.shaman, alt.pagan, and several Fidonet echos. --------------------------------------------- Jama Lucas Box 327 Borden, Ontario. Canada L0M 1C0 --------------------------------------------- Aug 1995