History of DMXCOM - Money and Health patch for XCOM-UFO Defense. 07/94 - 1st release 08/94 - 2nd release. I re-wrote the patching routine. It seems under certain circumstances (I don't know what these circumstances are, I could only get it to act up twice) the program would behave rather oddly, and would actually reload a saved position from a previously saved position. I added more error checking and can't reproduce this error. It appears that saving a game immediately after healing the soldiers will keep the saved problem from occurring, so after you run the patch, load XCOM and save your game. 08/94-01 - 3rd release. I found out the bug was not in my program, but in X-COM. From what I understand Microprose is working on a fix. This version of DMXCOM has several new features. A menu option is now included so you may choose which feature you would like to patch. Menu options now are: a) Increase your money to $320 million, b) Heal all of your wounded soldiers, c) Max-out your soldiers attributes, and d) All of the above. 08/94-02 - 4th release. Added the option to speed up the production of your base facilities. 09/94 - 5th release. I rewrote some of the code to make it run a little faster. Instead of the program exiting to DOS whenever you select a menu option, you will now be returned to the menu. F10 will exit the program. Added the option to give your 1st base 1000 units of Elerium-115. 09/94-01 - 6th release. Figured out how to break the copy protection scheme. If you have the registered version, F9 will remove the copy protection. 10/94 - 7th release. Did some more code tightening (put redundant tasks in a routine). Added the option to give your 1st base 1000 units of Alien Alloys. Included my name and address in the exiting sequence. Updated my address in the TXT file. 02/95 - 8th release. Released as version 95a (those numbers were getting confusing). Lowered the maximum Strength to 100 units. This was to combat the Microprose bug where the game would not let you throw your grenades if your strength was too high. Also changed the maximum units from 160 to 170 (didn't know they could go that high), and raised the Bravery to 110 units (it's maximum allowed). Added the version number to the menus, and also on the exit screens. Also added a routine that checks for the original date and time of the saved game files, and then sets the files back to this date when the patching is complete. The reason for this change is that while you were patching the files, if your system clock updated it's minutes field, the saved games would be corrupted because all of the files did not have the same date/time. This change will prevent that from happening. 02/95 - 9th release. Released as version 95b. This program is now completely mouse driven. Removed all the keyboard commands. Used routines written by Carlos Diaz (MENUPRG.ZIP) to control the menus and mouse. I made the flying suits option seperate from the max- attributes option. 03/95 - 10th release. Released as version 95c. Added to the exit menu the option to run X-COM from inside the cheat (for registered users only). Added the option under the Base menu to give your 1st base 10 PSI-Amps. 08/95 - 11th release. Released as version 95d. Added code to check the saved game file to see if a battle was taking place. It seems that under some situations, if you run the cheat on a battle mission, it would corrupt your saved game. So now it will not let you. You must be at the Geoscape screen when the cheat is run. If you are not, the cheat will not run. Also added the option to repair your spacecraft if it is damaged. 09/95 - 12th release. Release as version 95e. Changed the code for completing the base facilities. For some reason, the radars did not work correctly when their completion time was set to 0. So now, the radars are reduced to 1 day from completion. So when you run the base facilities cheat, everything but the radars will be completed immediately. The radars will have one more day remaining until completion. This seems to fix the problem. Also added the capability for users to register on the spot. Also updated my address in the program and text files.