Disc-Organize is shareware, or "try before you buy". If you use it for more than 30 days, you should register. The registration fee is $20.00 (U.S.); by sending a check for the $20.00 fee plus $4.00 shipping and handling, you will get: (a) A registered copy of Disc-Organize; (b) Registered copies of the other FAKEM.OUT screen savers - a fake text search utility, a fake database export utility, and "DO-NOTHING", a screen saver which simply locks your screen in whatever state it's in. (c) Notices about future versions of FAKEM.OUT. This is important as each release will feature a different screen saver as shareware, so only registered users will have access to future versions of Disc-Organize. (d) 90 days of support via email or U.S. mail. A registration number is required to receive replies.