GBSETUP (SETUP.EXE) by Gordon Bamber (c)1995 ============================================ PURPOSE ======= This file is intended to be a replacement for the Microsoft-supplied SETUP.EXE that comes with their excellent VISUAL BASIC(tm) V2.0 and V3.0 products. As VB4 has not been released at the time of writing (Aug1995) I have no idea of its useability with VB4. SETUP.EXE will copy the files in SETUP.LST to the users SYSTEM directory, and then run SETUP1.EXE, passing it the current drive as a parameter. Multi-disk installations are supported. It can be used as a direct replacement for the supplied SETUP.EXE with no modifications. (see SETUP.INI) DISTRIBUTION AND LICENSE ======================== SETUP.EXE was written from scratch in Turbo Pascal V1.5, and is entirely original code. As such, it is copyright material. SETUP.EXE is distributed FREE of royalties or charge by the author (Gordon Bamber) under the following conditions: 1) Source code is not available or distributable. 2) Version information in SETUP.EXE remains untouched. 3) The author accepts no responsibility in its use or misuse. 4) Copyright remains with the author. DIFFERENCES FROM MS SETUP.EXE ============================= 1) Size. This version is approx 4KB smaller. 2) Speed under the Windows 95 operating system. When using tyhe Add/Remove Programs applet in Windows 95, the MS SETUP.EXE takes an inordinate amount of time to initialise, and gives the impression of a locked-up system. This SETUP.EXE is slightly faster. 3) Copying time. If the items on SETUP.LST are already present in the target \SYSTEM directory, then they can optionally be skipped, thus speeding up the bootstrap process considerably. (especially when testing/debugging under development) 4) Configurability. You can put your own caption on the SETUP.EXE title-bar. SETUP.EXE can optionally use a configuration file SETUP.INI for this. The format of SETUP.INI is below; choices are in square brackets. If a keyword is absent, a default is chosen. SETUP.INI would be on the same disk as SETUP.EXE Format of SETUP.INI =================== SETUP.INI has only one section, and nine keywords. [SETUP] ForceCompatible=[yes/no][true/false][0/1][0/-1] AlwaysOverwrite=[yes/no][true/false][0/1][0/-1] Quick=[yes/no][true/false][0/1][0/-1] Caption=[no][false][0][Your Caption Text] Message=[no][false][0][Your initial message] SETUP1.EXE=[SETUP1.EXE][Your alternative to SETUP1.EXE] DateFile=[GBSETUP.DAT][Your alternative to GBSETUP.DAT] WindowWidth=[300][Width in pixels] WindowHeight=[200][Height in pixels] ***************** PLEASE NOTE ********************* If SETUP.INI is absent, then the following defaults are set. No error is triggered. Note that ForceCompatible will make GB SETUP act like MS SETUP always did.. ForceCompatible=yes AlwaysOverwrite=yes Quick=yes Caption=SETUP V1.00 Message=Please wait. Initialising... SETUP1.EXE=SETUP1.EXE WindowWidth=300 WindowHeight=200 DateFile=GBSETUP.DAT *************************************************** KEYWORDS ======== ForceCompatible= If yes then all additional features of GBSETUP are turned off, and GB SETUP mimics MS SETUP. The default of =no is optimum for normal use. AlwaysOverwrite= If no, then if the target file is present on the users machine, then it is not recopied. This includes VBRUN300.DLL N.B. DDEML.DLL and VER.DLL are never overwritten if they are in use. The SETUP1.EXE file is always copied over. The default of =no is the optimum for normal use. Quick= If no, then messages are displayed for a minimum of one second. For developer testing, =yes is best. Caption= This is displayed on the title bar of SETUP. If =n0 then the caption is 'SETUP V1.00' Message= This is displayed in the window when SETUP starts. If =no then the default is 'Please wait. Initialising...' SETUP1.EXE= This is the program that SETUP chains to, passing the driveletter as a parameter. You may want to change the name of yout VB program. If you rename it using DOS, then it is expanded to \SYSTEM\SETUP1.EXE. The default is =SETUP.EXE WindowWidth= WindowHeight= This is expressed in pixels. The default is Width=300, Height=200 Datefile= SETUP creates a small ASCII file on the users \SYSTEM directory. It is 8 characters long. Characters 1 and 2 (range 01-99) is an installcounter. Each time the user runs SETUP, it is incremented by 1. Characters 3,4,5,6,7 and 8 are the users system date in the format YYMMDD (ie. 950817 = 17th August 1995) When the installcounter is incremented, this date is untouched. Your VB Setup program can therefore use this DATEFILE to gain information about: 1) When was the original (first) installation? 2) How many times has it been re-installed? The default is 'GBSETUP.DAT' REVISION HISTORY ================ 08/08/95 Birth/Creation 08/08/95 First public release. 15/08/95 Bugfix. Current Directory problem fixed. 16/08/95 New keywords added. 17/08/95 Bugfix. SETUP.LST read problem fixed. ================ Gordon Bamber 16th August 1995