HEXEN: Beyond Heretic Screenshots created Aug. 31, 1995 It's getting very close to release! HEXEN will be released on October 30th, Devil's Night. Here are 9 screenshots, all in PCX format. They are: HEXEN1.PCX: A shot of the Fighter character's sword, Quietus. Pretty much kills everything in one slice. HEXEN2.PCX: This is the Mage character's hands conjuring the Frost Shards spell. HEXEN3.PCX: This is the Cleric character conjuring the Firestorm spell in a place called Darkmere. HEXEN4.PCX: A Dark Bishop is attacking the Mage, who is about to deal some death with Bloodscourge. HEXEN5.PCX: The Mage is launching the Arc of Death at a Dark Bishop. HEXEN6.PCX: In the menu system, you choose your character by examining his stats. HEXEN7.PCX: There's a Stalker blasting out of the swamp! Give him a taste of the Hammer of Retribution! HEXEN8.PCX: A multiplayer shot, you are the Mage about to attack two Chaos Serpents (which D'Sparil rode in Heretic) that are focusing on the Warrior buddy of yours. HEXEN9.PCX: Here comes the Ettin! Give him a taste of your Sapphire Wand. Well, there you are. As you can see, HEXEN is a bit darker than Heretic was with a broader multiplayer scope by including multiple character classes. The characters are larger and easier to see in multiplayer mode than they were in Heretic and the enemies are much, much cooler. Remember Devil's Night, October 30th! John Romero id Software, inc.