Welcome to Hunter/Killer! You'll never see your hard drive the same! You have: HK.EXE ....Hunter/Killer File Terminator v.0a ShareWare HK.HLP ....Windows HelpScreen "A hypermanual" *.ICO ....Icon file for Windows, PowerMac, NUKE.BAT and *.HK files HK.BMP/PGX.BMP ....Button Bitmap for MicroSoft Office .\MS-BTTNS & my Card! WHAT TO DO: 1) Run HK.EXE (/? for initial help) if you have only EGA, type HK -v3 2) Use the default Preferences OR Play with them. [F1] for help. 3) Begin Hunting at C:\ (default) 4) Hunt for *.* (default) 5) Watch your hard drive's TreeStructure unfold before your eyes... 6) At the BarGraph, use arrowkeys to see who's eating up your DiskSpace! >>>You have a DropDown Menu System if you press ALT or 2nd Mouse Button!<<< HOW TO DELETE FILES: 1) Arrow the Selection Bar to an UN-desired file 2) Press ALT, Pick KILL.Enable (note the 'Destruct Sequencer at lower right) 4) Pick FILE.Delete, POOF! Continue on one file at a time... How to RECYCLE files: 1) Arrow the Selection Bar to a Recycleable file 2) Press ALT, Pick KILL.Enable 4) Pick FILE.RECYCLE Beep! It's in \Recycle or Recycle Dir shown in Preferences 5) Exit HK and take a closer look at the \RECYCLE Directory & do what you want! (c)'94-95 ParaGraphics, A Synergy of Words & Images, PO 3022, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 $10 ShareWare! FEEDBACK: 74361.1514@compuserve.com or MVVK15E@prodigy.com